Thoughts/Grades | The Boneyard


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Aug 26, 2011
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First of all Saturday's game is HUGE. I don't think these kids can afford playing another solid team, especially one that is capable but not as highly regarded as the Zags and Terps, and lose going into the finals stage of the year. Just think it will kill them mentally and also it will hurt them dramatically when March comes. Must win? Almost or shall I say as close as we may get this early in the year.

Secondly I don't mind us falling from Top 25 grace knowing this team hasn't performed all the well and still was within a possession against 3 Top 10 teams in the last minute of each game. Top 25 is overrated and if they play as we expect it will result in moving to where they need to be come march anyway so we'll see.

OK here goes:

Gibbs - Man I though he was going to be the guy, the replacement. Still think there's a lot there but he's been a disappointment. His defense isn't great and he's not getting to the rim, with teams making sure they guard him deep his scoring is down. Up to the staff to find ways to get him open, one is he and Jalen together. I expect he will figure things out.

DHam - Love the point forward mentality, he makes things happen. He needs to think scoring and take better shots under control but his offense is huge for us. He really does need a left hand to help him finish on that side of the rim but overall on O he's sensational. On D, not very good. He can be and that's what's frustrating - he floats too much and doesn't stay with it the whole way. Need a lot more out of him there.

Purvis - Man inconsistent comes to mind right away I'm afraid. We saw the fire during all the runs, where is it early? I think it's there but not sure why it takes him so long to fire up. His defense can be pretty damn good but it also can be not so. He didn't help off the ball 2-3 times the other electing to stay on his guy on the wing rather than stepping in for a charge or at least stopping the path of penetration. Needs to be pretty open for the 3 so they are playing him out due to his 40+% out there making it tough for him. Time to find some consistency.

Miller - Part of this on him part on the coaching staff and teammates. Not enough Shonn for me thus far. He needs to see the ball more on the low block he has some nice moves and touch there with his jump hook and short jumper which he elevates really well on - need more on O. I'm trying to figure out why he doesn't rebound more and it's not that he's 6'6 because he plays much bigger, maybe he's too far away from the basket at times or doesn't box out enough (he doesn't). Also his defense is really good, when he's not like DHam. Another wanderer trying to anticipate a play and make a play rather than play his guy and get a rebound. Need him to be a 14/8 guy like he should the rest of the way.

AB - Needs to stay in games, learn the game a lot more so he's in the right place a lot more than not. No offense at all is obvious but I realize he's thin but when you set a pick on top please keep it there until the offensive guy uses you. Do not leave early to roll to the basket they're not giving it to you. Block shots, learn the pick and roll by keeping your long arms waving to make passes tougher and that's what we'll need.

Facey - On D he is Amida almost. On O he's improved tremendously just because of his knack to O rebound. He's athletic, long and goes after it, gets off his feet. He again is losing his minutes because of the defensive end I believe but he's been really good coming off bench for energy. Needs some of AB's minutes.

Jalen - He's slowly coming along - superior athlete with a great head for the game too, you can see it. Very good passer, really good at getting to the rim and will eventually be a great scorer. Needs to stay on the floor when passing the ball so as to not get caught with nothing and also needs to think shot when he gets to the paint at 10' or so. A mid range game which he stops and shoots to add to that floater will make him a superstar. His defense will be really good, he takes pride in it you can see that. Love his attitude, hard on himself which is fine and want to see more of him.

Phil - not sure what to say. May be hurting the feet may be forever. Not the same guy and we could use him but he looks slower since the newest injury and I believe that's what it is.

Omar - Looked decent early in the year, not so much as of late. Worst perimeter defender out there and if he's not making shots he can't see that floor.

Sam Jr - See Omar

Steve E - Saw glimpses of what will be but also what is. His feet are slow, his help defense is late to react therefore leaving guards alone beaten. His offensive game though raw, is the best we have from the bigs but it's up to him to prove he deserves to be on the floor. If he works on his defense he will see a lot of time but his feet and mind there need to be quicker. Need him to be better vs some big teams later on. Still think he may show impact by this seasons end. If not then the very near future thereafter.

Coaching Staff - Not good "on paper" LOL - (bad move KO only a point but a momentum shifter). Besides that some of the line ups thus far have been head scratching. Have seen very little of Sterling and Jalen together - this may the answer for each of them too improve. Also they are not running the offense to get people open like Gibbs and Miller on the low block, need to see some things that create space. Still a tough team with new faces to get the chemistry going and then figure out the slow starts and why. On them but they will get it done I do believe and this will be a team to reckon with very soon!

Over all like the team. People need to get more comfortable and confident in what they do and the defense has to clamp down play smarter and be UConn tough. Right now they aren't but I expect Saturday will be a different team from the tip! We'll see.

I expect at least DM to read all of this :cool:

Actually glad I had time to "edit". BY Top 10 thus far is all ONE play. Wish I could go to the video but I can only picture in my head and it's fantastic. I mean Crack getting tossed doing KO's job at MSG is priceless. I love the passion he must have brought with those 25 cocktails very impressive. GOLD STAR Crack I am impressed.:D
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The Champ Is Here.
Aug 29, 2011
Reaction Score
Very well said. You need to send this to the coaching staff!
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