To me, evidence invite to the Big 10 not likely ... | The Boneyard

To me, evidence invite to the Big 10 not likely ...

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Sep 18, 2011
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Not a good sign that Michigan doesn't want to play in East Hartford.
Aug 27, 2011
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Unfortunately until Rentschler is expanded...this may become a regular issue for us.


Mar 30, 2012
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Should read "Invite to the Big Ten not likely until football program and stadium expand."

I think the Big Ten loves the UConn-Rutgers market area, and has spoken to the universities about what they would need to do to be attractive. No incentive for the Big Ten to do anything before the Notre Dame TV contract expires. But I don't think you'll see UConn or Rutgers giving away a GoR in the Big East TV contract.


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Aug 25, 2011
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Unfortunately until Rentschler is expanded...this may become a regular issue for us.
I kind of agree, but........if you substituted Rutgers and their 50k+ stadium instead of UConn, I believe that this same conversation occurs.
Aug 27, 2011
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All Jim Delany needs to do is ask Susan Herbst if she is willing to expand the stadium to 55k. If that gets us the invite it would be the easiest decision ever.
Sep 17, 2011
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All Jim Delany needs to do is ask Susan Herbst if she is willing to expand the stadium to 55k. If that gets us the invite it would be the easiest decision ever.
Except for the money to add 15k seats. Uconn would need to raise most of the funds through donations. The State is not going to fund any expansion in the current political climate. The State has bonded 3 projects in the last 4 years. 2 of those are under review for pulling the funds. The largest was around $5 million. Adding 15k seats is much more than $5 million. If you think that a move to the B1G would increase season ticket sales by 15,000, then it becomes an easier problem to solve but anything less than that, political nightmare. Given the pending upgrade and costs of upgrade for hockey (including adding an equal number of scholarships for women athletes), the BB facility and other Uconn fund raising initiatives, how tapped out is the university donor base?
Aug 26, 2011
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Except for the money to add 15k seats. Uconn would need to raise most of the funds through donations. The State is not going to fund any expansion in the current political climate. The State has bonded 3 projects in the last 4 years. 2 of those are under review for pulling the funds. The largest was around $5 million. Adding 15k seats is much more than $5 million. If you think that a move to the B1G would increase season ticket sales by 15,000, then it becomes an easier problem to solve but anything less than that, political nightmare. Given the pending upgrade and costs of upgrade for hockey (including adding an equal number of scholarships for women athletes), the BB facility and other Uconn fund raising initiatives, how tapped out is the university donor base?

Not so sure. It would be money very well spent. Even Ken Krayske would see value in that trade off. The B10 pays big bucks. The easiest political battles to win are ones that:

1. Have a good value proposition

2. Are popular with constituents

3. Will make reelection easier

If I were in state government, I would be front and center with Sue leading UConn to the B10. In UConn crazy Connecticut its a no brainer.

Also, Michigan isn't going to throw UConn a bone, B10 bound or not. It has nothing to do with it. It is about making money on the game, period.
Aug 28, 2011
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Not so sure. It would be money very well spent. Even Ken Krayske would see value in that trade off. The B10 pays big bucks. The easiest political battles to win are ones that:

1. Have a good value proposition

2. Are popular with constituents

3. Will make reelection easier

If I were in state government, I would be front and center with Sue leading UConn to the B10. In UConn crazy Connecticut its a no brainer.

Also, Michigan isn't going to throw UConn a bone, B10 bound or not. It has nothing to do with it. It is about making money on the game, period.

+1000. UConn should expand the stadium to its maximum now. Too much money, time and effort have been already expended only to come up short.


Mar 30, 2012
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I think it's more a question of what UConn brings to the Big Ten then simply the ability to sell 55k tickets. I think they would like to see us selling out routinely at 40k in the Big East, to show we have fans that will develop an interest in other Big Ten teams. In the Big Ten, UConn could pull 55k just from Michigan and OSU and Penn State fans, but that wouldn't be bringing the Big Ten new fans.


Aug 26, 2011
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Think of the make up of the Big East when Rentschler was designed. Think of the current make up, and the make up going forward. Think (very long) on the fact that we do not currently sell out 40k on the regular.

Make no mistake, I would shout from the rooftops if we were filling 55k seats for UConn Football. But it is NOT a simple matter of "build it and they will come", and the funding is not a gimme.

Now, the value proposition would change if it was a matter of the Big Ten saying "Expand and you are in"... but is that even remotely on the table?


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Why does the visiting school care what size the stadium is? Does Michigan get a piece of the gate?
Sep 18, 2011
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Why does the visiting school care what size the stadium is? Does Michigan get a piece of the gate?

I don't know if Michigan will come to the Rent or not, but I do understand what Michigan is trying to accomplish. For their alums, and for exposure, playing the game in NY or Boston would be positive, as more of their alums could and probably would attend, so I can't blame them for trying. Also, from a financial standpoint, they can make more money by buying out UConn and playing a home game instead, unless the game is played at a pro stadium with a large financial backer to pay both teams. Unfortunately, none of the top teams have to play road games out of conference as it doesn't make financial sense no matter what the size of the Rent.

The Funster

Aug 27, 2011
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I'd be willing to have the game played at Foxboro or even Yankee Stadium but it cannot be played right in Rutgers backyard


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I don't know if Michigan will come to the Rent or not, but I do understand what Michigan is trying to accomplish. For their alums, and for exposure, playing the game in NY or Boston would be positive, as more of their alums could and probably would attend, so I can't blame them for trying. Also, from a financial standpoint, they can make more money by buying out UConn and playing a home game instead, unless the game is played at a pro stadium with a large financial backer to pay both teams. Unfortunately, none of the top teams have to play road games out of conference as it doesn't make financial sense no matter what the size of the Rent.

That's what I thought. This is simply an issue of Michigan not wanting to play a road game. It has nothing to do with the size of the Rent.
Aug 26, 2011
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Except for the money to add 15k seats. Uconn would need to raise most of the funds through donations. The State is not going to fund any expansion in the current political climate. The State has bonded 3 projects in the last 4 years. 2 of those are under review for pulling the funds. The largest was around $5 million. Adding 15k seats is much more than $5 million. If you think that a move to the B1G would increase season ticket sales by 15,000, then it becomes an easier problem to solve but anything less than that, political nightmare. Given the pending upgrade and costs of upgrade for hockey (including adding an equal number of scholarships for women athletes), the BB facility and other Uconn fund raising initiatives, how tapped out is the university donor base?

Simply NOT the case.

I will start a separate thread on this. This shows a fundamental lack of understanding of Public Authorities & how that Rentschler Stadium was financed.


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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That's what I thought. This is simply an issue of Michigan not wanting to play a road game. It has nothing to do with the size of the Rent.

That's it. Michigan has a 10-game conference schedule starting in 2017. That's 9-games in the BiG and the PAC-12 challenge. 2 slots left: One slot for a team that does not reciprocate home/away and instead either travels for free or accepts a stipend to go to Michigan. They'd rather schedule Eastern or Western Michigan or Air Force in that slot as the tune up game and rake in the home gate for 100,000 seat. UConn could fit in that slot.

That leaves one home/away series a year for programs like Notre Dame or large market teams to please alumni and the BiG Network schedulers. An SEC or B12 game. BYU. Whatever. Not UConn.


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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If UConn was selling out and was able to raise prices a couple times the state would finance expansion. 95% attendance? Static prices? The ready availability of premium seats?

The Rent is right sized for where UConn is at today.


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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These inbred 10-game schedules plus one home gate tune up game are part of the upcoming consolidation problems. Squeeze out Div II. The non-BCS conferences have to accept a one way ticket stipend or not play a BCS quality game at all. The Big East gets the Dukes and Vandy's of the world and struggles to get a decent game.
Aug 26, 2011
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These inbred 10-game schedules plus one home gate tune up game are part of the upcoming consolidation problems. Squeeze out Div II. The non-BCS conferences have to accept a one way ticket stipend or not play a BCS quality game at all. The Big East gets the Dukes and Vandy's of the world and struggles to get a decent game.

Which is why BYU is not long to be an independant ... unless that want a complete schedule of New Mexico State and odd Texas school home games.
Aug 27, 2011
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If UConn was selling out and was able to raise prices a couple times the state would finance expansion. 95% attendance? Static prices? The ready availability of premium seats?

The Rent is right sized for where UConn is at today.

Please everyone, take a good look at this statement and let it sink into your brains. This is where we're at. Short of a written agreement between Jim Delany and Herbst that if we expand to 55K+, we'll be immediately invited to the B1G, there is no reason to expand. And that agreement ain't happening.

What would be a good idea to do now is to possibly at least draw up some plans on how an expansion would look down the road, a ballpark of what it would cost - adjusted for inflation 5, 10, 15 years out, and evaluate whether it's financially feasible. I don't know if plans are in place right now, I know they built it originally so that it could be expanded, but maybe pay someone to draw up some blueprints of what it might look like. While it's unnecessary right now, at least this would make it appear to potential expansion candidates that we would be willing and ready to do it, were we to upgrade to a new and better conference.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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We're not 15,000 seats from Big Ten consideration.

Put 'em in, don't put 'em in...same difference. We're not getting invited.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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We're not 15,000 seats from Big Ten consideration.

Put 'em in, don't put 'em in...same difference. We're not getting invited.

If you are going to continue to bring reason and rational thought to this board, you are not going to be able to blend in very well... ;)
Aug 26, 2011
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If you are going to continue to bring reason and rational thought to this board, you are not going to be able to blend in very well... ;)

Someone is probably getting invited. I for one would like to make a push for it. If it doesn't happen, we have a better chance of an invite elsewhere.

Thinking small is what is killing the north and growing the south. Conservative Yankee thinking is strangling growth.

Build the seats, market the program and try hard as hell to win games. Otherwise, drop football.

Also, a Big 10 schedule would sell more seats. 40k is the right size for Temple and USF games, not Michigan and Wisconsin games.


Aug 26, 2011
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Someone is probably getting invited. I for one would like to make a push for it. If it doesn't happen, we have a better chance of an invite elsewhere.

Thinking small is what is killing the north and growing the south. Conservative Yankee thinking is strangling growth.

Build the seats, market the program and try hard as hell to win games. Otherwise, drop football.

Also, a Big 10 schedule would sell more seats. 40k is the right size for Temple and USF games, not Michigan and Wisconsin games.
I'm quite sure that Herbst and Manuel are having those conversations. But - today - with Temple and USF on our schedule, why not just wait till we have even a hint that Michigan and Wisconsin will be making regular trips here? Stadium size, while a consideration, is far from the primary driver of this conference madness.

Market more, win games - absolutely. No need to wait on those.
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