UMass Football Marketing Plan, UConn Game Attendance, Etc | The Boneyard

UMass Football Marketing Plan, UConn Game Attendance, Etc

Aug 31, 2011
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Let's hope so, it'll be nice to see the place half full :eek:
Dec 9, 2013
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I actually think it will be the largest attended UConn home game this year. I have an extra 20 people coming to the game with our normal 7 season tickets and most of them are UMass fans.
Aug 29, 2011
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I never favored it but I’ve changed my mind about UMass being in the AAC. We absolutely need a rival and they would be a pretty good match. It would renew one with a long tradition. It would be one that fans from both teams could easily get too. It could carry over to multiple sports. If handled correctly, ie played at the right time maybe in conjunction with a basketball game on Sunday and football on Saturday it would be good for both schools, the league and New England football. Over time one would hope each would cost the other division titles, post season games, and all the stuff that makes rivalries. And the fact that we have played them 75 times or so and they really were our rival for many of those years (yeah ROde Island was “officially” but by the late 60s-70s UMass was the game that people cared about in both sports).

Purple Stein

I like to sim things.
Jul 9, 2017
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Some of this is so obvious it becomes almost invisible in our "Conference USA" setting.

The fact is, regional matchups draw. UMass has an alumni chapter in CT. BC has an alumni chapter in CT. Syracuse has an alumni chapter in CT. These are networks of ticket buyers.

SMU, ECU, Memphis, et. al have no alumni presence in the area. It's not just that they're not part of the air the region has traditionally breathed, there is no infrastructure for those schools in CT.

Winning hides all warts. But if 3-6 UConn is playing either 3-6 ECU or 3-6 UMass, UMass is the better draw whether we like it or not.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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I know Alan Pandiani...he’s my brothers good friend. Nice guy.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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I never favored it but I’ve changed my mind about UMass being in the AAC. We absolutely need a rival and they would be a pretty good match. It would renew one with a long tradition. It would be one that fans from both teams could easily get too. It could carry over to multiple sports. If handled correctly, ie played at the right time maybe in conjunction with a basketball game on Sunday and football on Saturday it would be good for both schools, the league and New England football. Over time one would hope each would cost the other division titles, post season games, and all the stuff that makes rivalries. And the fact that we have played them 75 times or so and they really were our rival for many of those years (yeah ROde Island was “officially” but by the late 60s-70s UMass was the game that people cared about in both sports).

In theory I favor it, but it’s not good for our program. There’s a reason BC didn’t want us in the ACC.
Sep 18, 2011
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The problem with UMass is multifold. In football, they have never had a winning season in FBS since upgrading in 2012. Their record is 14-58. Fan support? This was their home attendance for last year: 12.1k, 9k, 7.7k, 10.7k, 11.9k. No success with no fan support doesn't make an attractive football addition to the AAC. Honestly, UMass' football ambitions are on life support as they can't continue as an independent over the long term.

What about basketball? In the past 20 years, they have been to one NCAA tournament (2014) and lost in the first round. Fan support? Here was their home attendance for last year: 3,857, 2,112, 2,042, 2,395, 4,015, 4,744, 2,004, 1,481, 2,243, 2,056, 2,476, 4,121, 4,194, 4,245, 2,641, 3,322, 2,953. How is adding UMass going to improve AAC basketball? They won't.

Although UMass is the flagship university in Massachusetts, they do not have the support that UConn does in Connecticut. Nobody in the AAC is going to support UMass joining the conference.
Aug 5, 2017
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UMass is expecting 6,000-10,00 of their fans to be at the Rent. Seeking annual games with northeast FBS teams. A lot of enticements to get students into and to stay for the game.

UMass Associate AD Alan Pandiani talks expectations for 2018

I'll be surprised if the wanna-be's don't hit 10,000 and, with Mark Whipple as coach, they will be prepared and fired up to beat us like no team we've played in 20 years. They will be out to show they belong in any league we're in, so I hope RE understands and has our guys ready.

With Duquesne, Charlotte, Georgia Southern, FIU, Ohio, Coastal Carolina and Liberty on their schedule, they will likely be bowl eligible this year, but a slip up on any of those might make it necessary to beat UConn to qualify meaning they'll be even more ready for us.

We lived in West Springfield from 1990 to 2011 so we saw firsthand how much they want to be UConn, and beat UConn, mainly in men's basketball of course, but I'm sure a football win would suffice for this year.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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In fairness, Rentschler is about, if not more than, 45 minutes closer to UMass than Gillette. UMass smartly abandoned their Gillette "Home" last season, but this is akin to UConn fans travelling to the Army or BC games. It's an easy away game experience.


"Walker on McGee with four.."
Mar 2, 2017
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Wouldn’t mind seeing UMass being an every other year game.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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In theory I favor it, but it’s not good for our program. There’s a reason BC didn’t want us in the ACC.
Meh, I think a thriving UMASS is net positive, although it would create some recruiting pressure. The reason I don't support it is that their programs are not"P6" level. If they grew and had success, I'd be okay with them being a conference partner.
May 19, 2015
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In fairness, Rentschler is about, if not more than, 45 minutes closer to UMass than Gillette. UMass smartly abandoned their Gillette "Home" last season, but this is akin to UConn fans travelling to the Army or BC games. It's an easy away game experience.
Even though we view ourselves pretty poorly right now, we would've passed out Hawaii and App. State as the biggest name on their home schedule last year.

Based on last year's schedule it's almost amazing that they averaged 11k in attendance last year and I don't think it's unreasonable to think that a lot of those people travel an hour to the Rent to play a familiar name.


We are not amused.
May 5, 2015
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I never favored it but I’ve changed my mind about UMass being in the AAC. We absolutely need a rival and they would be a pretty good match. It would renew one with a long tradition. It would be one that fans from both teams could easily get too. It could carry over to multiple sports. If handled correctly, ie played at the right time maybe in conjunction with a basketball game on Sunday and football on Saturday it would be good for both schools, the league and New England football. Over time one would hope each would cost the other division titles, post season games, and all the stuff that makes rivalries. And the fact that we have played them 75 times or so and they really were our rival for many of those years (yeah ROde Island was “officially” but by the late 60s-70s UMass was the game that people cared about in both sports).

I am OK playing them out of conference occasionally, but if we want to be relevant on the national football landscape, we have to focus on regional teams like BC, Cuse, Rutgers, Pitt, Penn State, and Maryland. Being competitive with UMass in anything athletic is a kiss of death for that program. Our best bet is to smash UMass so badly that they are afraid to play us.
Aug 26, 2011
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So I attended today's Rotary Club of Southington luncheon. It was a business meeting with monthly reports by position chairs. When the fellowship chair gave her report, she said that she's investigating a group outing of attending the UMass game. A show of hands had most in attendance expressing interest. May have to stock the freezer in anticipation of inviting them to Blue Lot for the tailgate.
Oct 12, 2013
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I really do not like the idea of UMass in the AAC at least until we manage to get out. UConn needs to win in the AAC NOW in both football and basketball. Then, find a way out. We do not need to recruit against UMass or in anyway treat them as equals. It sickens me to think of Rutgers in the Big10. It should have been UConn. Those schools are our peers, not the old Yankee conference. Throw them a bone every now and then but I'd rather our out of conference schedule be filled with the national brands from the P5 and BYU/Boise types.
Dec 18, 2012
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Would love to see a good showing at the Rent for the UMass game. Gonna be a tough ticket to get though when we start off 7-0, beating 3 ranked teams! :D

Dream Jobbed 2.0

“Most definitely”
May 3, 2016
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Do people realize us being pissy about UMass in the AAC is pretty much exactly like BC people being pissy about us being in the ACC? If the situation arises I’ll support them coming in 100% we just better kick their ass.
Aug 26, 2011
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Do people realize us being pissy about UMass in the AAC is pretty much exactly like BC people being pissy about us being in the ACC? If the situation arises I’ll support them coming in 100% we just better kick their ass.

It’s not even similar in reality. We had championship programs and were already in a BCS conference. UMass has never done anything and there is no money to share with them anyway. Makes no sense.
Aug 5, 2017
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Would love to see a good showing at the Rent for the UMass game. Gonna be a tough ticket to get though when we start off 7-0, beating 3 ranked teams! :D

I see us 7-5, so I guess you see us losing the last five games of the year?
Dec 11, 2013
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It’s not even similar in reality. We had championship programs and were already in a BCS conference. UMass has never done anything and there is no money to share with them anyway. Makes no sense.
While we obviously would compete for kids/resources, I think the opportunity to renew this real rivalry in-league would be a net positive. If we are doomed for the AAC, I say go for it.


Resident TV nerd
Aug 26, 2011
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So I attended today's Rotary Club of Southington luncheon. It was a business meeting with monthly reports by position chairs. When the fellowship chair gave her report, she said that she's investigating a group outing of attending the UMass game. A show of hands had most in attendance expressing interest. May have to stock the freezer in anticipation of inviting them to Blue Lot for the tailgate.

It's homecoming against a team with historical significance to us. We should get an attendance bump, regardless of UMass fans.

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