Warde Manuel's Incompetence | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Warde Manuel's Incompetence

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Its a post, about nothing!
Jun 19, 2013
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As a young person, can anyone explain to me why the Big East never added football schools after losing Miami BC and VT? Seems like it would've naturally made sense to do so especially with the other conferences making so much on conference championship games
Sep 2, 2011
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Short memories here. Everyone was blindsided by the realignment ... EVERYONE.
This was orchestrated by the college presidents who kept the lid on tight so teams not invited to the negotiations were knocked out before they even knew a fight was scheduled.

In light of OU's comments, Herbst/Pendergast better be on the ball with realignment
Discussion in 'UConn Football' started by Rumrunner, Sep 2, 2011.

After the Pres of Oklahoma, David Boren, all but took off his bathrobe and shouted "Pac10, here we come" today, UConn better be on the ball with conference realignment. That means at a mininum being proactive, not reactive, so forget calling up Skadden and crying like a whittle boy. It's now every team for itself.

UConn, Rutgers, WVU, Syracuse, Pitt, Louisville. Not all will be winners. The kneepads better be out for Swofford, cuz there will be no alternative. Any belief that the remnants of the Big12- KU, Iowa State, K-State, Baylor- will be in a merged Big 12/Big East need to look up the definition of "stability", something that Pitt and WVU desperately seek.


This was before the Syracuse and Pitt bombshell. Now, I'm not claiming to be some great soothsayer, but if you had a pulse during this timeframe, you were aware of realignment's implications. Moreover, if you had a job in the industry you'd be committing malfeasance if you weren't.

What's puzzling is the realignment world was ablaze when Manuel was hired in Feb. 2012. So I'm a little doubtful thatManuel was quoted correctly.
Apr 25, 2013
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I love this thread! It is classic post season fair. 1 part trolling, 1 part revisionist history and 1 part sanctimony.

Well played OP, well played indeed.

Me too. However, I would like to add childish and a few others but, I would be falling into the gutters. Best to have the named poster pollute on his/her own. They have made this into a cottage industry- check the records.
Feb 10, 2012
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As a young person, can anyone explain to me why the Big East never added football schools after losing Miami BC and VT? Seems like it would've naturally made sense to do so especially with the other conferences making so much on conference championship games
They did... Uofl , cincy, and usf.


Previously pnete
Oct 15, 2014
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Ct being in the AAC is not Warde's fault. What was he supposed to do? If you hire Ralph Kramden to drive your car in the Daytona 500,
you shouldn't be surprised if stops in the middle of the race track to pickup a cheeseburger. Who hired this guy?
Why was he hired? To supply the state with a lifetime supply of Buffalo wings. Well, we got the chips instead.
Just what were Ralph's, I mean Warde's, connection with the good Ol' boy network that runs the ACC? Did play golf with the commissioner? Was Coach K's his first cousin. Was he a respected and influential person in the ACC home offices?
What were his B1G connections? Was he an invaluable employee for the AD of Ohio St?
What made anyone think that he could negotiate our way into a spot in the p-5 conference?
And now on to Herbst.....
Get the picture.
Jul 31, 2013
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More of the usual "I'm the smartest guy in the room" nonsense from the Boneyard. Yeah, sure, you all would have done a bang up job in the same circumstances... Sure. :rolleyes:

And come on, if you are going to knock Warde, be better than buffet lines and donuts. You are all a bunch of dopes.

seriously, so amazing to hear these wonderful arguments about the guy being fat

I figured most of the commenters here were pushing 3 bills, with all this talk of pizza...
Aug 29, 2011
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Wards was brought in for 1 reason and 1 reason only. To be able to say we were addressing APR. He had only that fuction and that's what he did. Otherwise he is an inept drone with zero personality and zero understanding of UConn, it's history or traditions. This comment is just another of many examples.


For Your Health
Aug 24, 2011
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You know you've created a "trolls only" thread when you've attracted both Nelson and Freescooter.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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People try to understand power as moving through agency. We all want to be the masters of our lives and project this onto others. But the real world is often much more complex. Especially in a world of business, where you have multiple large entities with competing goals, different attributes, not to mention all of the people involved. Instead of analyzing the many factors, over many decades, that lead to a situation, there is a cognitive bias to oversimplify and assign agency where it doesn't belong when confronted with a dire situation. Thus, Tom Jurich is a genius and Warde Manuel is a fat doofus. Simple story , easy to wrap your head around and make into an internet post. But completely ignorant of the roles of ACC presidents, BC, Cuse, FSU, Miami / intra-conference politics, ESPN (as in... "told us what to do" - GDF), US Senators from Kentucky, Jeff Hathaway, Phil Austin / Mike Hogan, I could go on and on.
Aug 27, 2011
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Warde is a perfect target for the incessant whiners on this board - he's overweight (people are still making lame donut jokes to this day), and he's made some infuriating quotes to the media regarding realignment.

All things considered, Warde has done a pretty good job as AD. While I'm not sure he has any top accomplishment attached to his name, a number of really good things have happened under his watch (the bball facility finally being completed, hockey joining Hockey East, several NCs, etc.).

Ultimately, though, his legacy will probably be determined by Diaco's success, or lack thereof. People will always credit Calhoun with Ollie's hiring (and for good reason), but Diaco was all Warde. His tenure as AD will live and die by what Diaco is able to do here.


Aug 26, 2011
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Wards was brought in for 1 reason and 1 reason only. To be able to say we were addressing APR. He had only that fuction and that's what he did. Otherwise he is an inept drone with zero personality and zero understanding of UConn, it's history or traditions. This comment is just another of many examples.
I'm surprised you didn't resort to the usual "he was brought in to change our school color to red" drivel you usually spam us with. If you think he was ONLY brought in for APR and for NO OTHER REASON he was hired... You are a simpleton.


For Your Health
Aug 24, 2011
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Ultimately, though, his legacy will probably be determined by Diaco's success, or lack thereof. People will always credit Calhoun with Ollie's hiring (and for good reason), but Diaco was all Warde. His tenure as AD will live and die by what Diaco is able to do here.

That and CR ... if he's here long enough.

The problem for Warde, really, is that he came in after Jeff Hathaway left us in a dumpster.
Aug 26, 2011
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Tell me if I got this right. We are stuck in the AAC because our AD likes cheeseburgers?
Jan 11, 2013
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Wards was brought in for 1 reason and 1 reason only. To be able to say we were addressing APR. He had only that fuction and that's what he did. Otherwise he is an inept drone with zero personality and zero understanding of UConn, it's history or traditions. This comment is just another of many examples.

This is a first. I'm in complete agreement with Freescooter. Does this portend a terminal illness?
Aug 29, 2011
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I'm surprised you didn't resort to the usual "he was brought in to change our school color to red" drivel you usually spam us with. If you think he was ONLY brought in for APR and for NO OTHER REASON he was hired... You are a simpleton.
Believe it. Don't believe it. I have 2 very high sources on this. One was on the Selection Cmtee. There was huge pressure to convince the ncaa to lift the ban and Warde was selected to show how committed we were to addressing that issue since was he was widely acclaimed for cleaning up Buffalo's APR mess. Whether he actually did anything there is a question in upstater's view, but he was lauded by the NCAA for it and UB put it on its website.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm sure the APR matter was a high priority. Duh. WM's record on this obviously gave him a leg up and may have even won him the job over whoever were the other candidates. But if you're trying to convince me that Herbst, the search committee, the trustees and consultants didn't bother to consider any other factors at all, well you're not going to be able to do that.


Aug 26, 2011
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Believe it. Don't believe it. I have 2 very high sources on this. One was on the Selection Cmtee. There was huge pressure to convince the ncaa to lift the ban and Warde was selected to show how committed we were to addressing that issue since was he was widely acclaimed for cleaning up Buffalo's APR mess. Whether he actually did anything there is a question in upstater's view, but he was lauded by the NCAA for it and UB put it on its website.
I actually agree with all this... I just don't agree that he was hired for only one attribute/objective (APR). There's a lot more to the job than that.
Aug 29, 2011
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It got him the job. He beat out better candidates. It was the deciding factor. I was told when he was recommended that the NCAA would back down because of this choice. Obviously that didn't happen. He's the Jimmy Carter of ADs. He won because he was the anti-Nixon. He was also the worst President of my lifetime. Warde is the worst AD
Aug 27, 2011
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Has he ever had an in depth public interview to address all of this because his last statement
It got him the job. He beat out better candidates. It was the deciding factor. I was told when he was recommended that the NCAA would back down because of this choice. Obviously that didn't happen. He's the Jimmy Carter of ADs. He won because he was the anti-Nixon. He was also the worst President of my lifetime. Warde is the worst AD
Warde doesn't seem good I agree but when you're comparing bad presidents and leave out W? Don't particularly like Jimmy Carter, but don't remember him starting a war that created a dumpster fire in the Middle East. Mission Accomplished.
Sep 12, 2011
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It got him the job. He beat out better candidates. It was the deciding factor. I was told when he was recommended that the NCAA would back down because of this choice. Obviously that didn't happen. He's the Jimmy Carter of ADs. He won because he was the anti-Nixon. He was also the worst President of my lifetime. Warde is the worst AD

Warde is the worst AD? I would love to see a poll from UCONN coaches on this one.
No slander but what part of Hathaway leaving a mess for Warde to clean up did you miss out on?
Just how high were your sources and what were they on? I would also hope they would include Randy in the poll also and hear from him why he was constantly looking elsewhere due to lack of AD support.
Again no slander from me but if you missed out on the Jeff era bone up, pun intended. He is the one that dropped the ball on all our conference situations. Warde is simply trying to clean up the mess he left.
Do I think Warde is perfect, no. I am still upset with him and Suzie for taking away our mascot that was the best looking one in the country.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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Why would the ACC want BC??? We own the New England Area!!!

Makes you wonder how long the ACC is willing to hang on to them
What do they bring? The Boston Market? Hell, there's more UConn supporters in the Boston area than BC rooters.
Their BasketBall teams stink, their BaseBall teams don't compete, their soccer teams are not good, Field Hockey??, Football - good every 10 years and they have hockey - does the ACC care?
Sep 22, 2014
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Enough with the childish shots at the man's weight. I mean, seriously... I bet half of you are at least as big as he is.

Furthermore, thankfully several of you (Huskymagic, Woof 101, others) pointed out who the real buffoon was - Jeff Hathaway. The single worst move that was made during the entire process was ---- HIRING PAUL PASQUALONI! That was 100% completely on Hathaway. Nothing to do with Warde Manuel. Pasqualoni had already proven himself to be a buffoon in the later stages at Syracuse, and then every job since (ask Jason Taylor what he thought of him when he was a position coach for the Miami Dolphins just before we hired him. Taylor hated the guy, and thought he was a total moron). Remember how booster Robert Burton felt? He wanted his $3 million back... and still Hathaway went through with it anyway. Why do you think Calhoun didn't like Hathaway? Because he was totally in over his head as our AD. Football drives the bus, and in the single most important hire at the most important time for our school, the man hires Paul Pasqualoni. Case closed on who the biggest buffoon was as our AD, and who really cost us a shot at moving to one of the P5 conferences and it wasn't and isn't Warde Manuel... not even close.

In fact, Manuel could not get Pasqualoni out of here fast enough, for those of you paying any attention last year... But please, for all of you trying to make your point about how many things Manuel has screwed up, do not bring that up... because of course, it makes your argument look like swiss cheese.

Also, it is a known fact for anyone paying attention at the time that Boston College kept us out of the ACC when Syracuse, Pitt and subsequently Notre Dame bolted. We could have had The Pope as our President and God as our Athletic Director at the time, and Boston College was not letting us get in... no way, no how. And if you do not know why, go back to their original defection. It was us who led the charge against them in court... and they vowed to get even. Stupid move by our powers-that-be at the time.

Thread after thread, there are some of you who seem to revel in re-telling the past in any way that suits the point you are trying to make. Those of you who fit that decription... you are all IDIOTS!
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