The View From Section 241 | Page 2 | The Boneyard

The View From Section 241

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Aug 27, 2011
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What part of the three dropped TD passes do you blame on Boyle?

And how on earth do you support that CW could have thrown any of the three?

The throw to Foxx was not a good one. Catchable, yes. But that "drop" is not 100% on Foxx.
Aug 29, 2011
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The throw to Foxx was not a good one. Catchable, yes. But that "drop" is not 100% on Foxx.

Well, if you read the quotes from coaches, it seems that the receiver Foxx broke off the route, and then tried to catch up to the ball that was already in the air.

just saying. The ball was thrown to the first third of the endzone in the air. I know, I was there. Was it a difficult catch to make? yup - he had to lay out to get his hands on it.

FWIW: there are plenty of plays to look at otherwise too for drops. You don't go 15/43 throwing the ball, without drops.

Boyle's mistakes that were a big problem, and need to be corrected by more than just mechanics and reps - came in the 4 minute drill. All we really needed was a field goal, and he made some really bad decisions under pressure of needing to score, the clock, and the pass rush he was getting, which in reality, was no different than the pass rush he had gotten all game, and that Whitmer had gotten all season.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Yeah, Foxx's "drop" was a ball that needed a touch more air under it. Spencer Parker's TD drop was 100% a drop. That ball hit him in his hands with separation from defenders. If Parker makes that ONE catch, replace the eventual FG with 6 and a made PAT, we win 14-13.
Aug 29, 2011
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And Foxx -- who was wide open -- basically stopped running on his deep route and didn't hang onto the throw from Boyle from 40 yards out on the next possession.

And in the third quarter, Foxx again failed to finish his route and didn't hold onto a pass from Boyle from 34 yards away that would have put UConn ahead.

I agree with this sports writer. I'm guessing he was actually at the game and saw what I did too. It's entirely possible that our receiving corps are simply completely unaccustomed to the fact that an offensive pass play in football can last more than 2-3 seconds, after the past 2 seasons and upon re-watching, and reflecting on this game - the factor that I noted most about Boyle - that factor that gave the impression that he was in charge at all times, is that the offensive plays - the pass plays - actually lasted a hell of a lot longer with his ability to step up in a pocket, and move his feet to keep the plays alive, and see over pressure and move. The pass protection was not much different than anything we've seen all season long.

I guarantee that this receiving bunch, this week, is being drilled, to be full speed all over the field, until after the whistle is blown dead.

Here is the play - you can't see all 22, but you get a shot of how wide open Foxx was. He was that open, because he broke off on his run on what looked like a hitch and go type of route, and slowed down almost to a stop on the hitch, and then must have realized the ball was in the air deep, and took off to try to get it. The ball is a 50 yard pass to the goal line and very much catchable, and I'm sure they practiced that throw and catch many times.
Aug 26, 2011
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Three TD drops. Why is it so easy for so many smart people to minimize the impact of a 21 point swing in a 3 point loss?

I guarantee that this receiving bunch, this week, is being drilled, to be full speed all over the field, until after the whistle is blown dead.

Full speed is the key. It seems like Boyle is ready to play it that way and some guys just need to catch up.
Aug 26, 2011
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Three TD drops. Why is it so easy for so many smart people to minimize the impact of a 21 point swing in a 3 point loss?

Full speed is the key. It seems like Boyle is ready to play it that wa and some guys just need to catch up.

It's really more like a seven point swing, if the first one was caught then the other two opportunities may not have existed.


1972,73 & 98 Boneyard Poster of the Year
Aug 24, 2011
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You know you're big time when you've made it so far as to be mentioned by name in the view from 241.

(patting self on back.....)

I think the idiot comment was about more than just you
Aug 29, 2011
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I think the idiot comment was about more than just you

You may want to go back and re-read Sparky. Me and my lunacy made front page view from 241 news by name.



Is it 11:11 yet?
Aug 27, 2011
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At the risk of being called an idiot, I still don't think the defense was "great". Yeah they only gave up 6 points, but that was a really really really bad offense they faced. Saying the defense was great because they only gave up 6 points is like saying the USF defense was great because they only gave up 10 points. We know better...that was just bad offense out there.

I thought they showed improvement, but they were average at best and nowhere near "great".
Aug 29, 2011
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Three TD drops. Why is it so easy for so many smart people to minimize the impact of a 21 point swing in a 3 point loss?

Full speed is the key. It seems like Boyle is ready to play it that way and some guys just need to catch up.

I agree. There is a recording on SNY being rebroadcast at some time this week, I saw it in my DVR queue last night. I'll watch it again then, but I guarantee that if you took a stopwatch to ever pass play against USF, and compared it to every pass play a few weeks ago, and for that matter, compare them to pass plays from earlier in the season with Kevin Friend playing to be more specific, you'd find a significant difference.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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It appeared that, on some plays, WRs under-ran Boyle's arm. To be fair, the same WRs out-ran Whitmer's arm. With practice and repetition, everyone will eventually get on the same page. Once our receiving corps realizes that Boyle has the kind of arm that can get them the ball no matter what route they are running, where they are on the field, or what type of weather/wind conditions within reason they are playing in, they will develop the kind of trust needed to not quit their routes.
Aug 29, 2011
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At the risk of being called an idiot, I still don't think the defense was "great". Yeah they only gave up 6 points, but that was a really really really bad offense they faced. Saying the defense was great because they only gave up 6 points is like saying the USF defense was great because they only gave up 10 points. We know better...that was just bad offense out there.

I thought they showed improvement, but they were average at best and nowhere near "great".

The point I made the other day, is that the defense did not play well enough to win the game, which is easy to verify, because we lost.

(I also wrote that the offensive and ST's didn't play well enough to win either at the same time, and the defense did the best job of the three units to contribute to a win, but I got no time for awarding points for that.)

Every player on the team needs to get better, and this team needs to learn to win again, and that means in everything they do, and I believe whole heartedly that if any one unit on a team starts thinking they've done enough, when the team is losing, that it is poison to building a winning program.

If that's being a lunatic? Guilty as charged. Put the cuffs on.
Aug 29, 2011
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It appeared that, on some plays, WRs under-ran Boyle's arm. To be fair, the same WRs out-ran Whitmer's arm. With practice and repetition, everyone will eventually get on the same page. Once our receiving corps realizes that Boyle has the kind of arm that can get them the ball no matter what route they are running, where they are on the field, or what type of weather/wind conditions within reason they are playing in, they will develop the kind of trust needed to not quit their routes.

Don't misunderstand me - I'm not accusing any player of "quitting". I get the impression after having the leisure to review, that they simply are not conditioned to be moving full speed after so many games in the past 2 seasons of offensive pass plays that were literally over the moment the ball was snapped. That will change - I'm sure - and right quick, because they all looked at film two days ago now.
Aug 26, 2011
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I think Boyle is gonna be the man for quite some time, provided Warde doesn't hire a coach that brings in an offensive philosophy that doesn't lend itself to a QB like him. That is very unlikely of course.

After rewatching portions of the game, I am way more optimistic than I was before. The kid has a cannon and he is competitor. Eventually he will make our WRs look way better than they have been.

We just need to take our licks this season. I would LOVE to see what Team Ambrose could do with Boyle behind center. When Jay Cutler played for Vandy, he showed that a team with a great QB could compete with anyone. With the right coaching I think this kid could be something special.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Don't misunderstand me - I'm not accusing any player of "quitting". I get the impression after having the leisure to review, that they simply are not conditioned to be moving full speed after so many games in the past 2 seasons of offensive pass plays that were literally over the moment the ball was snapped. That will change - I'm sure - and right quick, because they all looked at film two days ago now.

Oh no, I didn't think you accused anyone of quitting on routes. I said that. I think, in a few instances, some receivers didn't carry out their routes in full speed which, in my mind, is quitting on it. But I think that is something that is very correctable and I'm not concerned. Just a matter of our receivers and QB getting on the same page.
Aug 26, 2011
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It appeared that, on some plays, WRs under-ran Boyle's arm. To be fair, the same WRs out-ran Whitmer's arm. With practice and repetition, everyone will eventually get on the same page. Once our receiving corps realizes that Boyle has the kind of arm that can get them the ball no matter what route they are running, where they are on the field, or what type of weather/wind conditions within reason they are playing in, they will develop the kind of trust needed to not quit their routes.

They just need to continue to run the routes as designed. Boyle seems to be a QB who understands how to follow his progressions - the receivers need to understand that with progression reads, the timing needs to be exact. In other words don't give up on the route - run it!

TJW will get this fixed as he is not giving the WR any slack.

11:40am via Web
Weist: (on WRs + TEs) "I'm going to create more competition from that standpoint."


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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It's disingenuous to constantly refer to the dropped TDs and fail to mention the dropped INTs.

I got my Boyle criticisms out of my system Saturday but I think before this turns into a fan base dividing issue ( like Edsall "apologistas" and detractors) it should just be agreed upon that Boyle made some nice throws, looked good at times, had bad some passes and INTs dropped and the bottom line is from that one game it's extremely early to say he's definitely our guy the next 4 seasons or that he's horrible. We simply just don't know.

Keep in mind the next 3 games @ Cinci, @ UCF home vs Ville are going to be extremely difficult spots for a freshman (hell any year) QB.

I, for one, am interested in how it plays out, but will refrain from making a full evaluation until after Memphis.
Aug 26, 2011
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It's disingenuous to constantly refer to the dropped TDs and fail to mention the dropped INTs.

I got my Boyle criticisms out of my system Saturday but I think before this turns into a fan base dividing issue ( like Edsall "apologistas" and detractors) it should just be agreed upon that Boyle made some nice throws, looked good at times, had bad some passes and INTs dropped and the bottom line is from that one game it's extremely early to say he's definitely our guy the next 4 seasons or that he's horrible. We simply just don't know.

Keep in mind the next 3 games @ Cinci, @ UCF home vs Ville are going to be extremely difficult spots for a freshman (hell any year) QB.

I, for one, am interested in how it plays out, but will refrain from making a full evaluation until after Memphis.

It's going to be a rough ride. But we need hang in there with Boyle when he inevitably has some tough games and he doesn't play like an All American.
Aug 29, 2011
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I agree

It's disingenuous to constantly refer to the dropped TDs and fail to mention the dropped INTs.

I got my Boyle criticisms out of my system Saturday but I think before this turns into a fan base dividing issue ( like Edsall "apologistas" and detractors) it should just be agreed upon that Boyle made some nice throws, looked good at times, had bad some passes and INTs dropped and the bottom line is from that one game it's extremely early to say he's definitely our guy the next 4 seasons or that he's horrible. We simply just don't know.

Keep in mind the next 3 games @ Cinci, @ UCF home vs Ville are going to be extremely difficult spots for a freshman (hell any year) QB.

I, for one, am interested in how it plays out, but will refrain from making a full evaluation until after Memphis.

"The QB position is very important, what you do with that position can make or break your team." - Jimmy Johnson

"Sure, luck matters a lot in football. Not having a good quarterback, is bad luck." - Don Shula

So far, there are things you can look at, with our QB depth chart that are very good. Chandler Whitmer has a TON of game experience, and as much as he can mentor and teach Boyle about game day and prep, and all that, he can learn from what Boyle clearly has the ability to do on the field as well. As much time as I have, I don't have the time to sit with a stop watch and time all 43 pass attempt plays in the box score for the USF game, vs. the other pass plays in the season, but I would hope that some grad assistant or staffer, is charting everything possible for this program, and I would bet money that the average duration of a pass play against USF was significantly greater than any before this season.

Now - you have to account for the pass rush, in that, and many other factors - but watching the game? judge for yourself. Boyle, in one game in his career so far, against the competition provided by USF, was able to keep pass plays alive, with his feet - whether it be simply stepping up in a pocket, or rolling from pressure, or taking off for a run.

One game, is not enough work, to make overall conclusions about anything. He was damn lucky not to have picked up, literally, where Whitmer left off, with a pick-6 to end the game. That's what made me think of Shula's QB quote.
Aug 26, 2011
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I've waited a couple of days to give my take on the game Staurday. The one aspect of that game was the energy exhibited. There was a spring in the players' steps. The o-line showed that it was capable of opening hole for the runners. Boyle was a command presence on the field. Nowthe energy needs to be sustained over 60 minutes.
Aug 26, 2011
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It's really more like a seven point swing, if the first one was caught then the other two opportunities may not have existed.

I believe they were all separate posessions but I will recheck that. One resulted in a fg as previously stated in different thread makes it an 18 pt swing.
Aug 26, 2011
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I believe they were all separate posessions but I will recheck that. One resulted in a fg as previously stated in different thread makes it an 18 pt swing.

It's like the butterfly effect. If we score on the first dropped pass then it would have changed the game completely. USF might have adjusted, we would have called different plays. Nobody knows. But the dropped passes changed the game for sure.
Aug 29, 2011
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It's like the butterfly effect. If we score on the first dropped pass then it would have changed the game completely. USF might have adjusted, we would have called different plays. Nobody knows. But the dropped passes changed the game for sure.

Sure, that all makes sense. No way to predict what would have happened after any play, had it gone differently, other than the very last play of the game.

But the bottom line is that we did have multiple opportunities, to put points up on the board, had the specific plays, in that moment of the game progression, been completed successfully. A bare minimum of 20 points, within the course of the game, as it played out - we left off the board, because we didn't finish routine plays.
Aug 27, 2011
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I actually think playing his first game at home in front of a huge contingent of family and friends put an extra degree of pressure on Boyle. With a week to fix some of the timing issues with the receivers I expect him to settle down on the road and for us to beat Cincy quite handily on Saturday.


What part of the three dropped TD passes do you blame on Boyle?

And how on earth do you support that CW could have thrown any of the three?
Three TD drops. Why is it so easy for so many smart people to minimize the impact of a 21 point swing in a 3 point loss?

Full speed is the key. It seems like Boyle is ready to play it that way and some guys just need to catch up.
I completely agree the yearning for CW is clearly a symptom of watching the game from a cocktail party. Our receivers prevented Boyle leading us to a comfortable win. He has more talent than Danny O at his age.
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