I think what I am most concerned about is the concentration of qb's now at a freshman level. You have two true freshmen and a redshirt freshman. One or even two will have to go elsewhere at the end of the season if they want to play and then you will have a healthy cycle of a 2014 qb coming in. But only one of the three can play and if they use a redshirt this year then that player will have to sit out this year and then next year in order to transfer to play. There is no doubt that competition makes stronger players but none of the three, no matter who wins, deserved to make up for prior recruiting failures at the cost of their playing. They all,want to play and they have worked hard to get the chance. In an ideal situation the staff would have brought in a juco player to support the lack of depth. That did not happen and now, on a team filled with local talent in a close community, the kid from Texas will be the odd man out. And one last trivial note: if he does come he is bringing his 2012 Raptor with him and I will knock on the nearest homes and ask if they will let me build them an extra garage for free as long as my son can park his trimmed out truck there for free while he is in school.........he is not coming as the outsider and carless. It is amazing how fast a college kid can no longer be an outsider when he has a car

A car and food money, we all forget how simple college really is.
Your concerns are understandable, but:
- It is just wrong to think any of the QBs has an advantage because he is from Connecticut. The goal here is to have a big-time football program and compete at a national level. We brought in an athletic director who played football at Michigan and had no Connecticut ties to make sure that happened. The recent coaching changes eg moving DeLeone were a repudiation of old-boy networks trumping quality. Parochial concerns like where a kid came from are not going to affect playing time.
- If the coaches were biased by place of origin, it's just as likely that a Texas kid would have the advantage. Texas is a fertile recruiting area as you well know and showing that we can draw national recruits and help them succeed would be good for recruiting; UConn doesn't need to prove itself to Connecticut kids. But as I said, origins won't matter. The goal will be to win and to get the best QB on the field. That will be the only criterion. I am 100% confident about this.
- Keep in mind that Weist the OC and Shane Day the QB coach who presumably will make the decisions do not have any Connecticut history. They are here to succeed as football coaches and their loyalty is not to Connecticut kids but to success on the field.
- The competition and potential transfer issue is a real issue. But it is not a factor for Boyle because beggars cannot be choosers. His only other offer is the legacy offer from BC and he's been told that he won't be getting playing time because the style won't suit him. He knows the situation as he makes his choice. For Cochran and Lagow, the reality is there is still only competition from 3 other QBs total vs 4 at other schools. So competition is less stringent than at other schools.
- I think you are over-emphasizing the disadvantages of the concentration of players in two classes and under-emphasizing the advantages for Richard of the absence of QBs in earlier classes. It is a huge advantage that there is basically no one except Whitmer, who is 3 years ahead, who has an experience advantage over him. (Cochran has an extra year at UConn, but that's made up for by the weaker high school level of competition and by the broken wrist which limited his ability to practice during that year.) So Richard's chances of being the starter for 3-4 years are far higher at UConn than anywhere else.
This last point is really the major point. The 2 QB class but only 4 total on the roster is an unusual situation, but it doesn't make UConn worse for Richard than other schools. It means whereas at the typical 5 QB, 1 per year school, he would have a good chance of being the starter for 1 year and a poor chance of being a multi-year starter (due to competition from multiple QBs from earlier recruiting classes) and still a significant chance of never being the full-time starter because a QB from a later year could possibly beat him out, at UConn he has a SLIGHTLY higher chance of being a zero-year starter (because the Boyle-equivalent competitor recruited in the class of 2014 at the other school would be slightly less likely to beat him out in 2017-18 than Boyle from class of 2013 at UConn) but a MUCH higher chance of being a 3-4 year starter at UConn (3 years if Whitmer starts until eligibility is done and Lagow takes over; 4 years if he beats out Whitmer).
Overall, I believe Richard is stronger than Cochran or Boyle and thus he is likely to succeed Whitmer as our QB and get FAR MORE playing time at UConn than at any other BCS level program he might choose.
But, as always, playing time has to be won on the field. It's not unfair to make a BCS-level QB win a competition with 3 other QBs, whatever years they were recruited in.
Finally, trimmed out Raptors are more than welcome in rural Connecticut!