The unknowns ahead of us.. | Page 2 | The Boneyard

The unknowns ahead of us..

Aug 29, 2015
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I think if guys like Adams, CV, Polley, Carlton, Akinjo, AG stay on board for next yr a good coach would have them well over .500 and competing every night
We actually got kind of lucky in a distorted way with how the Wilson recruitment went down and with Gilbert's situation. The chances of them both leaving now is pretty slim. If they stick around I think a new coach can do a lot with them.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Yes, the team that kicked our asses twice had five JUCO transfers.

Do you think JUCO transfers, especially those who play the 4 or 5 are going to better acclimated and perhaps bigger and stronger than incoming freshmen?
There is a difference

We have one. Ollie doesn't play him. We also have a grad transfer, who Ollie plays too much.

But that's not the point. The point is a that a competent coach can take a rag tag bunch of nobodies he found via JUCO and win some games. So the fear mongering about "what if we fire Ollie and everybody leaves" is utter nonsense. We'd all trade seasons with Memphis in a heartbeat, and they are in the exact situation we think is our worst case scenario.
Aug 27, 2011
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Only rule is get the right guy and if he isn't available be patient to get the right guy. Last thing we need is a Dumb and Dumber situation like Diaco and Pasqualoni. So, if we have suck next year to get the right coach, I'd rather suck one year than multiple years with another no-way out contract.

The Funster

Aug 27, 2011
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I watch KO on the sidelines and I see a coach who is already defeated. This hasn't been just a recent occurrence, I've seen it since December when he and his assistants would hang their heads in unison. It's gotten worse since then and I don't see a single leader on the team. I'm assuming KO has been given a metric and he's just about to fail making it. For his sake, and for our sake, I hope so. When it comes to KO...there is no fight left in that dog.

It's for this reason that I think his fate has already been decided, discussed and all but done and dusted.
May 19, 2015
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I suspect that a big part of the decision could be based on how many players would transfer out if KO is here for another year. AD Dave did a program-wide evaluation last year and I suspect he'll do the same this year.

The way I see it, with all of the uncertainty behind the NCAA investigations, now is a terrible time to be looking for a new head coach because A) there could be more openings than normal and B) it's impossible to know if the new coach you hire will be linked to a past scandal after a deal is done.

So with all of that said, if it seems like the majority of the current group of guys will come back if KO is retained, I'd understand keeping KO - we'd save money on the buyout and let the dust settle around the NCAA so that we can be confident in the next hire if we aren't vastly improved next year. If KO being retained would cause another mass exodus, then there's really nothing to gain by keeping him another year because we can't keep starting over - KO would absolutely have to go.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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We have one. Ollie doesn't play him. We also have a grad transfer, who Ollie plays too much.

But that's not the point. The point is a that a competent coach can take a rag tag bunch of nobodies he found via JUCO and win some games. So the fear mongering about "what if we fire Ollie and everybody leaves" is utter nonsense. We'd all trade seasons with Memphis in a heartbeat, and they are in the exact situation we think is our worst case scenario.

That's not the point? You made it (the statement) and I replied to it.
JUCOs are, for the most part, bigger, stronger, more seasoned thus more talented than most incoming freshmen.
Go and look at the bios of some of those " rag tag nobodies" before you rant.
Where did I fear monger? If KO goes, I would hope players and recruits would stay but nobody knows -but if some/most do then you consider the consequences as meaningless enough to label the fear of such as "utter nonsense"?
You want the guy gone so bad you twist and turn whatever is said to fit your desire
In Gampel I sit near a lot of the seats reserved for visiting teams - I would say 75% of the Memphis folks there don't consider Tubby competent nor well suited for the position. UK throw away /Washout/Has Been/Cheap get - that's what was said. Goes to show......................
It's also easy to convince the JUCOs to come in when you have no roster - and who is to say KO or any coach wouldn't have done the same thing?
To be honest, if I want guys who won't wilt with little time on the recruitment trail - JUCO is the way to go. They don't come from a "system" because JUCO is really a talent showcase for kids who can ball but had academic or disciplinary issues.
If those 3 JOCOs on Memphis's front line couldn't outplay UConn's freshmen I would be astonished.

What happens to KO is what happens to KO
Maybe you will get your wish and if so congrats

As Tom said in his post - let's talk hoops
Apr 30, 2015
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I suspect that a big part of the decision could be based on how many players would transfer out if KO is here for another year. AD Dave did a program-wide evaluation last year and I suspect he'll do the same this year.

The way I see it, with all of the uncertainty behind the NCAA investigations, now is a terrible time to be looking for a new head coach because A) there could be more openings than normal and B) it's impossible to know if the new coach you hire will be linked to a past scandal after a deal is done.

So with all of that said, if it seems like the majority of the current group of guys will come back if KO is retained, I'd understand keeping KO - we'd save money on the buyout and let the dust settle around the NCAA so that we can be confident in the next hire if we aren't vastly improved next year. If KO being retained would cause another mass exodus, then there's really nothing to gain by keeping him another year because we can't keep starting over - KO would absolutely have to go.

If we had to, we can ask JC to sub in until we find a suitable coach but if stay the course, we're going to hurt our program so much worse than it already is.
Sep 18, 2011
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No matter who the coach is next year, I think the team will be better. This year, we had 2 players on the team that had even played 1 season together. On paper, we have much better guard play next year with Adams, CV, Gilbert, and Akinjo, and I think we have better wing play with Polley and Wilson, and better front court play with another year of development of Carlton, Williams, Diarra, and Whaley. Who knows about the rest of the roster, but maybe we get a surprise. This team really lacked a point guard this year and we should have much better ball handling next year.

Larrier has been an enigma and I think his injury really set him back as he is tentative on the court. He has become a one dimensional player as he is only a spot up shooter. I hate to say it, but the injury recovering Larrier is not additive on the court.

One thing is clear, the way the roster was put together for this year does not work.
Mar 19, 2016
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Unfortunately, this team assembled by KO isn't high D1 talent. Some individuals, yep. He is responsible. Hasn't been proven this administration will hire the right coach. AD David Benedict career will been defined here.

We shall see.

In light of FBI probe the recriuting issues may not all ne on him. I would give him one more year.
May 19, 2015
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If we had to, we can ask JC to sub in until we find a suitable coach but if stay the course, we're going to hurt our program so much worse than it already is.
So pay a massive buyout with no plan for the future? Bold strategy.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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That's not the point? You made it (the statement) and I replied to it.
JUCOs are, for the most part, bigger, stronger, more seasoned thus more talented than most incoming freshmen.
Go and look at the bios of some of those " rag tag nobodies" before you rant.
Where did I fear monger? If KO goes, I would hope players and recruits would stay but nobody knows -but if some/most do then you consider the consequences as meaningless enough to label the fear of such as "utter nonsense"?
You want the guy gone so bad you twist and turn whatever is said to fit your desire
In Gampel I sit near a lot of the seats reserved for visiting teams - I would say 75% of the Memphis folks there don't consider Tubby competent nor well suited for the position. UK throw away /Washout/Has Been/Cheap get - that's what was said. Goes to show.......
It's also easy to convince the JUCOs to come in when you have no roster - and who is to say KO or any coach wouldn't have done the same thing?
To be honest, if I want guys who won't wilt with little time on the recruitment trail - JUCO is the way to go. They don't come from a "system" because JUCO is really a talent showcase for kids who can ball but had academic or disciplinary issues.
If those 3 JOCOs on Memphis's front line couldn't outplay UConn's freshmen I would be astonished.

What happens to KO is what happens to KO
Maybe you will get your wish and if so congrats

As Tom said in his post - let's talk hoops

Do you even realize the contradictory positions you are taking? First you are saying that JUCOs are essentially better than young recruited players ( I disagree on average). So that's why Memphis is decent. Then you are saying that we should indeed be terrified that players will decommit or transfer out. Which is it? Either you can bring in JUCOs and win or you can't. If you can, then you don't need to be worried about players leaving. If you don't even think Tubby is competent (you're wrong, look at his actual record at Kentucky), then presumably, UConn will be even better than Memphis is this year no matter what happens, as long as KO isn't the coach.

My point by the way, was made in reply to the assertion by somebody else that was (paraphrasing) "oh no, what if everybody leaves if we change coaches!" The answer is, we do what Memphis did, and that isn't so bad given that they were able to spank us twice. It's not what I want. Or you want. But the worst case isn't that bad.
Aug 27, 2011
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First of all this is not a save Ollie thread. I just wanted to see what peoples thoughts are. Please try to not make every response a negative one.

To me it seems many want anyone but KO coaching this team anyone. But if the AD cant get the right guy the repercussions are catastrophic, much worse than KO

Will a new coach be able to even get a full team of players after transfers and recruits bailing out ? Especially if the no wait after coaching change rule goes in effect.
This year did not work out so great trying to find players in April/May. Ollie had to take what he could get.
Next season could very well be Gilbert with the unknown shoulder and a complete skeleton crew for a team..

Is it the opinion of most that a new coach will be able to recruit 7-8 scholarships in April/May and put a decent team on the floor?

What if everyone’s favorites are not interested in coming? What happens then? We end up with a washed up coach and no players?

I am truly interested in people’s thoughts on this. I know everything has to change but the “unknowns” are very very concerning to me..

A failure in a hire will be the end of UCONN Basketball and we will be in a hole we cant get out of.

I have come around to wanting to replace KO. Bottom line is that he does not seem to be putting in the effort that is required of a high D1A coach plain and simple. I know that I can't possibly know this for sure but it sure looks that way in every respect. We deserve better coaching effort period and it starts with the head coach. Is there a reason for this change in KO? Can it be reversed? Does he want to stay? That is all for KO and DB to discuss but the team's lack of consistent effort and lack of improvement are telling and it's killing us on the floor. I would say that from 1988 - 2015, I missed watching only a handful or two of UConn basketball games. These past two seasons, I missed several games. I am sure some will call me a frontrunner or not a diehard fan but if you are posting or lurking here, you are a diehard fan. And if there are others like me who are finding other things to do than watching games then that has to be a problem that needs to be corrected.

Hans Sprungfeld

Aug 26, 2011
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Wrong, this is the 5th or 6th time I’ve seen Ohio State mentioned here as a template for next year.
I've seen Ohio State referenced singularly as the blue sky scenario. If you want to call it a template, and then argue that failing to achieve something like what OSU has done will occasion massive disappointment from people like me, that's your prerogative. But it has no basis in reality, your special expertise notwithstanding.
Sep 18, 2011
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Bottom line is that he does not seem to be putting in the effort that is required of a high D1A coach plain and simple. I know that I can't possibly know this for sure but it sure looks that way in every respect. We deserve better coaching effort period and it starts with the head coach.

I don't know how you can say he hasn't put in the effort. You could say that it appears that he is not doing a good job managing the whole program, but I think he has tried, but for whatever reason, it just isn't working out right now.

In my opinion, three key things have brought the team to where we are today:

1) For Ollie's first 4 seasons, he had at least 2 ex-head coaches on the bench with him. Today, he has none.
2) The 3 transfers and the loss of top recruit MAL at the end of last season.
3) Key injuries to Gilbert (2 years), Larrier, and Diarra.

At the end of last season, it looked like UConn's roster going into the 2017/2018 season was going to be one 5* recruit and seven 4* recruits. Instead, it ended up being one 5* recruit and two 4* recruits, one who is Larrier who has never recovered from his injury. The roster does look better for next year at this point.
Aug 17, 2011
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I don't know how you can say he hasn't put in the effort. You could say that it appears that he is not doing a good job managing the whole program, but I think he has tried, but for whatever reason, it just isn't working out right now.
I think that's coming from the ESPN article from Jeff Goodman a couple weeks ago and the article from the Courant about a month after last season ended. Both of which alluded to Ollie's laziness on the recruiting trail. Plus Fishy's multiple references to how Ollie got complacent after the national championship and put himself in this position.
Jan 23, 2018
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If we had to, we can ask JC to sub in until we find a suitable coach but if stay the course, we're going to hurt our program so much worse than it already is.
Coach Calhoun would come back. UConn has not contacted him tho.
Aug 27, 2011
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Not just the Goodman piece or Fishy's and others' views but his demeanor on the sidelines, his interviews and press conferences and most importantly, the play and feel of the team, the lack of in game adjustments, the lack of an identity and playing style of this club. All of it just looks like it's mailed in.
Aug 26, 2011
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I agree that his demeanor is just poor. I don't know how you can inspire confidence in your players when it looks like you have none yourself.
Aug 26, 2011
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Do you even realize the contradictory positions you are taking? First you are saying that JUCOs are essentially better than young recruited players ( I disagree on average). So that's why Memphis is decent. Then you are saying that we should indeed be terrified that players will decommit or transfer out. Which is it? Either you can bring in JUCOs and win or you can't. If you can, then you don't need to be worried about players leaving. If you don't even think Tubby is competent (you're wrong, look at his actual record at Kentucky), then presumably, UConn will be even better than Memphis is this year no matter what happens, as long as KO isn't the coach.

My point by the way, was made in reply to the assertion by somebody else that was (paraphrasing) "oh no, what if everybody leaves if we change coaches!" The answer is, we do what Memphis did, and that isn't so bad given that they were able to spank us twice. It's not what I want. Or you want. But the worst case isn't that bad.
We have had a few JUCOS work out but many more don't. For every Shawn Miller there are 3 that are just warm bodies. Freshmen are the future of the program.
Aug 26, 2011
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Miller was a grad transfer. I'm not sure I even remember a handful of JUCOs here. Selvie was a starter, I guess Cop Cormier, Hardenett and Mike Hayes played some minutes.


Atomic Dogs!
Jan 18, 2014
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Yes, the team that kicked our asses twice had five JUCO transfers.

Do you think JUCO transfers, especially those who play the 4 or 5 are going to better acclimated and perhaps bigger and stronger than incoming freshmen?
There is a difference
Shame ours couldn't☹
Aug 27, 2011
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In light of FBI probe the recriuting issues may not all ne on him. I would give him one more year.
No disrespect intended, but it is very difficult to envision any scenario that results in KO being on the UConn bench next season. He truly looks broken and defeated, and I honestly believe that on some level he will be relieved that this season is over.

I hope he finds a good fit as an assistant somewhere in the NBA. That seems to be the perfect role for him.

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