OT: - UConn doesn't guarantee on campus housing for freshmen? | The Boneyard

OT: UConn doesn't guarantee on campus housing for freshmen?

Aug 17, 2011
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The daughter of one of my friends is going to be a freshman at UConn this fall and UConn is now telling her she doesn't have a guarantee of on campus housing. They didn't say that when she applied or accepted UConn's admission. How could that possibly be? Is anyone else going through this? When did this start? They should have told people before accepting the admissions.

Her and her parents are flipping out. First, what freshman wants to live off campus? And by herself. Second, it's extremely hard to find a place this late. And much more expensive than on campus dorms. Kind of crazy if you ask me. Anyone have any connections at UConn to help out?
Aug 26, 2011
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The daughter of one of my friends is going to be a freshman at UConn this fall and UConn is now telling her she doesn't have a guarantee of on campus housing. They didn't say that when she applied or accepted UConn's admission. How could that possibly be? Is anyone else going through this? When did this start? They should have told people before accepting the admissions.

Her and her parents are flipping out. First, what freshman wants to live off campus? And by herself. Second, it's extremely hard to find a place this late. And much more expensive than on campus dorms. Kind of crazy if you ask me. Anyone have any connections at UConn to help out?
A ‘nice’ letter from one of the BY legal eagles might help a bit
Dec 8, 2015
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I'm assuming the enrollment rate was just higher than previous years. And of course there were a record number of apps. It probably was unexpected and the administration are reeling.

There's tons of off-campus housing available. I could show you 6 places by the end of today. And about a million locals renting rooms. There's two of 'em just on my street. It sucks, but there will be SOMEWHERE to live.
Apr 2, 2023
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Was this student previously promised on campus housing with their admissions acceptance? Accepted at Storrs?
Jan 6, 2015
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The daughter of one of my friends is going to be a freshman at UConn this fall and UConn is now telling her she doesn't have a guarantee of on campus housing. They didn't say that when she applied or accepted UConn's admission. How could that possibly be? Is anyone else going through this? When did this start? They should have told people before accepting the admissions.

Her and her parents are flipping out. First, what freshman wants to live off campus? And by herself. Second, it's extremely hard to find a place this late. And much more expensive than on campus dorms. Kind of crazy if you ask me. Anyone have any connections at UConn to help out?
Might have better luck requesting on-campus residence at one of the less popular locales. Personally, I loved living in Whitney on East Campus. Excellent, under-frequented dining hall, relaxing part of campus and near lots of open green space.
Jan 19, 2017
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The daughter of one of my friends is going to be a freshman at UConn this fall and UConn is now telling her she doesn't have a guarantee of on campus housing. They didn't say that when she applied or accepted UConn's admission. How could that possibly be? Is anyone else going through this? When did this start? They should have told people before accepting the admissions.

Her and her parents are flipping out. First, what freshman wants to live off campus? And by herself. Second, it's extremely hard to find a place this late. And much more expensive than on campus dorms. Kind of crazy if you ask me. Anyone have any connections at UConn to help out?

Professor at UConn here with two daughters attending currently. So some familiarity with the way things currently work but not an expert by any means.

Getting accepted into UConn ain’t what it used to be. You may get accepted and enrolled at Storrs, Hartford, Stanford campuses. There’s no choosing.

If you get accepted to Hartford, you could apply for on-campus housing, then take the shuttle bus into Hartford for all your classes…or live at home, get an apartment, etc.

Did she get accepted specifically at Storrs?

Also, when she accepted, she should have gotten instructions to sign up and select housing choices. Did she do that?

I was looking over the shoulders of both my daughters as they were doing it and I don’t recall any disclaimer that said “even though you’re doing this, you may not even get a room”

Odd. Hopefully the have called Res Life and spoken to an actual person?
Feb 19, 2014
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UConn desperately needs to keep expanding the housing in Storrs. We had 56,000 applicants for the 2028 class this spring. I think that number was like 45,000 last year for the 2027 class. And a lot of that increase in applicants can likely be attributed to Dan Hurley and the Back to Back National Championships.

I think there's about 20,000 students (UG and Grad) in Storrs, we really should be pushing that number up to 25,000 - 30,000 in the next 10-15 years.
Dec 8, 2015
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UConn desperately needs to keep expanding the housing in Storrs. We had 56,000 applicants for the 2028 class this spring. I think that number was like 45,000 last year for the 2027 class. And a lot of that increase in applicants can likely be attributed to Dan Hurley and the Back to Back National Championships.

I think there's about 20,000 students (UG and Grad) in Storrs, we really should be pushing that number up to 25,000 - 30,000 in the next 10-15 years.

I'm a local, so I think I'm supposed to say "not in my back yard!"

But I agree. Shoot, the old training training center complex is HUGE. Tear it down and you could put enough housing for another few thousand students easily with room for some lecture halls too.

I suspect UConn will be expanding what they have at the branch campuses first though.
Jan 2, 2019
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The daughter of one of my friends is going to be a freshman at UConn this fall and UConn is now telling her she doesn't have a guarantee of on campus housing. They didn't say that when she applied or accepted UConn's admission. How could that possibly be? Is anyone else going through this? When did this start? They should have told people before accepting the admissions.

Her and her parents are flipping out. First, what freshman wants to live off campus? And by herself. Second, it's extremely hard to find a place this late. And much more expensive than on campus dorms. Kind of crazy if you ask me. Anyone have any connections at UConn to help out?
This happened to me back in 2006. I got wait-list and accepted late. Ended up getting put in Mansfield apartments as a freshman. Never got to go to orientation or anything. Was a disaster for me. Should have just said thanks but no thanks when they accepted me so late.

That's the reason I'm CCSUblue and not huskyblue or something like that.
Apr 26, 2023
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The daughter of one of my friends is going to be a freshman at UConn this fall and UConn is now telling her she doesn't have a guarantee of on campus housing. They didn't say that when she applied or accepted UConn's admission. How could that possibly be? Is anyone else going through this? When did this start? They should have told people before accepting the admissions.

Her and her parents are flipping out. First, what freshman wants to live off campus? And by herself. Second, it's extremely hard to find a place this late. And much more expensive than on campus dorms. Kind of crazy if you ask me. Anyone have any connections at UConn to help out?
It is likely they missed a deadline. My daughter's friend had same situation. She originally committed to a different school then switched to UConn.

There was only one other time I remember when UConn ran into this problem and they ended up putting some freshmen into the hotel on campus.
Aug 17, 2011
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I'm assuming the enrollment rate was just higher than previous years. And of course there were a record number of apps. It probably was unexpected and the administration are reeling.

There's tons of off-campus housing available. I could show you 6 places by the end of today. And about a million locals renting rooms. There's two of 'em just on my street. It sucks, but there will be SOMEWHERE to live.
UConn said they had too many students accept their admissions. I'm sure she could find a place but she said that's not what she wants for her freshman experience. If she knew this before she would have gone to another school.
Jan 19, 2017
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Interestingly enough, my younger daughter (who has housing for fall) just got an email today from UConn trying to offer her incentives to commute to Storrs…free parking, a 2K stipend, and free food.

Seems like maybe they overbooked students vs. available rooms based on previous years modeling and may be stuck with scrambling to accommodate…
Dec 8, 2015
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UConn said they had too many students accept their admissions. I'm sure she could find a place but she said that's not what she wants for her freshman experience. If she knew this before she would have gone to another school.

If she's near a regional campus, I'd just take gen eds and commute for a semester. I suspect it will work out though, as stressful as it is.
Feb 24, 2019
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UConn desperately needs to keep expanding the housing in Storrs. We had 56,000 applicants for the 2028 class this spring. I think that number was like 45,000 last year for the 2027 class. And a lot of that increase in applicants can likely be attributed to Dan Hurley and the Back to Back National Championships.

I think there's about 20,000 students (UG and Grad) in Storrs, we really should be pushing that number up to 25,000 - 30,000 in the next 10-15 years.
They should also create more housing in Hartford and Stamford for upper classmen.
Sep 26, 2011
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UConn said they had too many students accept their admissions. I'm sure she could find a place but she said that's not what she wants for her freshman experience. If she knew this before she would have gone to another school.
Interesting. There were a TON of applications this year. But almost every school's applications were up. Rutgers was up something like 60% (a big reason is because they went common app for the first time). But the increase is mostly because kids are applying to upwards of 20 schools. It's really hard for a school like UConn to know what your yield is going to be. The back-to-back may have unexpectedly increased UConn's yield.

Our experience this year was that it was easier to get into UConn Storrs from out of state, than in state. Sucks for Connecticut kids. But UConn also started playing some of the games that schools like Northeastern do. Kids were told they can start in spring, or had to go abroad for a semester (or year?). Those kids don't count as "accepted" so the rate is lowered.

When my son signed up and filled out housing, we didn't get any notification about not being guaranteed a spot. So maybe the friend's kid didn't fill out the paperwork on time, or was let in off the waitlist so she was already too late. It does suck. You certainly want to be on campus as a freshman to get acclimated. Not like UConn freshman dorms are awesome though. I'd personally be surprised if they don't find room for the admitted freshmen. There's still movement going on with a lot of schools still taking kids from their waitlist in May and June. Many of those kids would've signed up for a dorm at UConn, but since bailed. Like a basketball player, you aren't fully committed to UConn until you pay. Returning students sometimes move off campus after saying they plan on staying in a dorm also.
Dec 8, 2015
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Interestingly enough, my younger daughter (who has housing for fall) just got an email today from UConn trying to offer her incentives to commute to Storrs…free parking, a 2K stipend, and free food.

Seems like maybe they overbooked students vs. available rooms based on previous years modeling and may be stuck with scrambling to accommodate…

My wife's old department head is begging any old adjuncts or PhD students still in the area to teach gen eds. I think they even added to VAPs to help cover all the freshman classes they need to add.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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And about a million locals renting rooms
Ironically, the same locals probably oppose anytime the university wants to expand.
Oct 26, 2017
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Wow... I lived in the same small dorm room with a roommate all 4 years at UConn... but that was a LONG time ago!


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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UConn said they had too many students accept their admissions. I'm sure she could find a place but she said that's not what she wants for her freshman experience. If she knew this before she would have gone to another school.
It's a problem at multiple schools. My daughter had "on campus" housing at Northeastern as a Freshman, it was the Sheraton Hotel next to the Prudential. 20 minutes from campus. The following year they put her up at a very nice student focused off campus apartment building called Lightview at university rates. She's back there next year, but not through the school. BU and BC have these problems too. I'm sure many schools do. It's worse in Storrs with limited good options.

Agree it's not what I'd want as a freshman and UConn should do what Northeastern did and buy up the off-campus housing for the year and allocate it via the university at on campus rates.


What does that mean, in-famous?
Nov 27, 2012
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My kid has to study his first semester abroad in Seville, Spain with "guaranteed" enrollment and housing at the Storrs campus for the Spring semester.

This thread is going to make me watch out extra hard for when that housing deadline approaches this Fall/Winter..
And I'll also be crawling up his rear from across the ocean to keep us updated on any emails he gets from UConn about it that we wouldn't know about...
Aug 17, 2011
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Professor at UConn here with two daughters attending currently. So some familiarity with the way things currently work but not an expert by any means.

Getting accepted into UConn ain’t what it used to be. You may get accepted and enrolled at Storrs, Hartford, Stanford campuses. There’s no choosing.

If you get accepted to Hartford, you could apply for on-campus housing, then take the shuttle bus into Hartford for all your classes…or live at home, get an apartment, etc.

Did she get accepted specifically at Storrs?

Also, when she accepted, she should have gotten instructions to sign up and select housing choices. Did she do that?

I was looking over the shoulders of both my daughters as they were doing it and I don’t recall any disclaimer that said “even though you’re doing this, you may not even get a room”

Odd. Hopefully the have called Res Life and spoken to an actual person?
She got accepted to Storrs. She lives in Massachusetts.

My friend is calling his daughter to see if she didn't fill out the housing selection questionnaire by the deadline. That could be the issue! If that's the case then she has herself to blame for her predicament.

They have spoken to people at UConn and they apologized and said her option is to find housing off campus. Unfortunately she lives out of state and doesn't know anyone else going to UConn so she would have to find a place for just her. Who wants that for a freshman experience at a big school? My friend is going to keep calling UConn. As spots open up maybe she gets a dorm on campus.


What does that mean, in-famous?
Nov 27, 2012
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Thoughts and prayers.
Yeah. He is going to be bored as heck when he gets to campus in the Spring after the unlimited living, traveling and partying debauchery that he will be doing and seeing in 18+ drinking age Europe.
He has no idea the levels of awesomeness he is going to experience over there.
I'm really jealous of him.
Aug 17, 2011
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It is likely they missed a deadline. My daughter's friend had same situation. She originally committed to a different school then switched to UConn.

There was only one other time I remember when UConn ran into this problem and they ended up putting some freshmen into the hotel on campus.
I'm betting this is the problem. My friend just called his daughter to find out. He said she's usually very good at doing what she's supposed to do.
Jan 19, 2017
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If she's near a regional campus, I'd just take gen eds and commute for a semester. I suspect it will work out though, as stressful as it is.
My daughter did her freshman year at Hartford campus… Commuted down there… It was a great transition to college life, the classrooms are new & modern, class sizes are small for gen ed vs, Storrs. She was really happy with the path she took so far.

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