UCF Postgame Thread | Page 16 | The Boneyard

UCF Postgame Thread

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Jun 22, 2012
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Why? So I am not allowed to have an opinion about him because of his credentials? I spent 40 years of my life directly involved in basketball, played NAIA college ball, coachEd for almost 20 years, 11 of those as a head coach in the highly competitive Parochial A section in NJ. I scouted for a D1 and D2 scouting combine for another decade and a half. That does not make me right by ANY means but it does mean I am forming an opinion on a subject I am intimately familiar with, firsthand.
Personally, I would jump at the chance to talk to him because I think his decisions regarding the team since the end of the BE tournament have been dead wrong, both in changing the starting lineup and last night in-game coaching. And I think his reasoning of staying with an offensive team while they generated no offense is ridiculous. In game coaching means you adapt as things evolve, not stay a whole half with something that isn’t working.
Where did I say you weren't allowed to comment or second-guess him?
Jun 6, 2021
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Let it go. It's really not that important. I was hoping after Covid the practice would be done for good. There is nothing to gain from it but there's always the risk of a Michigan-Wisconsin or a player tripping your coach or some other dumb controversy coming from it.
I’m not holding onto the end of game handshake line pros or cons. I simply stated my opinion in response to a poster’s opinion. And I disagree with you, because something that can be gained from it is the respect to the opponent, win or lose — we battled for 40+ minutes, you kicked my butt, best wishes in the next round.


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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Yeah. I think I left out the word spit. Well, I've made my feelings known about handshake lines so...
Agreed. UCF head coach Katie Abrahamson-Henderson showed to the world what a "classless" act she and her team is. Win or lose, it's customary to give a complimentary handshake to your opponent after the game, REGARDLESS of the outcome. It's not Geno's rule or UConn's rule. It's customary tradition. It's done across the entire landscape of Division 1 basketball as a show of good sportsmanship.

You are the leader of your program. Your players will follow your lead good or bad. What kind of message is she sending/imparting to WCBB and her players that they will later take out into the real world? I'm so happy we won this game, and they are no longer in our conference. I wonder what her response would have been, if during her post game presser, that question was posed to her?
Jan 22, 2020
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This was no doubt an ugly game. UCF now and Rutgers of old seem to be able to just make a game into a painful grind. Rutgers got a few wins that way and UCF is still looking for a first win against UConn. I'm not going to let this game dampen my hopes for a deep run. UConn has it's flaws, as all teams do, but on the whole it is a deep and talented team.

Just a couple of observations:

It was noted earlier in this thread that a lot of passes were less than crisp. I too cringed multiple times as long passes seemed to hang in the air forever. None were picked off but other teams will notice this tendency and try to take advantage.

There were several times that Paige was being guarded and saw a double team coming and rather than passing before the second player got in tight or dribbling away before the second player arrived she just waited until it was too late. It didn't help that her teammates didn't come to her to help out. The times I noticed didn't result in a turnover but not a good tendency.

When fate put Caroline into the role of a go to player she responded like a champ. When all the injured came back she reverted back to being another freshman. She has a lot of good skills and I hope she plays well for the rest of our tournament run. I suspect that it won't be until next year before we see the confidence she had earlier this year.


Hits Bombs
Aug 26, 2011
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No knock on Dorka I think she is one of the more important players. I really like the way she plays and the energy she brings. I can easily look past any of her shortcomings for the value she brings.
could they use Dorka more when breaking the press? keep her just inside the half court line and high pass it to her. she can then distribute from there or even dribble out a bit before passing
it seemed like the guards were stopping just short of half court, getting trapped and then rushing their passes (and giving up seconds on the shot clock)

i'll make sure Geno knows all this on Saturday


surf's up
Nov 9, 2018
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Why? So I am not allowed to have an opinion about him because of his credentials? I spent 40 years of my life directly involved in basketball, played NAIA college ball, coachEd for almost 20 years, 11 of those as a head coach in the highly competitive Parochial A section in NJ. I scouted for a D1 and D2 scouting combine for another decade and a half. That does not make me right by ANY means but it does mean I am forming an opinion on a subject I am intimately familiar with, firsthand.
Personally, I would jump at the chance to talk to him because I think his decisions regarding the team since the end of the BE tournament have been dead wrong, both in changing the starting lineup and last night in-game coaching. And I think his reasoning of staying with an offensive team while they generated no offense is ridiculous. In game coaching means you adapt as things evolve, not stay a whole half with something that isn’t working.
becuz this

is not the same as this

give it a rest already.
i once had a pretty famous nba pal sneak up behind me while i was at the foul line, and pants me in front of aboot 500 or so folks at hall neighborhood in Bridgeport. that was sum funny right thar, especially watching the vid.
and now, imma a sartorial expert. good thing nobuddy heard me whisper to him 'gonna get the glock!' when in rome, an all that.
im also a super soaker expert.
Last edited:


Proud Connecticut WBB Fan
Aug 26, 2011
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The announcers discussed it but not very clearly. It looked like a lane violation because that's what a fake does. If you watch Paige come running in from half court, she's telling him what the call should be.

OK rule wonks, it took some time but I finally got the rule book downloaded. Here's the official rule:

Section 1. Free-Throw Violations
Art. 1. After the ball is placed at the disposal of a free-thrower, it is a violation when:
a. The free-thrower fails to release the try within 10 seconds and in such a way that the ball enters the basket or touches the ring or flange before the free throw ends.
b. The free-thrower purposely fakes a try or the free-thrower’s teammates or opponents purposely fake a violation.

Section 5. Free-Throw Requirements
Art. 1. After the ball is placed at the disposal of a free-thrower:
a. The free-thrower shall release the try within 10 seconds and in such a way that the ball enters the basket or touches the ring or flange before the free throw ends.
b. The free-thrower shall not purposely fake a try nor shall the free-thrower’s teammates and opponents purposely fake a violation

So the operative word here is "purposely" - making the call subjective. That "pump fake" was not part of her usual motion so it definitely was subject to referee attention, but, for example, if the ball had slipped in her hand making her double-clutch - no violation. No one claimed it was a slip or any other legit reason though. The UCF coach's only argument was apparently that everybody entered the lane so why was UCF getting penalized? This is not relevant to the correctness of the call. The referee (with Paige's help) determined that the motion was an illegal fake. His signal was the generic "free throw violation" signal right out of the rule book. It is used for lane violations also.
Aug 26, 2011
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Correct. Less time. I like the rotation of 9, tweaked once the game starts based on play and circumstances. Of cours
Caroline had a poor game? She played four minutes and missed two layups. If Geno had benched everyone who missed two layups, UConn would've had a pretty sparse array of players on the court by the second half. I hope if she has a good week of practice, Geno gives Caroline another chance in the next game. There will be games (including tonight) when it would be handy to have her point production.

The freshman gets a shorter least than the 5th year senior or an all-American
Oct 10, 2016
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I have read all the comments. All 16 pages. I agree with some thought and naturally disagree with others. The one comment on last night's game that I don't recall seeing is an observation that I made probably sometime in the 3rd Q. That is; this game has way too much flopping. I'm not sure how a few early flopping calls would have made a difference, but it was crazy.
Mar 31, 2018
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Watch Nika on the sideline during the second half and you can see she was not bothered one bit. She was excited and the biggest cheerleader on every defensive stop or bucket UConn made.
I added laughing crying faces to show sarcasm but they didn’t show.
Mar 20, 2018
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I’m still trying to understand the logics of declining the end of game handshake line after a game. I realize that Covid precautions are still being observed, but in basketball games, the players have just intensely mingled, and sweated on each other for 40+ minutes. So avoiding the line where a quick tap or embrace occurs doesn’t make sense to me.
I respect team’s (teams’) decision, but ............
Ok. Even if no handshakes, how about turning toward the Huskies and waving or clapping? They rushed for the locker room so fast it was like they saw someone stealing their car.
Nov 14, 2021
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No knock on Dorka I think she is one of the more important players. I really like the way she plays and the energy she brings. I can easily look past any of her shortcomings for the value she brings.
If you inferred any negativity from my comment, I apologize. That was not my intent. I'd say I like Dorka but the truth is , I can't think of one I don't like. on this Uconn team.


surf's up
Nov 9, 2018
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The Sheehan center? Lol. I grew up in the hollow.
hall neighborhood house.
not archbishop sheehan. i never got pantsed there. only broken noses, finger in the eye, ya know, the usual stuff, including the seemingly everpresent 'stick a sock in it, clif!'
for some odd reason, i heard that a lot at various venues. especially from the zebra's, the opposition, my teammates, coach, ....
good times.
and speaking of the hollow, on the edge of it, just east of main street, is the Pombal bakery, purveyors of one of the absolute best bread things on planet earth. the call it a roll, but it's really not, more like a small loaf.
pro tip: get the 'white bread' version, and not the 'wheat bread' version. and get there early, like bagel king on black rock turnpike, iffn u want even a chance to grab a bag of that wonderfulness.
Aug 26, 2011
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I think between what our students did today, which is unbelievable, right? They made it feel like an extra special game. I think they reminded everyone why Connecticut basketball is Connecticut basketball and way our fans are viewed the way they're viewed.

I missed it, what did the students do?
Nov 3, 2020
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True. But Dorka had been playing so well, including the 1st round game vs Mercer, that I just anticipated that she would be up to the challenge posed by UCF.
Dorka missed shots she should have made, but the flow of the team was much better when she was in. I thought she was very valuable.
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