Yep, a big fan...
There was a justifiably complaint-filled thread mid-season last year about the team's low BB IQ, and the inability to hang on and/or close out games. It focused on wondering who was the team's leader/smartest player, or something close to that. There weren't really any good nominees, and that was a scary and sobering collective recognition.
I lacked to courage to offer Whaley except for in-game txts to my sister and an hedged half-suggestion that focused on his engagement, encouragement of teammates, and lack of dumb mistakes. This was a few games before his performance slowly than dramatically improved, and closed the season 'reliably.'
I wondered before this season if it would 'stick.' So far, the answer seems to be a solid yes. I've never seen anything like it in many decades of watching Husky basketball.
As a freshman, he shot terribly. As a sophomore, he seemingly deserved to be buried on the bench, and I was surprised he returned for his Junior year. But more than anything else, I recall a quote from him in one of the very first articles posted after the announcement that he was coming to UConn. He was completely enthused about coming to play for "a program like UConn," and he used language that suggested that he was completely unaware that things had dropped off so far, as though he had no idea that if the UConn that had suffered mass defections and such were any good, he would never have been considered for recruitment.
And here we are: UConn is in clear movement toward again being the program his (then) delusional-sounding comment was describing AND he is a meaningful part of why this is so.
May he continue to play well and grow and inspire.