Men - UConn Baseball 2024 | Page 13 | The Boneyard

Men UConn Baseball 2024

Mar 24, 2012
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This preview article on the UConn infield mentions Luke Broadhurst as a candidate to possibly get playing time at D.H. and possibly 1B. I would think Maddix Dalena will get a chance at both these spots as well, as he is a possible offensive threat with power in his bat. One thing that this article doesn't mention is the possibility of Broadhurst getting playing time at 3B. In each of that last 2 fall seasons with UConn, Broadhurst has gotten a far amount of playing time at 3B in scrimmages and exhibition games, so I would not totally shut the door on the possibility of Broadhurst getting some playing time at 3B, assuming that the coaching staff is okay with his fielding ability at 3B. From what we have been hearing since last summer since Grad transfer catcher Matt Malcom transferred to UConn, it sounds like it is possible that Malcom could see some playing time at the D.H. spot. If Malcom and Dalena show positive offensive production this spring, I would think it would increase the chance of Broadhurst getting some playing time at 3B.

It would certainly be good for the future of UConn baseball if a few of the incoming freshmen on this team get some playing time and show some ability to produce both on offense and defense. I would seem from what we have heard and from this article that the freshman infielder who most likely might fit this bill would be Tyler Minick. He is another player who could see some time at 3B.

We'll have to see what pops up in the preseason interviews that Chris Jones does every year with the coaching staff concerning the players on the team.
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Mar 24, 2012
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This preview article on the UConn infield mentions Luke Broadhurst as a candidate to possibly get playing time at D.H. and possibly 1B. I would think Maddix Dalena will get a chance at both these spots as well, as he is a possible offensive threat with power in his bat. One thing that this article doesn't mention is the possibility of Broadhurst getting playing time at 3B. In each of that last 2 fall seasons with UConn, Broadhurst has gotten a far amount of playing time at 3B in scrimmages and exhibition games, so I would not totally shut the door on the possibility of Broadhurst getting some playing time at 3B, assuming that the coaching staff is okay with his fielding ability at 3B. From what we have been hearing since last summer since Grad transfer catcher Matt Malcom transferred to UConn, it sounds like it is possible that Malcom could see some playing time at the D.H. spot. If Malcom and Dalena show positive offensive production this spring, I would think it would increase the chance of Broadhurst getting some playing time at 3B.

It would certainly be good for the future of UConn baseball if a few of the incoming freshmen on this team get some playing time and show some ability to produce both on offense and defense. I would seem from what we have heard and from this article that the freshman infielder who most likely might fit this bill would be Tyler Minick. He is another player who could see some time at 3B.

We'll have to see what pops up in the preseason interviews that Chris Jones does every year with the coaching staff concerning the players on the team.

Guessing that Paul Tammaro will get the first shot at SS, and Ryan Daniels at 2B. Interesting to see what happens with Bryan Padilla, he could be all over the place as the season goes on.
Sep 9, 2022
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Guessing that Paul Tammaro will get the first shot at SS, and Ryan Daniels at 2B. Interesting to see what happens with Bryan Padilla, he could be all over the place as the season goes on.
dbmill thanks for posting. My guess is Friday night: Padilla 3B, Tammaro SS, Daniels 2B, and Dalena 1B based on what we saw last fall. Leashes will be shorter for Padilla and Dalena than for the other 2 guys. I believe Broadhurst played SS when he was in high school about a decade ago (haha). So playing either corner is something he should be able to do if called upon. Minick is an exciting option as well if someone falters. I like him a lot based on the small sample size. Guess is Tammaro will lead off with Daniels hitting second. I think as of today Daniels is more of a leadoff hitter than Tammaro but I get the fact that there are advantages of having a left-handed bat in the 2 hole. Want to see Daniels driving the baseball this year (i.e. more pull-happy). Leaving for Tampa tomorrow as I'm beating the possible storm that is coming to the Northeast on Tuesday.
Mar 24, 2012
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dbmill thanks for posting. My guess is Friday night: Padilla 3B, Tammaro SS, Daniels 2B, and Dalena 1B based on what we saw last fall. Leashes will be shorter for Padilla and Dalena than for the other 2 guys. I believe Broadhurst played SS when he was in high school about a decade ago (haha). So playing either corner is something he should be able to do if called upon. Minick is an exciting option as well if someone falters. I like him a lot based on the small sample size. Guess is Tammaro will lead off with Daniels hitting second. I think as of today Daniels is more of a leadoff hitter than Tammaro but I get the fact that there are advantages of having a left-handed bat in the 2 hole. Want to see Daniels driving the baseball this year (i.e. more pull-happy). Leaving for Tampa tomorrow as I'm beating the possible storm that is coming to the Northeast on Tuesday.

If Broadhurst either plays at D.H. or 1B, I would expect Padilla to get the first shot at 3B. Definitely expect Broadhurst to be in the starting lineup.
Sep 9, 2022
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Yes Luke will be DHing Friday night
To expand on why I said what I did above:
1) Padilla @ 3B - He deserves a chance to win that job based on prior service and he also epitomizes UConn baseball (quality guy). Can he keep it? TBD
2) Dalena @ 1B - Uconn has not had a REAL power threat (>10 HRs/season) from the left side since Reggie/Winks in 2021. Dalena gives them that chance and if that occurs he makes the lineup that much better. Again tbd.
Mar 24, 2012
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Like I said before, based on Luke Broadhurst's production at D.H. last season, I expect he will again be a regular player in the UConn lineup this season. However, while it is probable that he will again be the regular D.H. again this season, I think it is possible that he could see time at 1B and/or 3B depending on how other players on the team perform.

I expect Maddix Dalena to have the first shot at being the regular player at 1B. That of course assumes that he performs well on the offensive side of things. If Dalena ends up having problems at the plate, Broadhurst could end up seeing some time at 1B.

There has been a lot of talk about catcher Matt Malcom and his hitting ability since it was announced he was transferring to UConn. Due to this, I'm inclined to think it is possible that Malcom could get some playing time at D.H. (it will be interesting to see if the first string catcher this season is Malcom or Matt Garbowski). If this were to happen, then I would expect that Broadhurst would get playing time at either 3B or 1B if and when Malcom gets playing time at D.H. Of course, playing 3B would also depend on how well Broadhurst does in the field.

During each of the last 2 fall ball seasons Broadhurst has seen playing time at both 1B and 3B during scrimmages and exhibition games. I would expect Padilla and possibly Tyler Minick to be contenders for playing time at 3B as well for UConn in addition to the possibility of Broadhurst seeing time there.

It will be interesting to see how every thing sorts out early in the season. I would think it is possible some sort of platoon situation may develop at certain positions (possibly catcher), but we will see how things develop as the season gets going. It will also be interesting to see what the coaches end up saying about certain players in the preseason interviews.

Another spot for a possible platoon may be in CF with TC Simmons and Drew Kron if someone doesn't win the spot outright.
Jul 2, 2021
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Like I said before, based on Luke Broadhurst's production at D.H. last season, I expect he will again be a regular player in the UConn lineup this season. However, while it is probable that he will again be the regular D.H. again this season, I think it is possible that he could see time at 1B and/or 3B depending on how other players on the team perform.

I expect Maddix Dalena to have the first shot at being the regular player at 1B. That of course assumes that he performs well on the offensive side of things. If Dalena ends up having problems at the plate, Broadhurst could end up seeing some time at 1B.

There has been a lot of talk about catcher Matt Malcom and his hitting ability since it was announced he was transferring to UConn. Due to this, I'm inclined to think it is possible that Malcom could get some playing time at D.H. (it will be interesting to see if the first string catcher this season is Malcom or Matt Garbowski). If this were to happen, then I would expect that Broadhurst would get playing time at either 3B or 1B if and when Malcom gets playing time at D.H. Of course, playing 3B would also depend on how well Broadhurst does in the field.

During each of the last 2 fall ball seasons Broadhurst has seen playing time at both 1B and 3B during scrimmages and exhibition games. I would expect Padilla and possibly Tyler Minick to be contenders for playing time at 3B as well for UConn in addition to the possibility of Broadhurst seeing time there.

It will be interesting to see how every thing sorts out early in the season. I would think it is possible some sort of platoon situation may develop at certain positions (possibly catcher), but we will see how things develop as the season gets going. It will also be interesting to see what the coaches end up saying about certain players in the preseason interviews.

Another spot for a possible platoon may be in CF with TC Simmons and Drew Kron if someone doesn't win the spot outright.
I will preface this by saying that I haven’t kept a close eye on his fall performance but prior to that I was kind of expecting that Caleb Shpur might get some run in CF as well.
Mar 24, 2012
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I will preface this by saying that I haven’t kept a close eye on his fall performance but prior to that I was kind of expecting that Caleb Shpur might get some run in CF as well.

By the way, Caleb Shpur has 2 seasons of eligibility left. UConn has 3 outfielders (Studley, Morton, and Simmons) who are in their last season of eligibility.


Lost patience with the garden variety UConn fan
Aug 26, 2011
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Amazing how Corey Morton has fallen off the prospect list with 1 bad year.
Aug 26, 2011
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Interesting read on UCSB’s home field opening debacle (UConn scheduled @ UCSB March 8,9,10).

Sep 9, 2022
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Has he ever fully hit his stride (edit: just realized the pun)? I know he is is very good player. Hoping this is a big breakout year for him.
I don’t think his baseball instincts are optimal. they had to move him back to LF from CF last year when he tried to take over for TC. Baserunning too but his speed overcomes it. Still a nice player to have and can make all Big east this year if he has a year he’s capable of.

Landed in Tampa last night. Weather looks great thru friday. Sat/sun rain in the forecast. Sunday looks worse than saturday. See how it plays out.
Sep 9, 2022
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Interesting read on UCSB’s home field opening debacle (UConn scheduled @ UCSB March 8,9,10).

Thanks for posting. Interesting article. Plan on taking in this series so lets see where it happens. Also with the probable upcoming NIL changes a lot of challenges for many baseball programs coming up. I believe you posted an article on Clemson and the money they need to stay competitive. Funding, in various forms, becoming a front and center issue.

I also urge anyone who hasnt listened to the NIL podcast posted on here to have a listen. I learned a lot about the process.
Mar 24, 2012
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Has he ever fully hit his stride (edit: just realized the pun)? I know he is is very good player. Hoping this is a big breakout year for him.
I don’t think his baseball instincts are optimal. they had to move him back to LF from CF last year when he tried to take over for TC. Baserunning too but his speed overcomes it. Still a nice player to have and can make all Big east this year if he has a year he’s capable of.

Landed in Tampa last night. Weather looks great thru friday. Sat/sun rain in the forecast. Sunday looks worse than saturday. See how it plays out.

There was one area where Korey Morton improved his game last season, he developed a better eye for taking a higher percentage of walks in his at bats then he did in his previous UConn season. Before last season Morton did not get many walks.

When Drew Kron played summer ball in Norwich a couple of summers ago, he impressed me with his speed, defense, and baseball instincts.
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