In the South, for instance, Friday night is reserved by all to attend the local HS football game. It’s an event, built into the culture of the people. And it produces big time FB players because of that culture.
That will always be a problem for the N.E., because football is not as important in the N.E. States, and fewer D1 players are produced. Say what you will, but regions like the S.W., S, M.W. and even far West all place a much bigger emphasis on high school football. Of the few D1 kids in UCONN’s footprint, after PSU, BC, Rutgers and Syr pick through the meager options, not enough is left to build a truly competitive program.
I’ve lived in the SE now for over 20 years. Friday nights in the fall are all about the HS football games…….it’s a way of life. And it translates to their Universities where they build stadiums that seat 70-100,000 fans and they pack the seats full. They’ve been doing it for close to 100 years and they understand it all starts at the HS level.