Hi everyone, I had my surgery and am back home recuperating! Procedure was at 7:30 am, and it was 2 hours drive with arrival for 6:30 am, so set alarm for 3:45 and gathered everything I needed and started driving with my wife. Got there without trouble, operation went smoothly and was done by 9 am. Doctor was pleased, we had physical therapy go over standing, sitting, toilet, and stairs. We were going home by 1 pm and got there by 3. Along the way, I would bend my knee off & on to not have two hours of inactivity.
I’m following the med program/schedule to the letter, and twice I’ve taken PRN nausea as me & anesthesia have a history. And I came close to falling once in kitchen- which they said is worst thing to do- when wife was in other room & I took both hands off walker to do something & lost balance. It caused me to lean backwards enough to wobble, and my wife got to me in time to support me. Hopefully I learned my lesson to not try anything on my own for next week or so but ask wife to help as she’s on vacation for this.
Pre-surgery, my extension was 8 degrees short of straight, and flexion/bend was only 90 degrees. I have the CPM machine working & tolerating it with extension and flexion set at -3 and +120!
So, thanks for your thoughts & comments which were very helpful. I am on the road to recovery!