What Game? UConn/Baylor? It's tomorrow (Sunday) night.
I have been so excited about the game,I thought it was Sunday I got home at 800 PM EST and after reading the thread on evaluation
and posting! I was ready for the game
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could not believe ESPN was showing a football game WTF
I was looking on ESPN3 and could not understand
what it was showing and indicating FRI night
I thought my computer was screwed up,when gametracker on official site was not showing the game?????? Why was everything on my computer showing FRI NIGHT???? How come on this site I was NOT seeing ANYONE doing a thread
on the game
I posted for help as to why the game wasn't showing up
Well,duh,that is because today is FRI and the game is SUN
ROTFLMAO I did get responses which explained how spaced out I was
A funny side note, Olde's response said the game was tomorrow nite SUN
Well I appreciate your response and LOL that you were off since tomorrow is SAT
Well I am thankful I have not missed it
The thread<evaluation> by doggy was as always excellent as were the responses
I am very thankful the game was not tonite as I was worried about the outcome LMAO
More time to discuss the players etal for 2 more days
2 more days for the team to practice and prepare for what I hope is a sign of a victory