While Liam is out, I'd sit Ross, push Nowell until he shows that he can or cannot make a contribution now, continue to use Stewart at least 20 minutes, probably 25 min/game. Mahaney @ PG if Nowell can't cut it spelling Hassan, and if he can, spelling Ball only. I'm ambivalent/confused by the 5 tandem. I lean towards Reed starting and getting 20-25 with Sam off the bench for 15-20. Some of our metrics guys show Samsons value statistically, while I just think Reed gives us more via eyeballs and gut. That leaves Ball, Hassan and Alex, who have established their value and usage, though Ball is still evolving rapidly(+). Hope Liam is back to clicking on all cylinders by end of February. So a rotation of 8-9
Starters: Reed, Alex, McNeeley, Ball Diarra
Subs Johnson(15-20), Stewart 18-22 for McNeeley/AK, Mahaney/Nowell(??) as much as needed to spell Diarra/Ball
BE Champs finals, Deep run NCAA
Skys the limit