I used to love autumn - changing leaves, cool nights/warm days - great hiking/camping weather, college football, etc. etc. And then it all got ruined for me for one reason: pumpkin spice.
I owned a coffeehouse for seven years. When we started we did all the flavored coffee BS. That lasted six months until the smell became too much to deal with. Hazelnut, Snickerdoodle, and especially pumpkin spice gave me headaches and nausea. We had to replace storage drawers because we couldn't get rid of the smell. And of course, had to spend hundreds on new coffee grinders because you couldn't get rid of that stink.
Then when I moved into coffee roasting, the guy I was partnering with had a coffee flavoring set up in an area away from the main roasters, but not far enough away to not smell that crap. I started reading about the process and learned that it's freaking toxic over time (as is popcorn "butter" flavoring, but that's a different topic). People in those jobs often get very sick, sometimes die. So I have, to best of my ability, eliminated chemical flavorings from everything where I have that option.
Black coffee all the way, unless I'm pouring booze into it.