We ALL Need to Remember this 1 VERY Important Piece of Information About the State of UCONN Football | The Boneyard

We ALL Need to Remember this 1 VERY Important Piece of Information About the State of UCONN Football

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Aug 27, 2011
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Guys...I know we are all pretty much irritated to say the least about last night's game. for those of us coming from locations south of the stadium traffic SUCKED to say the least (my ride from Port Chester took 3 hours..left at 1:30 arrived at the Rent at 4:30...with no traffic leaving at that time puts me at the Rent at 3 pm)...it actually halved my tailgate crew. Just remember this...Bob Diaco and his staff didn't take over a team fresh off a BCS/Fiesta Bowl berth against Oklahoma. He inherited a program that had been run into the ground...a RUNAWAY TRAIN WRECK!!! It isn't going to get fixed overnight.
This is from a Jeff Jacobs piece he wrote for season preview:

Diaco often chooses his words carefully when talking about the condition of the program he inherited. Speaking to the Waterbury Republican earlier in the summer, he dropped more than pretense. He dropped a bomb.

“The team was terrible, right? They won three games against the worst three teams on the schedule. They stunk, horrendous, horrible culture. ... The locker room was a mess. The players' lounge had nothing in it. It was just chairs and the words were, there's nothing in there because stuff keeps getting stolen. Was the program broken? Yeah, it still is. We're fixing it.”


Entire article is here:

I saw some positives last night...not lot but enough to make me think he will get this thing turned around. Am I a fan of the dual QB system, and the rotating substitution issue...nope not one bit. The fake FG was about as dumb a play as I have seen in a LONG time as a college football fan. But I saw enough plays by the defense last night where everyone kept their responsibilities and Hill had no play...I saw kids giving their all till the end of the game...I saw NO false start penalties...I saw kids forcing turnovers in the 2nd half...I saw a team that was not physically able to compete for 4 quarters because they were out of shape.
And something happened lost night we have not seen here in a LONG time...adjustments were made at halftime that gave us a chance...put us in the game if we score in the red zone.
I saw enough to see that this is a work in progress. If they improve each week that's all we can ask for. Just remember the quote Diaco made above when you start to get down to realize how bad things really were here. That kind of stuff makes me even more furious at the former regime!!!
Aug 26, 2011
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There were glimmers of hope/bright spots sprinkled in between some pretty bad play last night. BYU may very we'll be the best team we play all year (time will tell, but they will definitely be one of the too 2-3 toughest). Biggest areas of concern I saw was in the Head coaches "in the moment" decisions, and with our line play, especially early....our O and D fronts were physically handled. Team made some adjustments at half (that was refreshing to see), and pretty much played BYU to a draw over the next 25 minutes.

Diaco has some learning to do as THE COACH, hopefully he is flexible and open minded enough to assess his own performance and learn from it. That was one if PGDL's issues, they were too stubborn and kept doing stupid .

We will get better, we will win games, but last night was a calamity of errors on all fronts. Now the next test, winning a game you are expected to win. Bring on Stony Brook.
Aug 26, 2011
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There were a couple things I didn't like, but I am not going to say what they were here.

What I did like was that they played hard for 60 minutes and they tried. I think that Diaco wanted to see as many players as he could last night to see what he has to work with, and to see how the players reacted.

Some will say that this was not an exhibition game and that they payed good money to see a real game.....well, guess what, how else is he going to see who has what if he does not get them on the field. This isn't the NFL, he doesn't get 4 weeks of seeing how players will play against another team. It has to start somewhere.

Last night was the start. Sure, we are a little disappointed in the result of the game. It was 1000 times better than game 1 last year.
It may take a couple more weeks of playing 50 players to figure out the right combo, but he will figure it out.

People are so impatient these days. Everybody wants everything right now! There are some things you can't get an answer from a computer or a smart phone for, and getting the right players on the field for the right times is one of them.

I am confident we will see a much better team each week. We all know this year is very important for the UConn image, but this program was in the crap bucket for 3 years. Some things take time to fix. There is not a person that is reading this that could fix it faster than Diaco will fix it.

Let's see where we stand after the 4th game and then maybe we can do a better evaluation of the team.
Aug 26, 2011
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People are so impatient these days. Everybody wants everything right now! There are some things you can't get an answer from a computer or a smart phone for, and getting the right players on the field for the right times is one of them .

Well god dammit there should be an App for that!
Aug 30, 2011
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Have to look at this game as a point of reference, its not the one everyone had hoped for but this is where we start moving forward and upward. There will be some 2 steps back and 1 step forwards along the way.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I hated Diaco's denigration of the team, and worst of all, the three wins. Rutgers beat Mike Leach and Temple destroyed an SEC team on the road this weekend. What did we do?


Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
There were a couple things I didn't like, but I am not going to say what they were here.

What I did like was that they played hard for 60 minutes and they tried. I think that Diaco wanted to see as many players as he could last night to see what he has to work with, and to see how the players reacted.

Some will say that this was not an exhibition game and that they payed good money to see a real game.....well, guess what, how else is he going to see who has what if he does not get them on the field. This isn't the NFL, he doesn't get 4 weeks of seeing how players will play against another team. It has to start somewhere.

Last night was the start. Sure, we are a little disappointed in the result of the game. It was 1000 times better than game 1 last year.
It may take a couple more weeks of playing 50 players to figure out the right combo, but he will figure it out.

People are so impatient these days. Everybody wants everything right now! There are some things you can't get an answer from a computer or a smart phone for, and getting the right players on the field for the right times is one of them.

I am confident we will see a much better team each week. We all know this year is very important for the UConn image, but this program was in the crap bucket for 3 years. Some things take time to fix. There is not a person that is reading this that could fix it faster than Diaco will fix it.

Let's see where we stand after the 4th game and then maybe we can do a better evaluation of the team.
Diaco should then give ESPN the head's up that we are treating nationally televised games as exhibitions. We need to have all our questions answered before heading into our scintillating conference schedule.
Aug 26, 2011
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nelsonmuntz said:
I hated Diaco's denigration of the team, and worst of all, the three wins. Rutgers beat Mike Leach and Temple destroyed an SEC team on the road this weekend. What did we do?

It's kind of irrelevant. He it said before we got our asses kicked by BYU, so it wasn't sour grapes. I wasn't impressed last night, but I've been pretty sure almost every one of our National Champ basketball teams was crashing and burning at some point in the season, the 99' team the lone exception. Things can change quick and I think we'll get much better. In fact, it could be very easy to get much better, more Cochran, Newsome and Mariner.
Feb 10, 2012
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Guys...I know we are all pretty much irritated to say the least about last night's game. for those of us coming from locations south of the stadium traffic SUCKED to say the least (my ride from Port Chester took 3 hours..left at 1:30 arrived at the Rent at 4:30...with no traffic leaving at that time puts me at the Rent at 3 pm)...it actually halved my tailgate crew. Just remember this...Bob Diaco and his staff didn't take over a team fresh off a BCS/Fiesta Bowl berth against Oklahoma. He inherited a program that had been run into the ground...a RUNAWAY TRAIN WRECK!!! It isn't going to get fixed overnight.
This is from a Jeff Jacobs piece he wrote for season preview:

Diaco often chooses his words carefully when talking about the condition of the program he inherited. Speaking to the Waterbury Republican earlier in the summer, he dropped more than pretense. He dropped a bomb.

“The team was terrible, right? They won three games against the worst three teams on the schedule. They stunk, horrendous, horrible culture. ... The locker room was a mess. The players' lounge had nothing in it. It was just chairs and the words were, there's nothing in there because stuff keeps getting stolen. Was the program broken? Yeah, it still is. We're fixing it.”


Entire article is here:

I saw some positives last night...not lot but enough to make me think he will get this thing turned around. Am I a fan of the dual QB system, and the rotating substitution issue...nope not one bit. The fake FG was about as dumb a play as I have seen in a LONG time as a college football fan. But I saw enough plays by the defense last night where everyone kept their responsibilities and Hill had no play...I saw kids giving their all till the end of the game...I saw NO false start penalties...I saw kids forcing turnovers in the 2nd half...I saw a team that was not physically able to compete for 4 quarters because they were out of shape.
And something happened lost night we have not seen here in a LONG time...adjustments were made at halftime that gave us a chance...put us in the game if we score in the red zone.
I saw enough to see that this is a work in progress. If they improve each week that's all we can ask for. Just remember the quote Diaco made above when you start to get down to realize how bad things really were here. That kind of stuff makes me even more furious at the former regime!!!
thank you... I'm officially off the ledge.
Nov 8, 2011
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I agree with much of this assessment and in the end, I think we will get to where we need to be. I think the most relevant point for me is that we did in fact make some adjustments offensively for the second half and yielded a few plays that moved the ball. The problem is that we still had no ability to spread the field and that limited the running game completely. One question I have is why it took until the 3rd qtr to finally start hitting Davis ? It was a positive adjustment we made so I'll take it but if he's our offense why wait so long? Although we saw little of him, I wondered why it was late in the 3rd before we saw Newsome? Of all our backs I was excited with his poise and it's just a matter of time before we see the Newsome Express rolling defensive players.... Bloom showed potential as well, I hope we can put it together soon.
As far as defense goes, again it was the halftime adjustments that had me thinking positively. The only player that really excited me with his effort was Myers at nose tackle. He showed a solid effort and was the only lineman to show penetration in the backfield which moved the pocket. Unfortunately we have no outside pressure waiting to drop the hammer... The BIGGEST concern for me was the txt's I was getting from buddies all ofer the country during the game and they saw on TV that our D was just soft, and you know what.... They may be right to an extent. I didn't see anyone looking to tear anyone's head off during the game. We need someone to step up at take charge. One perfect example was Melifonwu's pathetic effort to push the BYU receiver out of bound on the 10.... Instead BYU got their 4th TD as the receiver just rolled into the end zone! That was a VERY weak effort, hit somebody!!
That's all I got..... I'm looking forward to seeing some progress next week.
Aug 27, 2011
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Guys...I know we are all pretty much irritated to say the least about last night's game. for those of us coming from locations south of the stadium traffic SUCKED to say the least (my ride from Port Chester took 3 hours..left at 1:30 arrived at the Rent at 4:30...with no traffic leaving at that time puts me at the Rent at 3 pm)...it actually halved my tailgate crew. Just remember this...Bob Diaco and his staff didn't take over a team fresh off a BCS/Fiesta Bowl berth against Oklahoma. He inherited a program that had been run into the ground...a RUNAWAY TRAIN WRECK!!! It isn't going to get fixed overnight.
This is from a Jeff Jacobs piece he wrote for season preview:

Diaco often chooses his words carefully when talking about the condition of the program he inherited. Speaking to the Waterbury Republican earlier in the summer, he dropped more than pretense. He dropped a bomb.

“The team was terrible, right? They won three games against the worst three teams on the schedule. They stunk, horrendous, horrible culture. ... The locker room was a mess. The players' lounge had nothing in it. It was just chairs and the words were, there's nothing in there because stuff keeps getting stolen. Was the program broken? Yeah, it still is. We're fixing it.”


Entire article is here:

I saw some positives last night...not lot but enough to make me think he will get this thing turned around. Am I a fan of the dual QB system, and the rotating substitution issue...nope not one bit. The fake FG was about as dumb a play as I have seen in a LONG time as a college football fan. But I saw enough plays by the defense last night where everyone kept their responsibilities and Hill had no play...I saw kids giving their all till the end of the game...I saw NO false start penalties...I saw kids forcing turnovers in the 2nd half...I saw a team that was not physically able to compete for 4 quarters because they were out of shape.
And something happened lost night we have not seen here in a LONG time...adjustments were made at halftime that gave us a chance...put us in the game if we score in the red zone.
I saw enough to see that this is a work in progress. If they improve each week that's all we can ask for. Just remember the quote Diaco made above when you start to get down to realize how bad things really were here. That kind of stuff makes me even more furious at the former regime!!!
I hated Diaco's denigration of the team, and worst of all, the three wins. Rutgers beat Mike Leach and Temple destroyed an SEC team on the road this weekend. What did we do?
Denigration of the team? How about the guy who he inherited the team from basically cultivating a culture where HARD earned money that came from donations and the athletic dept budget bought things that were stolen. That is straight up BS and is the hand Diaco was dealt! Rant all you want through your rose colored glasses Nelson...fact of the matter is that this program was a complete dumpster fire when he was hired.
Aug 27, 2011
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I re-read my OP...Can't sen to edit ti so I will clarify it here....this is what I put ion my OP:
I saw a team that was not physically able to compete for 4 quarters because they were out of shape.

This is what I wanted to say: I saw a team that was physically able to compete for 4 quarters because they were in shape


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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We needed about eight plays from inside the five yard line to score the tying TD against Temple and Rutgers mailed the season in a couple weeks before they showed up at the Rent last year. Winning the last three games last year was far better than not winning all of them but we need to be honest about those games.
Nov 8, 2011
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Denigration of the team? How about the guy who he inherited the team from basically cultivating a culture where HARD earned money that came from donations and the athletic dept budget bought things that were stolen. That is straight up BS and is the hand Diaco was dealt! Rant all you want through your rose colored glasses Nelson...fact of the matter is that this program was a complete dumpster fire when he was hired.

That comment pi$$ed me off!! Why the hell the team captains weren't able to reign that in is garbage! I remember players complaint about Edsalls heavy hand and they were glad that P was treating them like adults, but then they turn around and do that crap? I would love to know what was stolen......


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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I hated Diaco's denigration of the team, and worst of all, the three wins. Rutgers beat Mike Leach and Temple destroyed an SEC team on the road this weekend. What did we do?
I liked Weist as much as anyone else on this board but he probably wasn't the right guy to lead UConn forward. I don't know what you're talking about claiming Diaco denigrating last year's three wins - there's pretty much universal consensus that those wins were the weaker part of the schedule, especially Memphis. What did we do? Hire an entirely new staff, to turn the page on the PPGDL era. What components of that era are you so keen that Diaco should keep?
Aug 31, 2011
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There were a couple things I didn't like, but I am not going to say what they were here.

What I did like was that they played hard for 60 minutes and they tried. I think that Diaco wanted to see as many players as he could last night to see what he has to work with, and to see how the players reacted.

Some will say that this was not an exhibition game and that they payed good money to see a real game.....well, guess what, how else is he going to see who has what if he does not get them on the field. This isn't the NFL, he doesn't get 4 weeks of seeing how players will play against another team. It has to start somewhere.

Last night was the start. Sure, we are a little disappointed in the result of the game. It was 1000 times better than game 1 last year.
It may take a couple more weeks of playing 50 players to figure out the right combo, but he will figure it out.

People are so impatient these days. Everybody wants everything right now! There are some things you can't get an answer from a computer or a smart phone for, and getting the right players on the field for the right times is one of them. I think I would stick with Casey Cochran for a few games and stay away from the rotation. Geremy Davis was very impressive and I think if

I am confident we will see a much better team each week. We all know this year is very important for the UConn image, but this program was in the crap bucket for 3 years. Some things take time to fix. There is not a person that is reading this that could fix it faster than Diaco will fix it.

Let's see where we stand after the 4th game and then maybe we can do a better evaluation of the team.

I agree with you. We were playing a very good, confident team last night and we could have easily lost by a lot more. BYU has very good veteran players and probably one of the best QB's we will see this year. Fortunately, they made a ton of mistakes and were penalized for it. I think if we played BYU ten times we would be 0-10. Some posters thought we needed to put more pressure on their QB. Are you kidding me? Taysom Hill might be the second coming of Fran Tarkenton.

Diaco had to get a look at what he has and I am sure that is why we saw some many substitutions. From a positive standpoint, I saw some talent out there. Davis had a great game and the young running backs look like keepers. Arkeel Newsome will be very hard to stop if he can get the ball in the open. I remain optimistic.


#TheCut #HuskyRevolution
Aug 22, 2013
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Guys...I know we are all pretty much irritated to say the least about last night's game. for those of us coming from locations south of the stadium traffic SUCKED to say the least (my ride from Port Chester took 3 hours..left at 1:30 arrived at the Rent at 4:30...with no traffic leaving at that time puts me at the Rent at 3 pm)...it actually halved my tailgate crew. Just remember this...Bob Diaco and his staff didn't take over a team fresh off a BCS/Fiesta Bowl berth against Oklahoma. He inherited a program that had been run into the ground...a RUNAWAY TRAIN WRECK!!! It isn't going to get fixed overnight.
This is from a Jeff Jacobs piece he wrote for season preview:

Diaco often chooses his words carefully when talking about the condition of the program he inherited. Speaking to the Waterbury Republican earlier in the summer, he dropped more than pretense. He dropped a bomb.

“The team was terrible, right? They won three games against the worst three teams on the schedule. They stunk, horrendous, horrible culture. ... The locker room was a mess. The players' lounge had nothing in it. It was just chairs and the words were, there's nothing in there because stuff keeps getting stolen. Was the program broken? Yeah, it still is. We're fixing it.”


Entire article is here:

I saw some positives last night...not lot but enough to make me think he will get this thing turned around. Am I a fan of the dual QB system, and the rotating substitution issue...nope not one bit. The fake FG was about as dumb a play as I have seen in a LONG time as a college football fan. But I saw enough plays by the defense last night where everyone kept their responsibilities and Hill had no play...I saw kids giving their all till the end of the game...I saw NO false start penalties...I saw kids forcing turnovers in the 2nd half...I saw a team that was not physically able to compete for 4 quarters because they were out of shape.
And something happened lost night we have not seen here in a LONG time...adjustments were made at halftime that gave us a chance...put us in the game if we score in the red zone.
I saw enough to see that this is a work in progress. If they improve each week that's all we can ask for. Just remember the quote Diaco made above when you start to get down to realize how bad things really were here. That kind of stuff makes me even more furious at the former regime!!!
So so so true... Like I was saying after the game Friday night. Us fans have no one to be mad at but PP for driving this program straight into the ground, trying to run it like an NFL team, and (no offense to our current players) but doing a horrible job building any sort of culture that kids wanted to be a part of and recruiting to that. Diaco and his staff have a HUGE task ahead of them, and so do we all as fans of this program. We're really back at square one here folks. But I have all faith that this is the guy to do it and rebuild this program and get us back where we need to be- on the map nationally, and competing for championships.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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First of all, I think the consensus was before this game that BYU was going to blow our doors off. Everyone gets that.

But there is a difference between setting expectations and making excuses for losing games we have not played yet, and that difference matters.
Oct 13, 2012
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Next week is the real litmus test, IMO. Last year we probably would've lost to Stony Brook.
Aug 28, 2011
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There were glimmers of hope last year. We almost beat Michgan. We need more than glimmers, we need improvement.
Aug 26, 2011
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Sky ball said:
Apple has the iTeamFix coming out Jan 2015

The 2015 release will be identical to the 2003 version. Just like their phones.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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nelsonmuntz said:
First of all, I think the consensus was before this game that BYU was going to blow our doors off. Everyone gets that. But there is a difference between setting expectations and making excuses for losing games we have not played yet, and that difference matters.

What interesting is how much closer it could have been. The fake FG was dumb, the early INT in the red zone was brutal. By the second half I could say "BYU is better, but they aren't *that* much better". We even forced some turnovers, which is key, because turnovers killed PPs teams. I hope none of us expected UConn to be a top 25 team. I saw some signs though, that we might just be a bowl team.
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