Things that are/were Brutal | The Boneyard

Things that are/were Brutal

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Aug 21, 2011
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Number 1 with a bullet - the third down supposed to be dog howl
2. The O Line was terrible today. Levy looks lost
3. Any receiver not named Davis - Myers false start, ABrams two drops, McQuillan two drops
4. The game day experience in stadium continues to be absolutely brutal and complete sensory overload with too many commercials, too many promotions, too many announcements. I counted four different times the ref was talking over the PA guy who was busy promoting something or other.
5. Obi - a few nice tackles but I thought he was bettter last year than he's played the first two games this year. He's the best Diaco has coached? Not seeing it yet.
6. The heat and humidity - worst I think in the 12 years at the Rent

That being said, I sat at the Rent today at perfect peace with where we're at - knowing full well that I was watching a pre-season exhibition game. Thank god the SB punter outkicked his coverage allowing for the Foxx great return - great effort on his part. My 83 year old dad, walking out of the game with me says "we're awful". This from a man who never swears. Gonna be a long season
Last edited:
Oct 8, 2011
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Yes, the roar has to go.
Obi needs to step up.
Whitmers footwork is atrocious
Thank God for our special teams
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm not ready to talk about the game yet...but the dog thing is growing on me. It's better than shaking keys and listening to gnr. The kids in front of me loved it. I get why people don't. They could clean it up and make it sound a bit less like a chainsaw.

Maybe I got too much sun today because I hated it at the spring game.


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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My only issue with it is that it sounds like they got it off a 90 mbps MIDI soundboard.
Aug 26, 2011
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Number 1 with a bullet - the third down supposed to be dog howl
2. The O Line was terrible today. Levy looks lost
3. Any receiver not named Davis - Myers false start, ABrams two drops, McQuillan two drops
4. The game day experience in stadium continues to be absolutely brutal and complete sensory overload with too many commercials, too many promotions, too many announcements. I counted four different times the ref was talking over the PA guy who was busy promoting something or other.
5. Obi - a few nice tackles but I thought he was bettter last year than he's played the first two games this year. He's the best Diaco has coached? Not seeing it yet.
6. The heat and humidity - worst I think in the 12 years at the Rent

That being said, I sat at the Rent today at perfect peace with where we're at - knowing full well that I was watching a pre-season exhibition game. Thank god the SB punter outkicked his coverage allowing for the Foxx great return - great effort on his part. My 83 year old dad, walking out of the game with me says "we're awful". This from a man who never swears. Gonna be a long season

Much better first post game post compared to last week. :)

Good to meet you today.
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm not ready to talk about the game yet...but the dog thing is growing on me. It's better than shaking keys and listening to gnr. The kids in front of me loved it. I get why people don't. They could clean it up and make it sound a bit less like a chainsaw.

Maybe I got too much sun today because I hated it at the spring game.

I can see why people are sick to death with "Welcome to the Jungle", but it was always effective in getting fans off their butts on 3rd down. Some anyway.

Now they hear what sounds like a rabid dog snarling and think to themselves, "WTF was that?" Needs to be fine tuned.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm not going to think about this game past this post - I now have a fully realistic picture of what this season is going to be like and there's no sense dwelling on it. Thank God some of the other programs in this conference suck ass or we'd be taking it in ours on a weekly basis.

And, as a fan base, we ought to pool our money SEC-style and buy Davis a car, an apartment or a mail-order bride if he wants it because he looks like the Hope diamond in a pile of coal dust out there.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm not going to think about this game past this post - I now have a fully realistic picture of what this season is going to be like and there's no sense dwelling on it. Thank God some of the other programs in this conference suck ass or we'd be taking it in ours on a weekly basis.

And, as a fan base, we ought to pool our money SEC-style and buy Davis a car, an apartment or a mail-order bride if he wants it because he looks like the Hope diamond in a pile of coal dust out there.

Thank you for those uplifting words. :eek:
Aug 27, 2011
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Something I found brutal was the fake pass after handing off to a RB. I don't know how effective it is in general, but I can remember Favre doing this in the NFL.

In any case, having Whitmer carry out an empty handed pass while the running back is getting tackled is a waste of time and a pretty clear indication that the defense was not confused at all about where the ball was.
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