Getting dangerously low there
Easy comeback is: has she been wearing a bra 24/7 while locked in?Wife saw me changing this morning and realized I was commando in the gym shorts. She was incredulous. Then I told her only time I've worn underwear since Monday was when I played golf Tuesday afternoon. She absolutely did not get my state of mind.
Getting dangerously low there
Oh yeah, that'll work well.Easy comeback is: has she been wearing a bra 24/7 while locked in?
Um, less than 10 person party at HuskyHawks?I‘m all set. About 50-60 bottles of bourbon Scotch and rum. A few Mezcals thrown in too.
I'd like to see a prototype.I been working on a new shoulder-mounted turret that automatically blasts Lysol at anyone who coughs, sneezes, or emits mouth droplets of any kind within six feet of you.
The Big Lysol Turret 9000 is defined for epidemics and flu season, though many who are fearful of germs and disease can use the product year-round, just in case.
Sure he wasn’t Rabid?I never thought Fishy was Chief. But I did always think he may have been Dr. Dos.
Went way back for that one. Sorry, young Yarders.
where you playing? WCC, Goodwin, that Rocky hill course near the condos, Tallwood? I grew up right offWethersfield green and hit a few balls there near Anderson farms section. But that was like 45 years ago.
You forgot Contagion!Watch “Containment”
Watch “Pandemic”
Watch “Outbreak”
that’s what people are doing according to Netflix searches lol
Day drink
Sleep in
Don’t shave
Stay (half) naked all day
Order take out lest you waste the frozen/canned food you’ve hoarded over the last couple weeks
Make hand sanitizer out of everclear and aloe vera
Poop and rinse your in the shower to save toilet paper