Pac 12 awards Tuessday night...Chavez for 6th player/year. I still think Megoza makes All PAC12 team with the other 9 players being Sabrina, (POY) Ruthy, Satou, Mik, Destiny, Airi, Mickaela, Kianna, and Robbie Ryan (unless there is someone else from ASU that deserves it). FOY will be Pili with Jones on the team as well as Rogers of USC, Sherod from Colorado, and Maxwell of Utah. DPOY might be Moore, but there might be someone else from one of the Arizona' .chools Just one opinion..14 for Chavez off the bench.
Melgoza managed to get into double figures but only 3-13 shooting. Henson and Griggsby led them w/ 11 each.