I generally watch ESPN games without the sound. I have to wonder who they think their audience is when they start chatting about other stuff during a game. If the game is still in doubt, most viewers want the stats and info on the game. If it is a blowout there are probably only a few types of viewers. First are the fans of the winning team who are relishing the beat down. They certainly dont want to listen to other stuff or have half the picture covered. Then there are the suffering but loyal fans of the losing team. If they are still watching the game, they probably want to hear about the game too! Especially those teams that dont get a lot of TV exposure. There maybe some other groups of hardcore basketball fans too. However I dont think any viewer continues watching just so they can listen to chatter on other topics. Do they really think that the announcers are so entertaining that people who otherwise would tune out will continue watching? I dont!
I wonder why they dont do more with their "experts" I would rather they discussed offensive and defensive strategies more. Some viewers might feel talked down to, but there is plenty to see and explain during a game even when the outcome is not in doubt. It could be fun to have them do an isolated view of an interesting matchup, for example.