Week 10 AAC Coaches Teleconference: Bob Diaco | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Week 10 AAC Coaches Teleconference: Bob Diaco

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Aug 28, 2011
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So HCBD is surprised that he has a developmental offensive system after he chose to hire two inexperienced OCs? Yikes.

This is really happening to us folks... and it's disturbing... upsetting to be honest... If you don't know you get a guy in here that does know , no? You wanna lead, but don't know how to you hire a guy to put by your side that can help get you there, not your homeboy's brother... smh....
Aug 27, 2011
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At the end of the day he had a chance to set his program up and sail this ship straight. I could have accepted Verducci coming in to replace Cummings as OL coach and even being named running game coordinator like he was at UF and ND. Coaching the OL is where he has made his name. Then bring in a guy who was a quality OC and QB coach. But instead he stayed with-in his comfort zone and made what we all in the back of our minds knew was a horrific hire at OC. Now he needs to not just jettison 1 guy...he needs to jettison 3 (Verducci, Cummings, and Lineburg) all the while trying to salvage his job. Can he do it...only time will tell. Tom Coughlin was able to change his ways and it lead him to a Suer Bowl title with the Giants. I'm not too sure Diaco is willing to budge from his "principals" like TC did though. If he doesn't change that will become the telling answer to whether he ever gets another shot at a head coaching job again if he is fired here more than anything else. Perfect example of this is Will Muschamp.
Aug 26, 2011
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Diaco can't even be consistent. Now he wants to score points?


Aug 26, 2011
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It's all risk aversion and rah rah bias (i.e. He worked with them coming up the ranks so they must be good.) And if it works out - great. You showed us. You were smarter than the average bear by staying within your circle of trust.

When it doesn't work out, don't be surprised at the strong criticism.
Oct 28, 2014
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You are on a pretty lonely raft on this board if you think Sherriffs is a good QB. But you already know that!

indeed. but you can't say he sucked on that last Navy drive either.
Aug 27, 2011
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indeed. but you can't say he sucked on that last Navy drive either.
Keep on bringing up that Navy game @politics...you aren't going to change my mind one bit...because I know the game of football, watch any game I can and have seen the same act week in and week out from my seats at Rentschler and on my tv when they are away. He is a avg to below avg QB who Dave Doren made the right decision on when he told him he was being moved to fullback.
Oct 28, 2014
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Keep on bringing up that Navy game @politics...you aren't going to change my mind one bit...because I know the game of football, watch any game I can and have seen the same act week in and week out from my seats at Rentschler and on my tv when they are away. He is a avg to below avg QB who Dave Doren made the right decision on when he told him he was being moved to fullback.

I'm going to bet that we both know the game equally. We just have a different perspective on this. My perspective is I've seen what's followed Orlovsky, and Shirreffs is in the top 2-3 since Dan O. Give Shirreffs a competent OC and OL coach and he becomes a much better player.
Aug 27, 2011
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I'm going to bet that we both know the game equally. We just have a different perspective on this. My perspective is I've seen what's followed Orlovsky, and Shirreffs is in the top 2-3 since Dan O. Give Shirreffs a competent OC and OL coach and he becomes a much better player.
There is no way a good OL or a competent OC is going to help him read through his progressions. This is where you are blinded...he can't do it. If he could he would still be at NC State in the mix to play QB there. The ONLY thing a good OL would do is give him more time to throw picks. And by the way saying that about him in the QB pecking order here since Dan O moved on the the NFL just highlights how bad Edsall and Pasqualoni were at judging QB talent. Jury on Diaco is out until Williams its the field..BUT wth the move of Davis to position it doesn't look too promising so far.
Oct 28, 2014
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There is no way a good OL or a competent OC is going to help him read through his progressions. This is where you are blinded...he can't do it. If he could he would still be at NC State in the mix to play QB there. The ONLY thing a good OL would do is give him more time to throw picks. And by the way saying that about him in the QB pecking order here since Dan O moved on the the NFL just highlights how bad Edsall and Pasqualoni were at judging QB talent. Jury on Diaco is out until Williams its the field..BUT wth the move of Davis to position it doesn't look too promising so far.

Maybe if they targeted Davis and other TEs more UConn wouldn't be in this mess


Previously pnete
Oct 15, 2014
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UConn lost to some team named ECU by 40 points. Not Ohio St., not Alabama, not Florida.
Is there anything else that needs saying?
Aug 26, 2011
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indeed. but you can't say he sucked on that last Navy drive either.


99.9% of the board has stipulated that the Navy loss was 99% due to a coaching cluster. Ya can't keep beating that drum. It was a very nice series by BS (and the staff who called the plays up until the end of the set of downs). It was one drive.
Aug 27, 2011
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Maybe if they targeted Davis and other TEs more UConn wouldn't be in this mess
You just showed your ignorance in the game and why BS isn't a good college QB with this post. Maybe you should go to youtube and google and research QB route progressions and what happens when a QB can't do that or better yet what happens when he locks on to receivers and forces throws. You are hereby named chairman of the BS Fan Club! Have a nice day!

Exit 4

This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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Maybe if they targeted Davis and other TEs more UConn wouldn't be in this mess

Indications from the coaching staff and BS himself is that he has elected to run on called pass players rather frequently, especially in the first four games of the season. He is shifty, but the abuse he has taken has already costed him a gear, he is less elusive today than at the start of the season.

While he often doesn't get a clean pocket, he has a clean pocket many times in the past 4 weeks sans the ECU game. In those moments I saw someone who continued to struggle to throw a catchable ball. His deep throws lack loft, his short throws are sometimes difficult to handle and most of all, his release is slow, requiring a wind up and two feet firmly planted. There is also the issue of missing open receivers by failing to get to the second or third read. And needless to say he has accuracy issues.

BS is a whale of a player in terms of toughness and I think with an all star Oline and a better D he could QB a winning season. However - we have seen his ceiling and with this team having so many weaknesses, we need our QB play to elevate a couple more notches to overcome the other problems.

Here's another way to look at it, aside from Maine (and that kid had an arm), has any team had a QB not better than ours?
Oct 28, 2014
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Indications from the coaching staff and BS himself is that he has elected to run on called pass players rather frequently, especially in the first four games of the season.

I think self-preservation might have had something to do with that. If UConn had QB with a cannon for an arm but was immobile it would top the 'sacks allowed' chart.
Oct 28, 2014
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You just showed your ignorance in the game and why BS isn't a good college QB with this post. Maybe you should go to youtube and google and research QB route progressions and what happens when a QB can't do that or better yet what happens when he locks on to receivers and forces throws. You are hereby named chairman of the BS Fan Club! Have a nice day!

OK FD easy on the 'ignorance of the game' crap. You don't need to show me your football credentials and I sure as hell don't need to show you mine. Unless you played and coached at the D-I level gonna bet we're on the same level.
Aug 26, 2011
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I think self-preservation might have had something to do with that. If UConn had QB with a cannon for an arm but was immobile it would top the 'sacks allowed' chart.

UConn is #109 in "sacks allowed" as of last week...;)
Aug 27, 2011
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OK FD easy on the 'ignorance of the game' crap. You don't need to show me your football credentials and I sure as hell don't need to show you mine. Unless you played and coached at the D-I level gonna bet we're on the same level.
When I throw my theories of of guys that did both and they back them up 100% that's all I need to know. Nice reply to @Exit 4 's EXCELLENT post. As I said before I'm making you the chairman of the BS fan club...as you certainly don't live in the cold hard reality in terms of our QB play.
Aug 29, 2011
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I'm going to bet that we both know the game equally. We just have a different perspective on this. My perspective is I've seen what's followed Orlovsky, and Shirreffs is in the top 2-3 since Dan O. Give Shirreffs a competent OC and OL coach and he becomes a much better player.
I kind of agree with this. Look nobody thinks he is Tom Brady. But in the right system with an average Oline he would be fine. He has looked fine in several late game situations. Navy for sure. Another case of bizzare coaching was last season at Missouri where he drove the team into range for the tying field goal only to have the brilliant coach call a fake. He drove for the winning score against Viginia late too. Again he isn't Tom Brady but when he is put in position to be successful he has been fine. The problem is as much the team around him. He isn't good enough to elevate a bad team to mediocre never mind good. But on a component offense he would be a solid guy. Put him on an Edsall team and he is Tyler Lorenzen with a better passing game.
Aug 27, 2011
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I kind of agree with this. Look nobody thinks he is Tom Brady. But in the right system with an average Oline he would be fine. He has looked fine in several late game situations. Navy for sure. Another case of bizzare coaching was last season at Missouri where he drove the team into range for the tying field goal only to have the brilliant coach call a fake. He drove for the winning score against Viginia late too. Again he isn't Tom Brady but when he is put in position to be successful he has been fine. The problem is as much the team around him. He isn't good enough to elevate a bad team to mediocre never mind good. But on a component offense he would be a solid guy. Put him on an Edsall team and he is Tyler Lorenzen with a better passing game.
For this team to make the next jump it needed improved decision making/play from the QB position and improvement form the OL. BS has regressed, the OL has had spots where they have looked good but have mostly been the same. End of the day that's what was needed for this program to win 7-10 games. It hasn't happened. But don't sit there and say of this or that....he has tabled off in his development. If this want his ceiling I am going to again beat this dead horse one more time..Dave Doren wouldn't have tried to move him to fullback and he would still be at NC State. Because at the end of the day he left there not because of lack of playing time but because he wanted to continue playing QB. If you wanted to put him in the ideal offense they should line up in the wishbone and let him run the ball as much as possible.
Aug 26, 2011
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that's the point medic. . .they'd go from 109th to 128th. Don't think I needed to say "they'd bottom"

The spread from where UConn sits and the bottom is not that large - a bunch of schools within 1-2 of each other. I do agree that a lot of those no gain/1 yd rushes could have been sacks if BS did't tuck and run.

Exit 4

This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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I kind of agree with this. Look nobody thinks he is Tom Brady. But in the right system with an average Oline he would be fine. He has looked fine in several late game situations. Navy for sure. Another case of bizzare coaching was last season at Missouri where he drove the team into range for the tying field goal only to have the brilliant coach call a fake. He drove for the winning score against Viginia late too. Again he isn't Tom Brady but when he is put in position to be successful he has been fine. The problem is as much the team around him. He isn't good enough to elevate a bad team to mediocre never mind good. But on a component offense he would be a solid guy. Put him on an Edsall team and he is Tyler Lorenzen with a better passing game.

But how many games has he been best QB on the field, even after adjusting for our OL? Better than Worth at Navy perhaps and the kid in Maine, anyone else?


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Is he trying to get fired?
Well it is worth what an extra $2 million if he can make it happen by year end.
Oct 28, 2014
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BS has regressed, the OL has had spots where they have looked good but have mostly been the same.

I think we both agree on the O line part. One of the great mysteries (well maybe not) of the Post-Edsall era is how the line went from a strength (UConn among top rushing teams, among best in pass protection) to a weakness. For years on this board there was a debate about how either Edsall's O line recruiting dropped off horribly or DeLeone was a horrible line coach who tried to fit his scheme (zone blocking) with talent not suited to it. Myself, I think we're suffering from post-DeLeone system. Now add Verducci and his old school ideas (especially on third and short) and we're six years into poor OL coaching/philosophies
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