UConn's Improvement Boosts Diaco's Stock (Jacobs) | Page 2 | The Boneyard

UConn's Improvement Boosts Diaco's Stock (Jacobs)

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Feb 13, 2014
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I'm actually looking forward to the day Diaco leaves us for "greener" pastures it means he's built a competitive program which is what we all want. We're going to have to deal with this as long as the big football schools continue to drown coaches in money. The obvious for us is to try and hire the best possible candidate when the time comes. I guess we can look at what Cincy has done with their hires. Not a Pasqualoni in the bunch.
Aug 30, 2011
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I would think he needs to show a trend(at least 3 straight years of 8+) of winning football here before he becomes a candidate for a better gig. Randy had four with a major bowl appearance.


Tailgating Enthusiast
Mar 5, 2014
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If Diaco needs to have as much success as people suggest before he gets poached... I'd like to think that UConn will have gotten that magic call in the next round of P5 conference expansion and have the money to keep their man!


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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6-6 did not happen in a vacuum and 6-6 does not happen without a lot of 18 and 19 year olds getting significant playing time in the 2-10 year vs. 21 and 22 year olds. A 2-10 year also doesn't happen if former "Coach" Pasqualoni were capable of developing more than 45 viable FBS scholarship athletes. I don't know why (I should be used to it after 7,850+ posts), but I continue to be amazed at the display of tunnel vision and lack of context around these parts.

Coach Diaco may have far exceeded most fans expectations, but he has met his own team goals thus far.
Aug 29, 2011
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I'd like to see Diaco learn to lead a team with an offense that can manage the clock for us, before letting some other poor program go through it.

Really, I want payback in the form of titles for the education as a head coach.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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Agree with pretty much everything posted here. Just want to add that 'context is king' and that when you're riding a sine curve, you can get to 6-6 (or thereabouts) from both directions. In six years, we've gone 8-4, 5-7, 5-7, 3-9, 2-10, and now 6-6. The real challenge in building a program is to get off the roller coaster and get to a point where you can sustain a standard of 7 or 8 wins as a bottom line and 10-12 win seasons and conference championships as goals (vice wishes). That would seem to be achievable in the AAC and I think we're moving in that direction. Someone mentioned in another thread the difference between a coach leaving on a crest of success and a coach getting fired; obviously the former would seem to set you up better in terms of continuity vice having to execute a tear down and rebuild. It didn't work that way for us though when HCRE left and we mostly attribute that to the awful hire that followed but it's also possible that we tend to over rate how successful our 'good' years actually were. We can (and will) do even better.
Nov 19, 2011
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Diaco is not going to have people knocking down the door for his services as long as UConn's offense is ranked in the 100's nationally.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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I'll bet you a dollar they're in double digits next year :)
Aug 26, 2011
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Diaco is doing a pretty good job but we actually have to beat several good teams to be 9-3 or 10-2. It is certainly possible but you've got to remember that other teams will improve too and some of the teams that you expect to drop off due to matriculation won't drop off at all. Right now, Houston, USF, Cincinnati, ECU, Temple and Memphis will challenge us for the conference title next year. We have P5 games that are winnable but certainly only 50/50 at best. Part of me wants to believe we are on our way but the other part realizes that we aren't the only program trying. Combine that with horrible clock managment, terrible special teams and no second string QB that we know can really play, and you've got potential obstacles. I feel positive but I won't be too surprised if we win 6-7 games next year. Now, if we get someone in to coach specials ASAP, figure out what our problem calling plays is and find out that Tyler is a good backup QB, I'll feel better.

If Diaco gets 8 plus wins next year, he'll be a decent coaching commodity. If we are 5-1 or so next fall, we'll need to pony up and try to lock him in. I've heard from a good source that Diaco thinks we will be P5 and that he has been told that if he wins and the guys succeed off the field he'll be paid handsomely and that the money will be there. His family is very happy in CT and he sees it as a long term opportunity.


Providence-Newark-San Antonio
Aug 26, 2011
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If Diaco gets 8 plus wins next year, he'll be a decent coaching commodity. If we are 5-1 or so next fall, we'll need to pony up and try to lock him in. I've heard from a good source that Diaco thinks we will be P5 and that he has been told that if he wins and the guys succeed off the field he'll be paid handsomely and that the money will be there. His family is very happy in CT and he sees it as a long term opportunity.

From your keyboard to god's/allah's/buddha's/vishnu's/the flying spaghetti monster's ears........
Aug 30, 2011
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Bob was one of if not the hot coordinators amd is now just another G5 head coach. Getting him was a coup, but in the world of the carousel it's a slight step down. Randy was an NFL assistant with previous college experience as well expansion franchise building experience. The resumes coming in are not close.

Edsall was an NFL position coach. Completely different job description than head coach of a program. PP and Deleone literally could not have done a worse job here, they both got NFL jobs easily.
Aug 28, 2011
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I can't wait til articles turn into what the improvements to our football program do to boost our program, not the coach...
Nov 30, 2013
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I can't wait til articles turn into what the improvements to our football program do to boost our program, not the coach...

We may be waiting for a really long time then. CFB coaches, according to billion dollar TMZ network we have here in Bristol, are one of three things: an up-and-comer, an established veteran and Nick Saban.
Aug 28, 2011
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I can't wait til articles turn into what the improvements to our football program do to boost our program, not the coach...

or you can just not read them


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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Diaco is doing a pretty good job but we actually have to beat several good teams to be 9-3 or 10-2. It is certainly possible but you've got to remember that other teams will improve too and some of the teams that you expect to drop off due to matriculation won't drop off at all. Right now, Houston, USF, Cincinnati, ECU, Temple and Memphis will challenge us for the conference title next year. We have P5 games that are winnable but certainly only 50/50 at best. Part of me wants to believe we are on our way but the other part realizes that we aren't the only program trying. Combine that with horrible clock managment, terrible special teams and no second string QB that we know can really play, and you've got potential obstacles. I feel positive but I won't be too surprised if we win 6-7 games next year. Now, if we get someone in to coach specials ASAP, figure out what our problem calling plays is and find out that Tyler is a good backup QB, I'll feel better.

If Diaco gets 8 plus wins next year, he'll be a decent coaching commodity. If we are 5-1 or so next fall, we'll need to pony up and try to lock him in. I've heard from a good source that Diaco thinks we will be P5 and that he has been told that if he wins and the guys succeed off the field he'll be paid handsomely and that the money will be there. His family is very happy in CT and he sees it as a long term opportunity.

Three great points in a 9-line post. Thats got to be a BY efficiency record.
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