The View From Section 241 -- Army | The Boneyard

The View From Section 241 -- Army

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Aug 24, 2011
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How anxious was I for yesterday's game? I normally leave Fairfield at 9:00 sharp for noon games. I had done the prep work for the tailgate the night before, so I set the alarm for 7:30. I woke up, wide aware, at 5:24. I stayed in bed until 6:20 and then finally went downstairs to check the Boneyard and pack the SUV. Yes, this was my one game a year with my 24 year old from DC, but I was ready to go because, coming off the 'Nova win, I started getting confident that I was no longer watching this program being torn apart, but being rebuilt. And while others complained, I had fun in '05 and '06. I was ready for fun again. And I was ready for it two hours before the alarm went off. This week I didn't just want a win -- this week I wanted to see that we were really better than last year, and that we could push an Army team around.
And, for the most part, I got what I wanted today. We're 2-0. We did dominate the game (although the score didn't reflect it -- more on that in a minute). It was a nice, last summer's day. Hot, but not the unbearable heat of Stony Brook last year. A nice crowd. I wanted 30k, but we were up from 'Nova and with the second win hopefully we can cross the 30k mark against Navy. And, to boot, a day where our conference showed that it was much, much tougher than it was last year. (In fact, while it's early, the Sagarins showed the average strengh of a conference team to be 5 points better than a year ago (a statistically large jump), and the conference for now having moved into the spot as the best of the G-6, which it was so far from a year ago as to be frightening. Yes, yesterday was a good day indeed.

Rarely has a 5 point win been as dominant as yesterday's was, but yesterday's win was dominant. With two awful misplays by the D, we absolutely shut them down. On offense, we didn't finish two of our 4 drives inside their ten, but we gained 400 plus yards, barely threw an incomplete pass, and probably could have thrown for 400 yards if we wanted to. The game was kept close by their two out of the blue scores and our failure to finish, but it showed more talent on both sides of the ball than we had a year ago. Yes, I want to clean up the mistakes. Not just the two defensive plays, but the missed extra point, the passes that could have been caught but weren't, and the few moments of offensive uncertainty (late getting the plays in and procedures) that we didn't have opening day but had a small taste of yesterday. And if we do that, there won't be 100 plus teams better than us than there were last year, and we will get a few more wins (even if, lookng at the schedule today, I'm not sure we'd be favored next week in any of our 9 games other than the trip to Tulane -- maybe the home game with USF but I'm not sure of that). We are a long way from the '07 -- '10 run in terms of talent, but that can only improve over time. Right now, we have to play good, solid football and rebuild our roster over time.

Let's start with special teams. Justin Wain did great keeping his punts out of the end zone and free from returns. Puyol missed another extra point (while the kick wasn't high, looked to me it was more a collapse of interior blocking) but did go 3-3 with his FGs. Tarbutt isn't showing me a leg on kickoffs to make me understand why we're burning his redshirt. We don't have enough kick returns to say anything, and Lemelle's job on punts seems to be just to make the fair catch (which is in itself an improvement over where we've been), but the kick coverage showed more energy. Floyd made a few tackles, but it was Hicks and especially Omaire Stevens in the middle who wanted to hit anything that moved. You could see the attitude. Good sign.

On D, but for the two mistakes, just a great game. Discipline, discipline, discipline, and they gave up nothing. Graham Stewarts best game, and his reward was I'm not sure Diggs played LB (while Vann, Walsh and Joseph seemed to share the 2 inside positions relatively equally). The first TD I don't understand what happened, but you could see on the scoreboard that when Obi heard that his penalty was not a late hit but taunting, he reacted emotionally and was looking around for someone to talk to. I'm guessing, on film, you will see he was playing the last play and not the next one. The second one, as I said, not a bad decision early in the game, but you just can't do it there when protecting a two score lead. Oh -- and Mike Myers filled in seamlessly for Fatukasi. Groovy baby.

The OL is far, far better than it's been in pass protection. It obviously is not near where it needs to be against the run. Arkeel ran inside like we've never seen. Mariner was ready for his plays. And kudos to the staff for using both of them lined up as FBs in front of Ron Jon, and then getting them outside from that formation. Thomas is going to have a great next two years, and Lucas is doing fine, but I'm really high on Beal. A great catch and run down the right sideline, a nice short route to move the chains and an incredible one man wall set up on the left sideline getting Thomas more yards. And I don't know what to say about our QB. You watch play by play and he seems reluctant to air it out, and a lot of intermediate throws seem to be thrown not to lead the WR but to give him a chance to catch it, and then you look at the numbers and he's 19 for 25 with a few that a receiver could have made a play on but didn't. He may have limitations, but he's smart, tough, makes plays with his legs and can spread the ball around short and intermediate. Just a great start to his career.

And the offensive play calling his clearly been designed to make sure that our weapons get touches. Yeah, we ran too much stretch and not enough pounding the middle, but we're showing pleperation and strategy. Everything won't work, but there is clearly effort and imagination.

So that's it. Could have been a blowout and wasn't, but first, it was a win, and second, in terms of seeing our team play better it was that. So now we go to MIzzou. They may be significantly overrated, but I have no doubt they are better than us. The fact that we've bottomed out and are moving forward doesn't make us a top 40 or top 60 team. I expect MIzzou just to have more talent everywhere, and significantly more talent on their defensive front than we have on our offensive front. But (subject to having to watch it during a convention in Chicago next weekend) I expect to enjoy seeing us play and getting a better read on how far we've come and how far we have to go. If we win, great. If we give them a good game I'll be very happy. And even if we don't, and knowing Navy is much better than Army, the way we played the option yesterday gives me a great deal of hope that we can win on the 26th. And go on from there.

It's a good start, and a hopeful start. But the fanbase can't let those two wins hide the time and hard work that it's going to take us to rebuild this. There is work to be done, and it will take time. But we're building again, and that's a heck of a lot more fun than watching the tear down over the last four.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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On track to a bowl game, though we can't be certain from where the next win is coming.

My goal of having 5 in the bank by Houston and Temple seems plausible but both those teams looked very good the first two weeks. May need to have 6 in the bank by then if we want to bowl.
Aug 31, 2011
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Nice write up. A few notes:

1. Diaco generally left the D in on 4th down, so Lemelle had no choice but to fair catch as he was getting no blocking
2. what was Johnson's issue - he was dancing like it was the senior prom rather than hitting the hole. You could see the difference when the others got touches. And why did they replace Arkeel with RJ on the late 3rd and 1 when Arkeel was clearly playing better. was happy to see Marriner get some action.
3. It really is fun to go back to the rent and see a team with heart, passion and some skills. This team should be really special as they grow together for the next 2 5/6 years.

I guess we'll see how good our corners are this week, as they've rarely been tested to date

Any word on Vann injury?

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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Good call out on Floyd, Hicks and Stephens on special teams.
Aug 27, 2011
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Biz - great analysis as usual. First and foremost please check out Tails In the City (my son's store) in Chicago

It looked to me that RonJon was getting most of the action in Q1 and Q3 and Arkeel in Q2 & Q4. But clearly Arkeel was having a better game and coaches realized that and started to favor Arkeel. Nice to see coaches react to the flow of the game as opposed to having a set script with no room for any change.

Army's quickness surprised me. We tried to run outside without much success.

Sheriffs is a breath of fresh air. My wife said BS is a much improved version of Tyler Lorenzen at his best. I agree.

D Line looked great. O line not so much. Receivers were EXCEPTIONAL. Play calling was great.

Again my wife said it is fun to watch UConn this year. As usual she's right.

KO coverage was excellent. BIG change from last week.

Can we win six? I'm optimistic.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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FWIW since it's been like 5 posts today from a bunch of people... it's Beals.
Aug 24, 2011
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FWIW since it's been like 5 posts today from a bunch of people... it's Beals.

My bad. I've probably been 4 of the 5, but I didn't grab the roster to write the report.

I didn't see Vann get hurt. The only UConn injury I saw was Summers, who came back in afterwards.

I consciously didn't talk about bowls this week. As the trip to Colombia is not one with a high chance of victory, I thought I'd get input for one more week before even talking about how you'd possibly get to 6.
Aug 24, 2011
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I actually think we played better against Nova and that Nova was a better opponent. We can't get off tackle and our OL should have been able to get that against Army. Johnson looked awful, as if taking on contact for 3 or 4 yard gains was against his religion. I don't think Sherrifs looked particularly sharp and missed some easy throws. Obi was a complete dope on two or three plays and I don't care what Diaco says publicly, he most certainly ripped the kid a new one. Finally, Diaco has to know how to run out the clock at the end of the game. This is big boy football and he gets big boy money. So errors in arithmetic are not allowed. That knee on first down was an embarrassment.

Newsome was terrific and the receivers are much, much better than I ever imagined they could be. I agree, Beals is the real deal. Sherrifs is a huge improvement and if he stays healthy we have an outside chance to win six.

Don't get me wrong, we had to win these first two to have any chance to show meaningful improvement this season. This program is stating to take the right steps. If we can take one of the next three games we will be playing with a little bit of house money. If we can, we will need three of the next seven to be bowl eligible and get the additional practice. Tall order, because we will be getting lots of points in the next three weeks.
Aug 26, 2011
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FWIW since it's been like 5 posts today from a bunch of people... it's Beals.

Ya mean like Jennifer?


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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They converted a lot of third and longs in the first half through plays and penalties.

Third and long isn't going to be a good look for them now that the competition is about to increase. They need to start getting some
positive yardage earlier in the series.
Sep 17, 2011
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Army was very quick on D and able to get to the outside. I was surprised we seemed to run RJ outside and not straight at them. Would like to see a trap play, maybe it's in the playbook but in reserve. Arkeel matched their quickness and made them miss. Our play action fakes are very well done by Sherriffs. Have to get better blocking so we can see our backs getting loose into the secondary as in Edsall times. So far Tarbutt has not kicked into the endzone on kickoffs which our opponents have done almost every time. Hope he can get this done to limit kickoff returns which are always a risk.
Aug 26, 2011
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So far Tarbutt has not kicked into the endzone on kickoffs which our opponents have done almost every time. Hope he can get this done to limit kickoff returns which are always a risk.
He has two touchbacks - one each game. Agree that he needs to greatly increase the %.
Aug 27, 2011
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The good was that we defended the triple option this year. The bad was that I wanted our OL to own the LOS, which I didn't think they did.

I thought we'd be 1-1 at this point. We're ahead of where I thought. This week I'm just looking for more signs of progress.
Aug 26, 2011
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I also felt we dominated that game despite the final score. The two big Army scoring plays accounted for the majority of their yards. Don't believe me, ask the Army coach, LOL.

That was Stewart's best game. Very disciplined, and someone else mentioned but his hustle tackle on the Army QB on a play that was called back was outstanding.

I also expect Missouri to be a cut above, but having watched them some against Ak State, they are not overwhelming for sure.

I really like our Dline. Very stout. Will we some consistent pass rush from Carrezola, Foley, Adeyemi, and Ormsby? That may be difference between a very good defense and an outstanding one. We won't blitz much, so they are key. I'd even add Stapleton to that crew.

Ron Johnson had some nice cutbacks off the stretch play, but overall he shouldn't be asked to run east and west too often. Shirrefs is the man so far.
Aug 28, 2011
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How anxious was I for yesterday's game? I normally leave Fairfield at 9:00 sharp for noon games. I had done the prep work for the tailgate the night before, so I set the alarm for 7:30. I woke up, wide aware, at 5:24. I stayed in bed until 6:20 and then finally went downstairs to check the Boneyard and pack the SUV. Yes, this was my one game a year with my 24 year old from DC, but I was ready to go because, coming off the 'Nova win, I started getting confident that I was no longer watching this program being torn apart, but being rebuilt. And while others complained, I had fun in '05 and '06. I was ready for fun again. And I was ready for it two hours before the alarm went off. This week I didn't just want a win -- this week I wanted to see that we were really better than last year, and that we could push an Army team around.
And, for the most part, I got what I wanted today. We're 2-0. We did dominate the game (although the score didn't reflect it -- more on that in a minute). It was a nice, last summer's day. Hot, but not the unbearable heat of Stony Brook last year. A nice crowd. I wanted 30k, but we were up from 'Nova and with the second win hopefully we can cross the 30k mark against Navy. And, to boot, a day where our conference showed that it was much, much tougher than it was last year. (In fact, while it's early, the Sagarins showed the average strengh of a conference team to be 5 points better than a year ago (a statistically large jump), and the conference for now having moved into the spot as the best of the G-6, which it was so far from a year ago as to be frightening. Yes, yesterday was a good day indeed.

Rarely has a 5 point win been as dominant as yesterday's was, but yesterday's win was dominant. With two awful misplays by the D, we absolutely shut them down. On offense, we didn't finish two of our 4 drives inside their ten, but we gained 400 plus yards, barely threw an incomplete pass, and probably could have thrown for 400 yards if we wanted to. The game was kept close by their two out of the blue scores and our failure to finish, but it showed more talent on both sides of the ball than we had a year ago. Yes, I want to clean up the mistakes. Not just the two defensive plays, but the missed extra point, the passes that could have been caught but weren't, and the few moments of offensive uncertainty (late getting the plays in and procedures) that we didn't have opening day but had a small taste of yesterday. And if we do that, there won't be 100 plus teams better than us than there were last year, and we will get a few more wins (even if, lookng at the schedule today, I'm not sure we'd be favored next week in any of our 9 games other than the trip to Tulane -- maybe the home game with USF but I'm not sure of that). We are a long way from the '07 -- '10 run in terms of talent, but that can only improve over time. Right now, we have to play good, solid football and rebuild our roster over time.

Let's start with special teams. Justin Wain did great keeping his punts out of the end zone and free from returns. Puyol missed another extra point (while the kick wasn't high, looked to me it was more a collapse of interior blocking) but did go 3-3 with his FGs. Tarbutt isn't showing me a leg on kickoffs to make me understand why we're burning his redshirt. We don't have enough kick returns to say anything, and Lemelle's job on punts seems to be just to make the fair catch (which is in itself an improvement over where we've been), but the kick coverage showed more energy. Floyd made a few tackles, but it was Hicks and especially Omaire Stevens in the middle who wanted to hit anything that moved. You could see the attitude. Good sign.

On D, but for the two mistakes, just a great game. Discipline, discipline, discipline, and they gave up nothing. Graham Stewarts best game, and his reward was I'm not sure Diggs played LB (while Vann, Walsh and Joseph seemed to share the 2 inside positions relatively equally). The first TD I don't understand what happened, but you could see on the scoreboard that when Obi heard that his penalty was not a late hit but taunting, he reacted emotionally and was looking around for someone to talk to. I'm guessing, on film, you will see he was playing the last play and not the next one. The second one, as I said, not a bad decision early in the game, but you just can't do it there when protecting a two score lead. Oh -- and Mike Myers filled in seamlessly for Fatukasi. Groovy baby.

The OL is far, far better than it's been in pass protection. It obviously is not near where it needs to be against the run. Arkeel ran inside like we've never seen. Mariner was ready for his plays. And kudos to the staff for using both of them lined up as FBs in front of Ron Jon, and then getting them outside from that formation. Thomas is going to have a great next two years, and Lucas is doing fine, but I'm really high on Beal. A great catch and run down the right sideline, a nice short route to move the chains and an incredible one man wall set up on the left sideline getting Thomas more yards. And I don't know what to say about our QB. You watch play by play and he seems reluctant to air it out, and a lot of intermediate throws seem to be thrown not to lead the WR but to give him a chance to catch it, and then you look at the numbers and he's 19 for 25 with a few that a receiver could have made a play on but didn't. He may have limitations, but he's smart, tough, makes plays with his legs and can spread the ball around short and intermediate. Just a great start to his career.

And the offensive play calling his clearly been designed to make sure that our weapons get touches. Yeah, we ran too much stretch and not enough pounding the middle, but we're showing pleperation and strategy. Everything won't work, but there is clearly effort and imagination.

So that's it. Could have been a blowout and wasn't, but first, it was a win, and second, in terms of seeing our team play better it was that. So now we go to MIzzou. They may be significantly overrated, but I have no doubt they are better than us. The fact that we've bottomed out and are moving forward doesn't make us a top 40 or top 60 team. I expect MIzzou just to have more talent everywhere, and significantly more talent on their defensive front than we have on our offensive front. But (subject to having to watch it during a convention in Chicago next weekend) I expect to enjoy seeing us play and getting a better read on how far we've come and how far we have to go. If we win, great. If we give them a good game I'll be very happy. And even if we don't, and knowing Navy is much better than Army, the way we played the option yesterday gives me a great deal of hope that we can win on the 26th. And go on from there.

It's a good start, and a hopeful start. But the fanbase can't let those two wins hide the time and hard work that it's going to take us to rebuild this. There is work to be done, and it will take time. But we're building again, and that's a heck of a lot more fun than watching the tear down over the last four.

I felt like it couldve been a blowout too
Aug 5, 2013
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My bad. I've probably been 4 of the 5, but I didn't grab the roster to write the report.

I didn't see Vann get hurt. The only UConn injury I saw was Summers, who came back in afterwards.

I consciously didn't talk about bowls this week. As the trip to Colombia is not one with a high chance of victory, I thought I'd get input for one more week before even talking about how you'd possibly get to 6.

Before the spelling police get you again, it's Columbia (although I agree, most trips to Colombia are not ones with high chances of victory).

I agree with just about everything you wrote, and the comparison of Shirreffs to Tyler is a good one, but I think there's more to it than that. Even when Tyler's throws were on target, they were often ducks. A better comparison might be a combination of Tyler's ability to save plays with his legs, and Cody's accuracy. Shirreffs throws a Goldilocks & the Three Bears type of ball: not too hard, not too soft, just right.

That's part of the reason why these talented kids have been able to make some great catches so far: Shirreffs puts the ball in a good spot almost every time.
Nov 25, 2012
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Tarbutt did a great job getting hangtime and giving the coverage a shot. They started inside the 25 a few times. Not sure if that was his plan but I'm not concerned he isn't booming it through the endzone


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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Tarbutt did a great job getting hangtime and giving the coverage a shot. They started inside the 25 a few times. Not sure if that was his plan but I'm not concerned he isn't booming it through the endzone

My guess that is what the coaching staff wants more height than distance.

Outside of the two big plays the defense did it's job.

I think the game against Missouri is going to be closer than experts think or many on here.
Aug 27, 2011
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Tarbutt did a great job getting hangtime and giving the coverage a shot. They started inside the 25 a few times. Not sure if that was his plan but I'm not concerned he isn't booming it through the endzone

I would agree with this. My initial reaction was "Why burn his red shirt if he can't kick it into the end zone?" Then I saw how high the kicks were and how good the coverage was. Maybe I'm wrong ... but it started to make sense.


Lost patience with the garden variety UConn fan
Aug 26, 2011
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I thought we were crisper against Nova. The mental mistakes from the coaching staff and Obi are correctable. Shireffs has had the best 2 game stretch since Cochran and ultimately could be the 2nd best qb we had in the FBS era. My hope is that he gets a touch more accurate where he is hitting his receivers in stride so they can improve on their yards after catch. But I am nitpicking here.
We have turned the corner but as fans, we have to not get down on them as the competition gets better. Next year, we could be really good. But for this year, I will enjoy the improvement.
Aug 26, 2011
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We are going to skunk that team in Colombia; but, I hear Pablo Escobar is a tough poor loser. (RE: killing defenders who screw up)

Plus ... "we're showing pleperation"... that's like one of those words I used to hear when I was dating a Breast Radiologist. I am NOT asking what it means.

What some need to watch, and I am certain I am not the only one who sees this, is that Ron Johnson was quickly inserted on the one play referred above because Newsome got up gingerly from a long previous play. WE NEED both these guys. If Ron Johnson doesn't play well this past weekend, we work the heck on his mistakes for the next go-round. WE NEED him. And, it was great to see a few early plays for Marriner; please give us some more. Plus, DeLorenzo has really been inserted as the do-it-all team guy.

Receivers are a good 1-2-3. We should push this more to see what Mayala can give (besides a good gain from Pass Interference). And, maybe we see a few others back. We did not really go at Tommy Myers after that great first weekend. I wonder ...
Aug 26, 2011
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My guess that is what the coaching staff wants more height than distance.

Outside of the two big plays the defense did it's job.

I think the game against Missouri is going to be closer than experts think or many on here.

Reading the stories from their game at Arkansas State, Missouri has problems. They are on their #4 RB and trying the true FR. That still means facing a Defense that will be amongst the most solid we will face all year; with the Memphis DC who came over just this last half year.
Aug 24, 2011
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Reading the stories from their game at Arkansas State, Missouri has problems. They are on their #4 RB and trying the true FR. That still means facing a Defense that will be amongst the most solid we will face all year; with the Memphis DC who came over just these last half year.

I think that's the main issue -- mere competence isn't going to score many points on Saturday. We need to make plays.
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