Tired of Mediocrity | The Boneyard

Tired of Mediocrity

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Apr 20, 2013
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I am just sick and tired of watching every team in our conference for the past 6 plus years get better, while we pretty much stay at status quo. Now, I was one who thought and said I see change these past years but enough is enough. Why are we not better?? Defense was our calling card even when the offense was so so.. Now the D is as inconsistent as they come and I have to think a lot of that falls on the coaching. I know Edsall left like a slithering snake, but say what you will, his defense was consistent. I know is offense was not glamorous but for the most part it got the job done with the talent we had year in and out. I love my Huskies but Football in general is hard to swallow and show pride in these past few years (by few I mean a long time).

I mean Central Florida, Memphis, Houston, South Florida have all improved in most aspects. Yes, some has to do with recruiting but some also has to to with putting the right coaches in the right spots. If you do not have the right mix on your staff, you make the adjustment/change. When you stay the "course" so to speak you get mediocrity and I am sick of it. I, like most of UCONN diehards want to win and win now!! I disagree with a lot of the media who says we don't belong, can't play with the big boys, nobody wants to play for UCONN, and on and on... I call BS.. bring in the right mix of offensive and defensive coaches who have the ability to coach kids up and put them in the position to win and be aggressive vs give a good effort and settle for morale victories.. Come on UCONN, its time to bring in the right ingredients so we can make/bake the right coaching staff who can then give these kids a fighting chance. One thing is obvious, these kids are playing their hearts out and for the most part its not for the lack of trying, a bounce here and there and UCONN is 6-1 instead of 3-4.. there is still time left and I think now is the time to take a serious look at the coaching ingredients moving forward so the season can end on a positive note, bowl game, etc.. Let's show everyone we are not mediocre and can win! Go Huskies!!

Jax Husky

Larry Taylor did nothing wrong
Aug 27, 2011
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I am just sick and tired of watching every team in our conference for the past 6 plus years get better, while we pretty much stay at status quo. Now, I was one who thought and said I see change these past years but enough is enough. Why are we not better?? Defense was our calling card even when the offense was so so.. Now the D is as inconsistent as they come and I have to think a lot of that falls on the coaching. I know Edsall left like a slithering snake, but say what you will, his defense was consistent. I know is offense was not glamorous but for the most part it got the job done with the talent we had year in and out. I love my Huskies but Football in general is hard to swallow and show pride in these past few years (by few I mean a long time).

I mean Central Florida, Memphis, Houston, South Florida have all improved in most aspects. Yes, some has to do with recruiting but some also has to to with putting the right coaches in the right spots. If you do not have the right mix on your staff, you make the adjustment/change. When you stay the "course" so to speak you get mediocrity and I am sick of it. I, like most of UCONN diehards want to win and win now!! I disagree with a lot of the media who says we don't belong, can't play with the big boys, nobody wants to play for UCONN, and on and on... I call BS.. bring in the right mix of offensive and defensive coaches who have the ability to coach kids up and put them in the position to win and be aggressive vs give a good effort and settle for morale victories.. Come on UCONN, its time to bring in the right ingredients so we can make/bake the right coaching staff who can then give these kids a fighting chance. One thing is obvious, these kids are playing their hearts out and for the most part its not for the lack of trying, a bounce here and there and UCONN is 6-1 instead of 3-4.. there is still time left and I think now is the time to take a serious look at the coaching ingredients moving forward so the season can end on a positive note, bowl game, etc.. Let's show everyone we are not mediocre and can win! Go Huskies!!
Lol, Central Florida is coming off a winless season. with this crap. Smu has regressed, Memphis is back to being Memphis....we are improving and should win 7 regular season games.


Aug 26, 2011
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Herman shot out like a cannon at Houston. Ruhle's 3rd year at Temple was great. USF making great strides. Why can't we do it? Why is anyone satisfied with our progress? Kids are playing their hearts out. Coaches sometimes adjust and other times play scared. We have a mediocre line (why?) and a skittish QB. So frustrating.


Apr 20, 2013
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Lol, Central Florida is coming off a winless season. with this crap. Smu has regressed, Memphis is back to being Memphis....we are improving and should win 7 regular season games.
Yeah yeah.. Oh I forgot Temple, thanks Mike! Throw them in the mix too.. Who said anything about SMU?? Central Florida yeah had a bad year, hired the right coach and is in the right direction.. Memphis is um 5-1 so disagree there but yes I agree with you that we will win 7.. I am just tired of hoping we win vs knowing we will win or at least have a chance to win..
Oct 3, 2016
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There are no guaranteed wins at this level, especially with a defense that gives up 300 rushing yards.
Sep 3, 2011
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Primary reason? UConn has hired "conservative", "old school" philosophy coaches. UConn has refused to accept that college football is about entertaining, high scoring offenses. As a result, they have accepted anemic offenses with the hope that a conservative, "bend-don't-break" defense can win the game. Not working and not the way the game is played in most parts today, where coaches hope that their D can come up with a key stop late in the game to "break service". Wonder about recruiting? What playmakers are gonna want to come to UConn and be utilized primarily to get the offense up to eleven players on the field.
Sep 20, 2014
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You guys are also forgetting that UConn is a tough school - USF, Memphis, Houston will take any dummy and push them through. UConn and New England schools in general do that less and take pride in education over sports.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Herman shot out like a cannon at Houston. Ruhle's 3rd year at Temple was great. USF making great strides. Why can't we do it? Why is anyone satisfied with our progress? Kids are playing their hearts out. Coaches sometimes adjust and other times play scared. We have a mediocre line (why?) and a skittish QB. So frustrating.

UConn doesn't recruit well enough. It's really that simple.
Oct 15, 2016
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UConn doesn't recruit well enough. It's really that simple.
UConn is a few offensive coaching philosophies away from being a successful program. It requires looking within and answering whether they can finally recruit and land a solid pocket passing quarterback, and then prove they can consistently land them. Or, adjust and run a wishbone style offense and recruit a group of talented rb's who might jump at the chance to throw a few times. Solid D plus a pesky offense seems to work for Navy.. and bill bellichick a few weeks ago. Why not try to build your brand on being different, when you know youre never going to be able to be the same it makes perfect sense.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Sure we can be the east coast New Mexico.
Aug 26, 2011
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You have to ask yourself come Monday's decision, why would a P5 conference want us for Football? Obviously we have a huge sell for basketball, but look at what Rutgers has become. We'd get our ass handed to us if we cant even beat teams in the American Athletic Conference
Sep 3, 2011
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You have to ask yourself come Monday's decision, why would a P5 conference want us for Football? Obviously we have a huge sell for basketball, but look at what Rutgers has become. We'd get our ass handed to us if we cant even beat teams in the American Athletic Conference

Disagree somewhat. Membership in a P5 conference gives UConn a big boost in recruiting: the caliber of athlete they go after and the likelihood of landing such players. Jim Calhoun, when he first arrived at UConn, would "recruit the conference" and it worked til he was better positioned to be able to "recruit the UConn program".


Apr 20, 2013
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You guys are also forgetting that UConn is a tough school - USF, Memphis, Houston will take any dummy and push them through. UConn and New England schools in general do that less and take pride in education over sports.
Tell that to Navy, they seem pretty good
Sep 20, 2014
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Can I tell Stanford too? So you are disagreeing that many schools (USF, Memphis, Houston) take kids that are not great students but great athletes and give them a free ride?
Aug 26, 2011
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Herman shot out like a cannon at Houston. Ruhle's 3rd year at Temple was great. USF making great strides. Why can't we do it? Why is anyone satisfied with our progress? Kids are playing their hearts out. Coaches sometimes adjust and other times play scared. We have a mediocre line (why?) and a skittish QB. So frustrating.

Because we don't have good enough coaches to do that.
Sep 28, 2013
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You have to ask yourself come Monday's decision, why would a P5 conference want us for Football?

Disagree somewhat. Membership in a P5 conference gives UConn a big boost in recruiting: the caliber of athlete they go after and the likelihood of landing such players. Jim Calhoun, when he first arrived at UConn, would "recruit the conference" and it worked til he was better positioned to be able to "recruit the UConn program".

One would hope the P5's would see Uconn's potential by considering our track record from not too long ago - before we hit the PP brick wall. Remember when you'd continually hear / read commentators marvel at UConn's meteoric rise in D1 football? I recall when we first cracked the top 25 under Edsall. I was thinking Edsall will be to Uconn football what Cahoun was to Uconn basketball. Breaking into the football top 25 with Edsall reminded me of the early 1980's with Calhoun. The CBB world was shocked when we started beating the likes of Georgetown, St. John's and Syracuse. Yeah, the CFB landscape has changed, but with the right leadership, and a chance to "recruit a P5 conference" we can get back on track.
Sep 7, 2012
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UConn is mediocre because they continue to hire defensive minded coaches for head coach...all of which have hired their buddies as offensive coordinator....none of which are even qualified or are too damn old to call the right plays. Next coach needs to be an offensive guy or a special teams guru and hire a defensive coordinator who actually blitzes once in a while


from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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UConn doesn't recruit well enough. It's really that simple.

Agreed, but with great academics, top notch facilities and a dearth of other top programs within the entire northeastern market, how is it possible that we can't recruit? When Edsall was here we recruited well enough to make a BCS bowl. Now all of a sudden we can't recruit anymore?

If recruiting is the problem, that's all on the coaching staff. Admittedly Edsall was recruiting to a BCS conference and now we aren't, but other teams with less to offer in our own conference are doing a better job of it than we are.
Aug 26, 2011
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Disagree somewhat. Membership in a P5 conference gives UConn a big boost in recruiting: the caliber of athlete they go after and the likelihood of landing such players. Jim Calhoun, when he first arrived at UConn, would "recruit the conference" and it worked til he was better positioned to be able to "recruit the UConn program".

If that were true, wouldnt Rutgers be a lot better than they are?
Aug 29, 2011
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UConn doesn't recruit well enough. It's really that simple.
UConn is a few offensive coaching philosophies away from being a successful program. It requires looking within and answering whether they can finally recruit and land a solid pocket passing quarterback, and then prove they can consistently land them. Or, adjust and run a wishbone style offense and recruit a group of talented rb's who might jump at the chance to throw a few times. Solid D plus a pesky offense seems to work for Navy.. and bill bellichick a few weeks ago. Why not try to build your brand on being different, when you know youre never going to be able to be the same it makes perfect sense.

Philosophy? I don't care if you're Aristotle, your not going to be coach of a high scoring team without explosive players. We have two and neither is a QB. (see USF)
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