Week 10 AAC Coaches Teleconference: Bob Diaco | The Boneyard

Week 10 AAC Coaches Teleconference: Bob Diaco

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Mora excited than before.
Sep 6, 2011
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Why did I read that? What an idiot I am.
The three phases...two of them were so much better last week? Puke.

"we tactically changed some things in the three phases in our weekly management piece and it showed an uptick. So now this week there are things to identify and get corrected, that's where we are going. We do it the right way, with care, respect, everybody treats everyone with respect, care and love."

Showed an uptick? A 41-3 uptick? Respect, care and love just aren't cutting it any more, Bob.

Still ZERO accountability for the Navy debacle. Zero. Point. Zero.

"I wasn't anticipating a developmental quarterback position or a developmental offensive system and tactical attack. The three things combined left the ball one play and 6-inches short at Navy. Had that circumstance ended differently, I think we'd be having a different conversation."

Oh, those were the problems. Not a developmental head coach who admittedly didn't even know what down the team was playing.
Sep 17, 2011
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There is an old adage that you can't let the same team beat you two weeks in a row. Why he is even talking about Navy? It shows me that he is letting every loss build upon the one prior. Navy has now beat him at least 3 times.

Someone posted a Captain Queeg photo the other day. That is what he has become.
Oct 28, 2014
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"I wasn't anticipating a developmental quarterback position or a developmental offensive system and tactical attack. The three things combined left the ball one play and 6-inches short at Navy. Had that circumstance ended differently, I think we'd be having a different conversation."

Man, I don't know who got thrown under the bus harder today, Huma Abedin or Shirreffs. I don't want to get into the BS sucks debate again but keeping things strictly to the final freaking drive at Navy the "developmental" quarterback got him from the UConn 20 to the Navy 1 in 2 minutes before Diaco/Verducci screwed it up.

And enough with the business/coaching jargon Bob. Ugh
Aug 29, 2015
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Man, I don't know who got thrown under the bus harder today, Huma Abedin or Shirreffs. I don't want to get into the BS sucks debate again but keeping things strictly to the final freaking drive at Navy the "developmental" quarterback got him from the UConn 20 to the Navy 1 in 2 minutes before Diaco/Verducci screwed it up.

And enough with the business/coaching jargon Bob. Ugh

I love that he related the Navy game to having a "developmental QB" - it was Shirreffs best game of his career.


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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Love is all you need!
Nov 2, 2011
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"A major emphasis was on the defense and they really responded. For the lions share, they honestly played well enough to have the team have an opportunity to win the game."

That's hysterical....really, Bob??? It was the biggest margin of defeat this team has had all year. You're praising the defense for giving up 41 points and it's the offenses fault you lost. Look in the mirror, Bob. Your defense sucks just as much as the your offense. He takes no accountability. He just spews verbal diarrhea week-after-week. Please continue to put a mic in front of this ass hat. He's digging his own grave. He has no clue how dumb he's beginning to sound.


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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"A major emphasis was on the defense and they really responded. For the lions share, they honestly played well enough to have the team have an opportunity to win the game."

Holy duckk. That cannot be a real quote.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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At least he has finally admitted that the offense's ineptitude has destroyed the defense's ability to perform at its peak level.
Sep 17, 2011
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First TD ECU ran a pass route combo on 4th down that resulted in their receiver having no defender on him within 15 yards. Before the half they run a "trick play" that results in players staring at each other with their hands out like whose fault is that. They proceed to run our D off the field in the second half including another "trick" play. Diaco may be trying to get fired at this point and it sucks that he will get paid so much when he doesn't deserve it.
Aug 27, 2011
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Man, I don't know who got thrown under the bus harder today, Huma Abedin or Shirreffs. I don't want to get into the BS sucks debate again but keeping things strictly to the final freaking drive at Navy the "developmental" quarterback got him from the UConn 20 to the Navy 1 in 2 minutes before Diaco/Verducci screwed it up.

And enough with the business/coaching jargon Bob. Ugh
You are on a pretty lonely raft on this board if you think Sherriffs is a good QB. But you already know that!
Aug 26, 2011
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You are on a pretty lonely raft on this board if you think Sherriffs is a good QB. But you already know that!

My thoughts on BS are simple. He can throw 5-10 yards to TEs and RBs and he's good for a few 15 yarders to the receivers here and there. Of those options, he throws a few to Noel and a few slants to the RBs. They go for some long balls that he can't throw here and there and that's it.

A good coach would use BS the way they did against Navy. Lots of short passes in a fast moving attack. While Bryant isn't a great passing QB, he isn't terrrible. He is needs to be used properly. Like every other position on the field, the QB needs a game plan geared toward success. If we can't use the TEs as a huge part of the offense, then Bryant is doomed. I am certain that another staff could make him look much better.
Aug 27, 2011
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My thoughts on BS are simple. He can throw 5-10 yards to TEs and RBs and he's good for a few 15 yarders to the receivers here and there. Of those options, he throws a few to Noel and a few slants to the RBs. They go for some long balls that he can't throw here and there and that's it.

A good coach would use BS the way they did against Navy. Lots of short passes in a fast moving attack. While Bryant isn't a great passing QB, he isn't terrrible. He is needs to be used properly. Like every other position on the field, the QB needs a game plan geared toward success. If we can't use the TEs as a huge part of the offense, then Bryant is doomed. I am certain that another staff could make him look much better.
Who says the plays to the TE aren't called. If there is one thing BS has clearly shown this season it's that he can't work through his route progressions and locks on to Thomas when things go bad. At the end of the day he is what he is...a tough gutsy kid who can make some decent throws who just isn't a good qb at this level of college football.
Aug 26, 2011
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If that's true, fine. I just don't think they are looking for them. I have a hard time blaming him for not throwing to them when he has literally put the team on his shoulders and done it all in crunch time more than once. He seems to thrive in a fast attack with short passes. He's done it in hurry up situations so I don't know why he wouldn't do it at other times.

Basically, you are saying he can't do it and I am saying that we've seen him do it at times---- in the highest pressure situations. It doesn't add up. I just have to blame coaching. The staff is so bad, how can I blame the kid instead? I know they don't know what they are doing but I'm not totally sure BS is this terrible. He's shown flashes, Bob has not.

Either way, I'm not arguing, you may be right. I just can't see how this staff would be much better with a different QB unless the QB was Tom Brady and he was calling the plays too.


Is it 11:11 yet?
Aug 27, 2011
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He needs to keep all comments/direct answers to one sentence.

There is nothing he can say (short of "I won mega-millions - peace out") that will resonate with anyone outside of Burton-Shenkman right now.

Here is where BD fails..when he answers those questions...he is talking to his team...and his coaches. He isn't talking to the fans. He is really not putting himself in the shoes of the fans when he talks. Saying they did 2 of 3 things well when they lose 41-3 is something you say to the team to get them to not give up and motivate them to keep practicing hard and trying. It's not what you say to a frustrated fanbase.

The AD needs to help him know his audience. I thought BD would be a good PR guy for the team...but it appears he has a lot to learn when it comes to how to be a PR guy when things aren't going well.
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