I see we have a fair amount of indiscriminate heat already generated in this thread re: the refs' mistakes, so what the hell, I'll pile on.
As a staunch Lynx fan I will say that Reeve's comments--while understandable with respect to their content and their timing, made shortly after the battle had ended--lacked class. She took time to say that she was not taking anything away from the Sparks' win, but the way she put those comments across did precisely that. (By contrast, Seimone was gracious in her commentary and I commend her for keeping the focus on all that was good -- actually great -- about this series.). I pull for Maya and the Lynx 24/7 but this game and this series are chalked up to the Sparks' side of the ledger and there are NO asterisks next to that W. Period. Reeve brought up the missed 8-second call in game 4 as being just as bad, or however she put it - but was she hot under the collar and spewing about that in the presser after Game 4? Duh. Of course not. Those who talk about how that mistake "didn't actually impact the win" because there final box score showed a 6 point MOV? Wow. Just wow. Really? What meds are you taking these days? Or maybe some of the bottles are empty and the problem is that you need some prescriptions refilled? As JP McEnroe would say, You Cannot Be Serious. The way things play out from these inflection points can never be known. Does it suck more when blown calls are close to the end of the game? Duh. Do we all want refs to not f$&k things up? Duh. It's plain to see that the Lynx would have had a 2 point edge instead of being tied but anyone who simply tacks on 2 points to the final score and calls it a day is being a complete ignoramus. Also duh.
What's the average age of Boneyarders again? Something well north of 25(!) -- we'll just leave it at that. So how many sporting events have you watched in your lifetime ? 3? 4? Or maybe a few more ? Probably closer to 3,000 or 4,000 I'd bet. It looks like many have collectively forgotten the many f$&k ups with respect to refs and umpires that have occurred in the past and will always occur, unless and until we arrive at a time where quantum supercomputer -aided referee councils sitting on Mt. Olympus can jointly monitor and administer all sporting events in real-time so that perfection is achieved and all traces of human error are smothered in the crib before they can affect the game, there will be f$&k ups. Maybe in the wake of this game there will be a rule change so that in the last 2:00 a review can be initiated where it was initially passed up by the referees' error. That would be a good thing. Until then, some things we know include the fact that refs sometimes suck, or at least they will sometimes make sucky mistakes at particularly sucky times that make you want to pull your hair out and say, "YOU SUCK."
I'm 49 years old - younger than many here, older than others - and I have seen my share of referee and umpire f$&k ups. I have not seen the last.
The Los Angeles Sparks are the WNBA champions for 2016, fair and square. FAIR AND SQUARE. I wanted Maya and the Lynx to come out on top, but they lost. I tip my hat to the victors and am capable of admiring them in their moment of triumph. This appears to be more than many here can say (especially with one CP3 in the mix) after what was almost certainly the best championship series and the most exciting and competitive Final game in the recent history of the WNBA. Talk about missing the forest for one solitary tree. My God.
To those of the XY persuasion, at least, grow a pair and move on to next season, and/or to the UCONN bball season, unless you want start your boycott now and root for your team in provisional protest in anticipation of the slights and errors that are sure to come your way, courtesy of the refs, or whomever else, in whatever sport. Be my guest.