Warde has fired a football coach during the season before | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Warde has fired a football coach during the season before

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Aug 27, 2011
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My questions to those of you who want Coach P fired now is which recruit do you really not care to lose? Which CT coaches would you risk alienating getting rid of Coach P now? I think we have some solid recruits but if we handle this incorrectly we risk pissing off the CT high school coaches. They will open up conversation with these kids and steer them another way if we don;t handle this the right way. Let Coach P keep GDL around and let them tie their own noose. Come last few weeks we should not be in that much better shape and we can let them go after Thanksgiving. That gives us plenty of time to get the right coach to make a hard sale to the recruits and get out name back out there in a positive manner. Losing recruits and a new staff would set us back even further.
I really don't think we would alienate Brockett from Ansoina..Kris1 would be the expert on this though.
Aug 26, 2011
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My questions to those of you who want Coach P fired now is which recruit do you really not care to lose? Which CT coaches would you risk alienating getting rid of Coach P now? I think we have some solid recruits but if we handle this incorrectly we risk pissing off the CT high school coaches. They will open up conversation with these kids and steer them another way if we don;t handle this the right way. Let Coach P keep GDL around and let them tie their own noose. Come last few weeks we should not be in that much better shape and we can let them go after Thanksgiving. That gives us plenty of time to get the right coach to make a hard sale to the recruits and get out name back out there in a positive manner. Losing recruits and a new staff would set us back even further.

Any Conn. coach who doesn't realize PP has had his chance is a lost cause.
Aug 29, 2011
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My questions to those of you who want Coach P fired now is which recruit do you really not care to lose? Which CT coaches would you risk alienating getting rid of Coach P now? I think we have some solid recruits but if we handle this incorrectly we risk pissing off the CT high school coaches. They will open up conversation with these kids and steer them another way if we don;t handle this the right way. Let Coach P keep GDL around and let them tie their own noose. Come last few weeks we should not be in that much better shape and we can let them go after Thanksgiving. That gives us plenty of time to get the right coach to make a hard sale to the recruits and get out name back out there in a positive manner. Losing recruits and a new staff would set us back even further.
Please. Imagine if we piss off Connecticut high school coaches. heaven forbid! That is exactly the kind of small time thinking that brought us Pasqualoni in the first place.


Aug 26, 2011
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There may be something to the Weist is coach in waiting argument. I would not put it past Manuel.

People behind the scenes talk about younger up-and-comers, and this guy might be ramping up. And it's not only how UConn receivers are playing better than ever, it's also about his receivers at Cincy.
Not saying you do this upstater, but he's been OC before of a potent offense, and has coached at some notable places. He's exactly the type of up and comer that kids love to play for.


Not saying he's our best overall option long term (maybe yes, maybe no), but I'm all for him taking the reigns from P and GDL for the remainder this year.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Any chance Wrist had of being the next head coach died on the turf against Towson. This team is winning 2 or 3 games this year, and 0-12 is on the table. These coaches know they are all cooked. I think the fair thing to do for the coaches is to fire Pasqualoni and Deleone this afternoon, make Hughes the interim, and let these coaches audition for their next job without the cloud of the two mummies hanging over them. Warde is proving that he thinks Pasqualoni's feelings are more important than the players, fans, or other coaches.
Aug 26, 2011
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Not saying you do this upstater, but he's been OC before of a potent offense, and has coached at some notable places. He's exactly the type of up and comer that kids love to play for.


Not saying he's our best overall option long term (maybe yes, maybe no), but I'm all for him taking the reigns from P and GDL for the remainder this year.

I really have no idea. It's the ADs job (and as an AD who played football and has football connections) to know who the young guns are. So, I would not at all be surprised if he's the choice.

As for Nelson's comments about Weist and his performance so far this year, I hear a lot of people on the board bringing up Ambrose and Moorhead. When these two were here under Edsall, during a period of relative success, almost no one would have wanted them to take over. I guarantee you that if Ambrose and Moorhead were put up against Pasqualoni back then, P. wins 85% of the vote, maybe 90%.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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At the risk of defending the indefensible, the boneyard is different from the AD suite. If WM fires PP after Towson it destroys his credibility because he kept him last season. Personally, I would have, but I'm secure about my spot and watched a dozen more games with PP at the helm than Warde has.

Not firing him before Michigan is the right move because you want to give the players the best chance to win and the circus would overshadow the benefits of dismissing him.

Sunday should be the day barring a win or significant evidence that the team is responding to the challenge.
Aug 26, 2011
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At the risk of defending the indefensible, the boneyard is different from the AD suite. If WM fires PP after Towson it destroys his credibility because he kept him last season. Personally, I would have, but I'm secure about my spot and watched a dozen more games with PP at the helm than Warde has.

Not firing him before Michigan is the right move because you want to give the players the best chance to win and the circus would overshadow the benefits of dismissing him.

Sunday should be the day barring a win or significant evidence that the team is responding to the challenge.

I understand your argument, and it's logical, but...

Firing a coach after 2 years looks very very different to the coaching community than firing a coach after 3 losses in his third year, one coming to Towson.
Oct 1, 2011
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Which CT coaches would you risk alienating getting rid of Coach P now? I think we have some solid recruits but if we handle this incorrectly we risk pissing off the CT high school coaches.

Really, could give a flying F what the CT HS FB coaches think. A big reason why UConn is in the mess its in. If a coach is so wrapped up in his own greatness he can be "alienated" by firing P and keeping a kid from getting a scholarship he's not worth dealing with in the first place.

These self-important blowhards wouldn't give RE the time of day in late 1990s-early 2000s. Then when they saw Rent/facility that turned into out-and-out jealousy. Now, RE gets some share of the blame for not trying to mend fences even though he wasn't the one originally at fault. Call me when the Texas HS FB coaches assn writes a letter to endorse Mack Brown's successor.


Mar 30, 2012
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I agree that Deleone is AWFUL. Look up disaster in the dictionary and his picture is featured. But here are some of the other things I've seen in the last 2 games. A pretty predictable offense, an offense that essentially wastes any benfit from going no huddle by taking forever to get plays in. An offense that insists on throwing long with an offensive line that can't stop a band of old ladies in walkers. I guess I would need something more than idle speculation to believe that DeLeone is over ruling Weist.

In Weist's defense, you can't build an offense on the supposition that your offensive line is going to be unable to perform. If they can't open holes for a running game and they can't protect the QB long enough to allow 10 yard passes, what can you do? An offense of nothing but 2-3 yard passes is child's play to defend.
Aug 29, 2011
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Barring some sort of miracle finish, there will be a new staff in place for Spring ball next year. it is completely clear in hind sight that Warde should have pulled the trigger last year but he went with the conventional wisdom that you always give a coach 3 years and he failed to do it. I think it is highly unlikely that the guy who wouldn't break the 3-year rule despite being in a position to do so as the new AD, will break the even stronger college football rule that you don't fire the coach until the season is over, or virtually over anyway. Might he make an announcement before the Rutgers game? Sure, he might. But I think now and I've always thought, that despite my hopes to the contrary, Paul Pasqualoni is our coach for the 2013 season. Most likely this goes down with the announcement made sometime after Rutgers and he gets to coach against Memphis. that is the conventional way to play it and Warde is nothing if not conventional.


Mar 30, 2012
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Any chance Wrist had of being the next head coach died on the turf against Towson. This team is winning 2 or 3 games this year, and 0-12 is on the table. These coaches know they are all cooked. I think the fair thing to do for the coaches is to fire Pasqualoni and Deleone this afternoon, make Hughes the interim, and let these coaches audition for their next job without the cloud of the two mummies hanging over them. Warde is proving that he thinks Pasqualoni's feelings are more important than the players, fans, or other coaches.

Nonsense. Weist is a good coach. If he can keep the offense fighting and improving, and if Warde judges that the problems are due to the head coach and offensive line coach, then why wouldn't he be considered seriously?

I don't know why Warde didn't insist on GDL leaving last winter, but I don't see any evidence that he thinks Pasqualoni's feelings are more important than the fans' feelings.

Limbo Land

Pounding Down the Doors!
Jan 8, 2013
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Please. Imagine if we piss off Connecticut high school coaches. heaven forbid! That is exactly the kind of small time thinking that brought us Pasqualoni in the first place.

So a good amount of our recruits come for CT but forget them and their coaches... and you call me the small thinker. People like you are so reactionary and never see the big picture. Physics tell us that every action has a reaction. Fire him now will cause those coaches in HS to react by pulling support of our program. So lets go into the year with 2 recruits after the others pull out if we don't handle this properly. No one is saying lets keep them. What I am saying firing now would damage relationships being built. The very same relationships we never had with Edsall. The reason we lost CT recruits all those years and people kept complaining was we had no relationship with them. Now we do. Fire him at the end of the season after he shows he can't do the job anymore. IF you fire him now you will have burned the same bridges we just repaired. By the way, if we can't get the best recruits in CT, we are not going to get the best recruits anywhere.
Aug 27, 2011
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So a good amount of our recruits come for CT but forget them and their coaches... and you call me the small thinker. People like you are so reactionary and never see the big picture. Physics tell us that every action has a reaction. Fire him now will cause those coaches in HS to react by pulling support of our program. So lets go into the year with 2 recruits after the others pull out if we don't handle this properly. No one is saying lets keep them. What I am saying firing now would damage relationships being built. The very same relationships we never had with Edsall. The reason we lost CT recruits all those years and people kept complaining was we had no relationship with them. Now we do. Fire him at the end of the season after he shows he can't do the job anymore. IF you fire him now you will have burned the same bridges we just repaired. By the way, if we can't get the best recruits in CT, we are not going to get the best recruits anywhere.
Why exactly do you think they will be so pissed if we fire him sooner rather than later? Because of the exceptional job he is doing?
Aug 29, 2011
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So a good amount of our recruits come for CT but forget them and their coaches... and you call me the small thinker. People like you are so reactionary and never see the big picture. Physics tell us that every action has a reaction. Fire him now will cause those coaches in HS to react by pulling support of our program. So lets go into the year with 2 recruits after the others pull out if we don't handle this properly. No one is saying lets keep them. What I am saying firing now would damage relationships being built. The very same relationships we never had with Edsall. The reason we lost CT recruits all those years and people kept complaining was we had no relationship with them. Now we do. Fire him at the end of the season after he shows he can't do the job anymore. IF you fire him now you will have burned the same bridges we just repaired. By the way, if we can't get the best recruits in CT, we are not going to get the best recruits anywhere.
Fine, keep him as the head football coach. Better yet, line up the guy from West Hartford conard to take his place next year. he's almost ready to retire and his son is ready to step in at that high school. let's keep the Connecticut pipeline rolling. Edsall had a bad relationship with these guys yet we landed Connecticut recruits every single year including several who were real serious player. And he went to 5 straight bowl games including a BCS. P has great relationships with these guys, indeed he is one of them, and we lose to Towson State. I'll take bad relations with the Connecticut coaches and another trip to a bowl over great relationships and a 3 win season any day of the week.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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At the risk of defending the indefensible, the boneyard is different from the AD suite. If WM fires PP after Towson it destroys his credibility because he kept him last season. Personally, I would have, but I'm secure about my spot and watched a dozen more games with PP at the helm than Warde has.

Not firing him before Michigan is the right move because you want to give the players the best chance to win and the circus would overshadow the benefits of dismissing him.

Sunday should be the day barring a win or significant evidence that the team is responding to the challenge.

After personally going through a difficult recession, and seeing a few friends lose their jobs, I have a hard time calling for "Coach" Pasqualoni's firing, regardless if he has not met any of the expectations or goals for which he was hired.

Conversely, I believe "Coach" Pasqualoni should do the honorable thing and just quit.
Aug 30, 2011
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My questions to those of you who want Coach P fired now is which recruit do you really not care to lose? Which CT coaches would you risk alienating getting rid of Coach P now? I think we have some solid recruits but if we handle this incorrectly we risk pissing off the CT high school coaches. They will open up conversation with these kids and steer them another way if we don;t handle this the right way. Let Coach P keep GDL around and let them tie their own noose. Come last few weeks we should not be in that much better shape and we can let them go after Thanksgiving. That gives us plenty of time to get the right coach to make a hard sale to the recruits and get out name back out there in a positive manner. Losing recruits and a new staff would set us back even further.

I think you are overstating the impact of firing PP now, after the season or sometime in between. Right now, as this is written, every 2014 recruit is fair game for other programs. Every parent, coach or adviser who deals with "our" recruits can see what's going on with UCONN football. Any enemy coaching staff interested in a UCONN recruit is making sure to play up the probable outcome of the FB program's state of boring dysfunction. Nothing is in cement until LOI day. If I were one of the nine 2014 recruits, I'd sure be checking my options.

As for the CT coaches. Hopefully none are dumb enough to think the present situation is secure or otherwise favorable to anyone.I don't care how much they like PP or the fact that he's a "State guy."

Limbo Land

Pounding Down the Doors!
Jan 8, 2013
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Fine, keep him as the head football coach. Better yet, line up the guy from West Hartford conard to take his place next year. he's almost ready to retire and his son is ready to step in at that high school. let's keep the Connecticut pipeline rolling. Edsall had a bad relationship with these guys yet we landed Connecticut recruits every single year including several who were real serious player. And he went to 5 straight bowl games including a BCS. P has great relationships with these guys, indeed he is one of them, and we lose to Towson State. I'll take bad relations with the Connecticut coaches and another trip to a bowl over great relationships and a 3 win season any day of the week.

Interesting response since you never saw me once say keep him... good to see that you are reading all parts before responding. I said get rid of him but doing it now would be like watching an episode of Dead Men Walking... the coaches would be scrambling looking for a new landing spot and our athletes get screwed since the focus is everywhere but the field. Whatever, can't obviously have a legitimate conversation so lets start the lynch mob and grab our pitchforks and march down to Storrs Center and burn the coach in effigy. That will show everyone how serious we are about football.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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After personally going through a difficult recession, and seeing a few friends lose their jobs, I have a hard time calling for "Coach" Pasqualoni's firing, regardless if he has not met any of the expectations or goals for which he was hired.

Conversely, I believe "Coach" Pasqualoni should do the honorable thing and just quit.

Yeah, it has to be extremely hard to live off the approx $3M he's already stolen from the state and university, on top of that fat buy out he'll receive.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Yeah, it has to be extremely hard to live off the approx $3M he's already stolen from the state and university, on top of that fat buy out he'll receive.

Wow...My how that joke just sailed over your head.
Aug 30, 2011
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Yeah, it has to be extremely hard to live off the approx $3M he's already stolen from the state and university, on top of that fat buy out he'll receive.

You mean $5M. The school paid a premium for this.
Aug 28, 2011
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You have to allow the next coach to choose his own staff. If it means clearing house, then so be it. I don't want any mandates that he keep this guy or that guy. Big difference between hiring a coach in December vs. January. The one month is an eternity. The new coach will have time to fill out his staff.


Shows incompetence from the top of that athletic dept when something like that happens. (not cleaning house when u hire a new coach)

And, btw, if we get smashed on Natl TV, I hope we get started then and not wait til 2 games are left in the season... It would be unacceptable IMO....
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