So I looked back until I could find someone...
It seems like Cassie Kerns, who would have graduated in 2009, left campus for some very personal reasons not long after the NC. I have the article linked below, but I'm glad it seems like she got the help she needed.
Tiffany Kiara Hayes - There is someone listed in the program as Renara Kiara Hayes. I'm not sure if anyone has any insight on that one. I assume it's her, but stranger things have happened.
2011 - I was at this graduation. Maya carried a banner and everything.

Lorin Dixon - CLAS
Maya Moore - CLAS
Tina Charles - CLAS
Jacquie Fernandes - School of Education
Meghan Gardler - CLAS
Kalana Greene - CLAS
Kaili McLaren - CLAS
Cassie Kerns --
Demons Haunted a UConn National Champion
Renee Montgomery - CLAS
Tahirah Williams - CLAS