We,as fans,are all spoiled,in watching our favorite team,and it is generally because society as a whole,insists that winning is everything,and those that do not just win,but win convincingly,deserve some kind of scolding. It is the nature of the beast,today,and the people of the generations spanning the past forty years,to the present day,have had this drilled into them by television,media,etc..
Many of the fans,today,have not grown up,or did not pay attention,to the struggles a program has had,in its' early days.Once success comes at a steady gallop,fans expect it to become the routine,and not the exception.
Therefore,there will always be fans who look for the negative,when it comes to their teams performance,a player's performance,and the coaching staff.
We are very fortunate,to be fans,of a team,that has the best of everything.
We are also fortunate,that in many cases,we draw well respected fans from other boards,to join in to our conversations.
I look forward to the fresh ideas and insights these people bring here,and feel fortunate,that we,as a whole,do not have to read a bashing of anyone,as some other boards seem to find among the daily posts.