This Year Vs Last Year Roster? | Page 3 | The Boneyard

This Year Vs Last Year Roster?


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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Bench- This year is a big upgrade (so far) in versatility. I say this based on two of Diarra, Alleyne and Newton becoming bench players once Hawkins and Jackson are playing again. Most likely Diarra and Alleyne off the bench along with DC, Springs, Joey C. And I think k Samson is a bench player too when he returns. Huge upgrade.
Center- Big upgrade of Sanogo as a junior over Sanogo as a Soph.
PF- Karaban or Johnson vs Whaley. I'm calling this a push for now. Karaban has a great feel for the game and seems to work well with Sanogo or DC. Johnson is still a TBD for me. Whaley was much more rough on offense than AK but was such a high level defender, rim protector and rim runner on offense.
Jackson- Whatever position. He started last year and I'll assume he has improved. Upgrade.
Hawkins vs Martin. Downgrade. Martin proved to be durable and a plus 3 pt shooter. Add in his rebounding and toughness and that is a bug upgrade over Hawkins' yet to be shown offensive prowess. Neither one is good off the dribble and neither one is a good passer, distibutor.
PG. Here's the fun one (@navery12 and @husky429 get your dislike button ready). Newton so far is an upgrade over Cole. I was right last year that a team led by Cole gets you no where in the NCAA. I was wrong thinking anyone else on last year's roster was the solution. Cole had to take on the burden of being only player who could remotely play the point and that probably wore him down. Cole was a great shooter but was limited in his passing vision and defensively ability to stop PG penetration, pushing ball in transition. Every pro and con of Cole has already been brought up in this thread. Bottom line for me is he gave his all, was absolutely screwed by not having a back up but was still limited in how can affect the outcome.
Newton is obviously a better athlete, physically bigger and gets to the FT line. And, he will have more help than Cole did which will probably hide some of his deficiencies whereas Cole was completely left on an island by the roster surrounding him.

So, PG, Jackson, Sanogo, bench are all upgrades.
PF is a push; better offense worse defense so far.
SG/Hawkins. Downgrade from Martin.
I’ll take the silent support of some of my takes :cool:


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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We should probably play someone before making these statements but from where I sit, this is a better roster but as of today, last years squad wipes the floor with this year's until Jackson and Hawkins show they've significantly improved.

Since they and Sanogo repeat, you have to believe the guards, Clingan and Kalaban are better than Cole, Martin and Whaley. Personally, that's not close right now.
Aug 17, 2011
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