I don't think he really has one. there are 2 types of people who end up in these kind of jobs. One kind is Lew Perkins or Jurich type who has a vision and works like crazy to move toward it. The other type is the Hathaway type who is much more the technician. Budgets, compliance, things like that are the focus while the "vision thing" is left to someone else. While they are different personalities, I really get the feeling that Manuel is much more the technocrat like Hathaway and Susan Herbst is the one who provides the vision, to the extent there is any for the Athletic Department. Either type can be effective or ineffective depending on the situation or the needs of the moment. To an extent, Hathaway, for example, was actually a very good choice initially. he brought confidence and competence to a department that was reeling after the initial ACC raid, in the middle of our upgrade. But as the department changed and needs changed he wasn't adaptable. Manuel might have actually been a fine choice for UConn had we been in a stable conference situation and had Calhoun stayed until the end of his contract. But the circumstances we are in, he is exaclty the wrong type of guy.