I would expect the team to go full speed and strength. UCONN had no time last year with the team on the court together and they start out with quite a few tough games so it will be good to know what's what. As far as injuries go I hope they come through healthy but last year showed injuries happen in a variety of settings.
I too hope no one is injured but if all are 100% cleared, they need to let it all hang out and go for it. This will allow them to develop trust in themselves and finally, hopefully put this two year injury odyssey behind them.
Obviously, I’m no doctor but I have read many times (and it makes sense to me) that playing/acting tentatively once you are fully healed can increase the chances of reinjury due to the fact that your actions/movements are unnatural and tense.
Of course, different people will need varying amounts of time to fully trust their body again but I am hopeful that most of our “walking wounded” will have used this summer break to develop that trust so that they will be able to play free of any lingering doubt or fear.
I only wish I could go along and watch them play. Of course, I also wish I could see them play at Storrs, on the road, in the BE tournament, the NCAA tournament, the FF, and the title game! Oh well, maybe I’ll win the lottery.