This works out to be expensive for ESPN | Page 2 | The Boneyard

This works out to be expensive for ESPN

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Mr. Wonderful

Aug 26, 2011
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ESPN wants a playoff in football. I suspect that's the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. All this conference reshuffling gets everyone closer to that goal.
Sep 15, 2011
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The company that was able to fool the world in 1969 with a faked moon landing can do anything.


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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I think your numbers are high Nelson. That's all. There were wild figures out there after the first raid too that weren't accurate.

SU and Pitt would leave for the current ACC figure of $12.5 mil or whatever it is and phase it in over 4 years. They wanted out and sized up TCU correctly.

Paying the other teams another $2.5 mil each over 10 years? That's serious money. $25 million for changing their schedule. Well la di da! ! Anything more than $50 mil net a year to the ACC will surprise me.

Anyone who pays Louisville and Cincy $20 mil each for their product is crazy. Like TCU there will be a phase in until the media rights deal expires. I think they stop at 10 when the ESPN figures com back on Cincy and Louisville. The B12 is on tilt now. Once Missouri and WVU are done dancing saner minds will take charge
Aug 26, 2011
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ESPN wants a playoff in football. I suspect that's the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. All this conference reshuffling gets everyone closer to that goal.
I don't think it matters to them. They own most of the bowls.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I don't think it matters to them. They own most of the bowls.

I will agree with Mr. Wonderful. A playoff would be worth 2x what the current system is worth.


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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CT sports should have ther own network deal with the new defanged Big East as a last resort.

The Husky network will be required of all Cable and Satellite providers in CT (who needs the B10?) and cost $2.00 month and generate over $20 million a year in Husky dollars. That's CT's Tier 3 deal.

Get on it Dan Malloy.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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How exactly would Dan Malloy get cable subscribers to pay $2.00 for a Husky Network. That's more than half of what ESPN gets.
Aug 26, 2011
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CT sports should have ther own network deal with the new defanged Big East as a last resort.

The Husky network will be required of all Cable and Satellite providers in CT (who needs the B10?) and cost $2.00 month and generate over $20 million a year in Husky dollars. That's CT's Tier 3 deal.

Get on it Dan Malloy.

are you talking about CPTV Sports?


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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How much does it cost for ESPN to fuel the black helicopters in your scenario?
The only sensible post here.


Resident TV nerd
Aug 26, 2011
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Just because you have an IQ below 75, are functionally illiterate, and are incapable of simple addition and multiplication, doesn't mean everyone else is.

This information has been provided elsewhere in blogs, news articles and what not, as was the information covered in the post you linked. There is something out there called "the google". It works on the intertubes. You should try it.

eh? So, your confirmed post off of the "the intertubes" is gold, but someone else's is "made up?" Got it.

I'll let the board be the judge of our IQ's and whatnot, thanks.


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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How exactly would Dan Malloy get cable subscribers to pay $2.00 for a Husky Network. That's more than half of what ESPN gets.

It becomes a part of the standard cable package. Fiat it by legislature. Once that's done UConn could negotiate with SNY or another channel to package the product together (SNY would then cost $2.65 of whatever).

I'm going to put it another way. UConn athletics is a small business. Passionate fans, celebrity status, but a small business. A $65 million business in the US? Thats a microcap.A pink sheet business.

I haven't worked for a business that small in ages. The entire BE revenue is about $600 million. FWIW I work as Financial Systems design and support for C-level and VP level types.

What UConn needs are people thinking out of the box to create value. If Malloy mandated the $2.00 a month carriage fee and require the channel to be carried, ESPN would be lining up to create ESPN-3 CT and the ACC would want CT and a UConn flavor of their network as the Tier 3 partner. That's the type of thinking that can be brought to the Big Ten--mandate their Network and a UConn flavor at $2.00 a subscriber. $20 million plus. At that point UConn is in a position to overcome small state-itus.

UConn thinks like a micro-cap, pink sheet business that got lucky with one exception--the gals network on CPTV. Depending on Marionette to work these deals? A waste of time.

To be a little more pointed: the UConn Athletic Staff are state employees. Career bench sitters

That's the difference between 'begging' and speaking to the ACC, BiG and B12 as a winner.
Aug 26, 2011
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It becomes a part of the standard cable package. Fiat it by legislature. Once that's done UConn could negotiate with SNY or another channel to package the product together (SNY would then cost $2.65 of whatever).

I'm going to put it another way. UConn athletics is a small business. Passionate fans, celebrity status, but a small business. A $65 million business in the US? Thats a microcap.A pink sheet business.

I haven't worked for a business that small in ages. The entire BE revenue is about $600 million. FWIW I work as Financial Systems design and support for C-level and VP level types.

What UConn needs are people thinking out of the box to create value. If Malloy mandated the $2.00 a month carriage fee and require the channel to be carried, ESPN would be lining up to create ESPN-3 CT and the ACC would want CT and a UConn flavor of their network as the Tier 3 partner. That's the type of thinking that can be brought to the Big Ten--mandate their Network and a UConn flavor at $2.00 a subscriber. $20 million plus. At that point UConn is in a position to overcome small state-itus.

UConn thinks like a micro-cap, pink sheet business that got lucky with one exception--the gals network on CPTV. Depending on Marionette to work these deals? A waste of time.
I'll give you credit for trying to think outside the box, but I wouldn't be in favor nor would a lot of other people to enforcing what amounts to another tax to support UConn athletics.

Me and you would probably sign up right now to pay 15 times that amount every month if it guaranteed UConn athletics would thrive. In fact we can and do, in the form of a donation every year. Now lets find another 1 million or so other residents to donate a little to state U. J/K.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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eh? So, your confirmed post off of the "the intertubes" is gold, but someone else's is "made up?" Got it.

I'll let the board be the judge of our IQ's and whatnot, thanks.

If you can't decipher what I was saying about the voting rules, then I think we have our answer regarding IQ.


Resident TV nerd
Aug 26, 2011
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right, before immediately afterwards agreeing it was "speculation" - I guess that's a smart person's way of saying "made up?"

Stop digging a hole where your brain once was, please - you would save us all a heap of nonsensespeak like this.


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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Sports Business Daily had the definitive take a couple weeks back in an intererview with Swofford.

Key points:
  • Up to 2 million more per school
  • Contract extension beyond 12 years
  • Cede additional rights.

My comments: in the past the ACC has demanded a phase-in, partial-shares revenue period which helps to fund the increase to the legacy schools in the first 4 years.

Also: if WVU and TCU end up in the B12, ESPN has what it wants: it owns Saturday Football for ABC and ESPN/ESPN2 excepting the BiG.

What is Comcast going to put up against it? The MWC and Big East? Louisville and Rutgers against WVU and OSU on ABC? Louisville and Rutgers would lose the ratings war in their own markets. ND? OK. ESPN can schedule a blockbuster Top 10 matchup against them when they play a BiG team at home.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Oh by fiat of the legislature every cable customer in Connecticut has to subscribe to a channel mandated by the government. Sure... why not just mandate the purchase of season tickets while you are at it.


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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Oh by fiat of the legislature every cable customer in Connecticut has to subscribe to a channel mandated by the government. Sure... why not just mandate the purchase of season tickets while you are at it.

What about SNY? People were begging to pay for that? Or just some UConn sports fans who pushed into the lineups and made everyone else pay? That was what? 65 cents per month plus markup?

Once you accept the way cable lineups are fiated onto the public now then a UConn Tier 3 Channel mandate is no different than a MTV or TRUTV or SNY and YES or MSG mandate shoved onto your bill.

The real problem is that it makes more sense than half the crap we get shoved down our throats now in cable. Even the recent Comcast themes promotion has certain channel mandates as a part of each theme group. When you choose local you get them all not the ones you like.

If UConn went to the BiG, the BiG would be mandatory on every CT channel at 80 cents per subscriber. If it was $1.80 per subscriber including a $1 UConn small market surcharge to cure UConn's small state status that would be an oppressive tax instead of a mandatorycarrier charge?

OTOH if ESPN raises their rates to show non-UConn content that they locked up then its free market capitalism and free choice given the whole oligarchic conference structures and near monopolistic broadcasting structure of ESPN College Football? That's BS.

Fight fire with fire.

Take back your ESPN 3, and your ESPN Classic and your ESPN News and give me my ESPN or SNY or ACC or BiG Husky Channel as a mandate instead! Otherwise I can use a lot less ESPN dreg on my cable box.

In fact take back your Joe Piscopo and Stop Jammin Me!



Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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What about SNY? People were begging to pay for that? Or just some UConn sports fans who pushed into the lineups and made everyone else pay? That was what? 65 cents per month plus markup?

Once you accept the way cable lineups are fiated onto the public now then a UConn Tier 3 Channel mandate is no different than a MTV or TRUTV or SNY and YES or MSG mandate shoved onto your bill.

The real problem is that it makes more sense than half the crap we get shoved down our throats now in cable. Even the recent Comcast themes promotion has certain channel mandates as a part of each theme group. When you choose local you get them all not the ones you like.

If UConn went to the BiG, the BiG would be mandatory on every CT channel at 80 cents per subscriber. If it was $1.80 per subscriber including a $1 UConn small market surcharge to cure UConn's small state status that would be an oppressive tax instead of a mandatorycarrier charge?

OTOH if ESPN raises their rates to show non-UConn content that they locked up then its free market capitalism and free choice given the whole oligarchic conference structures and near monopolistic broadcasting structure of ESPN College Football? That's BS.

Fight fire with fire.

Take back your ESPN 3, and your ESPN Classic and your ESPN News and give me my ESPN or SNY or ACC or BiG Husky Channel as a mandate instead! Otherwise I can use a lot less ESPN dreg on my cable box.

In fact take back your Joe Piscopo and Stop Jammin Me!

I find your ignorance baffling yet mildly inspiring.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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What about SNY? People were begging to pay for that? Or just some UConn sports fans who pushed into the lineups and made everyone else pay? That was what? 65 cents per month plus markup?

Um yeah, SNY made it's way onto cable systems because the systems thought that the public was willing to pay for it. Sort of the exact opposite of what you are proposing.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Here in suburban Boston, I get the BigTen network, no charge. I do not get SNY or any ACC related network. What does that tell you?


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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SNY (Sports New York) is the local home to the Huskies. It wasn't on every cable system and took months of customer pressure and negotiation to get it onto Cox.

Given the amount of public support the Whalers got, Whaler11, I'm surprised you'd even balk.

Oh no. It would take money and attention away from the Whaler Resurrection! Doomed!


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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SNY (Sports New York) is the local home to the Huskies. It wasn't on every cable system and took months of customer pressure and negotiation to get it onto Cox.

Given the amount of public support the Whalers got, Whaler11, I'm surprised you'd even balk.

Oh no. It would take money and attention away from the Whaler Resurrection! Doomed!

Really UConn is on SNY? I hadn't heard.

You are surprised that someone would balk against the legislature mandating that cable providers carry a station at a ridiculous price?

And yeah, I liked the Whalers. I under no delusion that the NHL is coming back to Hartford. There isn't any money nor attention being paid to a 'Whaler Resurrection', so I'm not even sure where that moronic comment came from.


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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SNY (Sports New York) is the local home to the Huskies. It wasn't on every cable system and took months of customer pressure and negotiation to get it onto Cox.

Given the amount of public support the Whalers got, Whaler11, I'm surprised you'd even balk.

Oh no. It would take money and attention away from the Whaler Resurrection! Doomed!

Do you realize that two of the stations you want to "bid against one another" for rights, don't even exist? There is no ESPN3-CT. There is no MSG-CT. There is going to be an SNY-CT.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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How much does it cost for ESPN to fuel the black helicopters in your scenario?

I am surprised that didn't come up in the Defillippo interview, because he would have been happy to tell Blaudschon.

This isn't some crazy conspiracy. The ACC is laughing about it in the press.


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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Do you realize that two of the stations you want to "bid against one another" for rights, don't even exist? There is no ESPN3-CT. There is no MSG-CT. There is going to be an SNY-CT.

You really don't get it do you?
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