The real low-down on Boneyard posters | Page 3 | The Boneyard

The real low-down on Boneyard posters

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Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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OC is legend here...
Yeah, well frankly I'm a little po'ed at OC for shirking a lot of those insightful analysis opportunities on the BY recently ever since he nailed that job as head designer for the Coach Signature line. But that won't stop me from wearing this little number of his to next year's FF in Nashville. Love me, love my blue Coach bag.

Aug 27, 2011
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Really? My information is that you push Gideon's bibles on patrons of Midwest pizza joints and that you were chasing after some girl named Nancy who tries to pass herself off as Lil. Might have you mixed up with someone else though.
Curses! Once again my dual identity undoes me.


Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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Yeah, well frankly I'm a little po'ed at OC for shirking a lot of those insightful analysis opportunities on the BY recently ever since he nailed that job as head designer for the Coach Signature line. But that won't stop me from wearing this little number of his to next year's FF in Nashville. Love me, love my blue Coach bag.

thought Dobbs was a man :oops:


Post Poster
Sep 15, 2011
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sarals24!! t-gal! Wake up!! Can’t you see????

Make a run for it !!

We’re being picked off, one by one, by… Rover!

t-gal… no time to explain… just don’t let them give you a numberrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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thought Dobbs was a man :oops:
Hey, you don't think guys want to be seen with bags like that? C'mon, Daddy, like Mick J some of us are confident enough in our manhood to wear just about anything.

And Arty, I wouldn't go buddying up to sarals24, who you possibly didn't know runs the French-Indian satellite SARAL network for "research observation" that is operated via a smart phone. And she just alerted me that you were seen talking to two suspicious characters dressed in orange with "Candace for President" messages on them. I'm going to need to check on this further, but maybe you should just make a run for the border now. Meanwhile, sarals24 can notch her count to 25 with you in the bag.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Really? My information is that you push Gideon's bibles on patrons of Midwest pizza joints and that you were chasing after some girl named Nancy who tries to pass herself off as Lil. Might have you mixed up with someone else though.
That's always been my thought.



Windy City Kitty
Aug 26, 2011
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Oh sorry Gail, I did definitely have you written down but I needed to check with my Duke and Texas contacts to see what I could say. Anyway, I'm sorry the Longhorn job did not work out, but good luck with that Division 3 U of Chicago team, where the pressure shouldn't be quite as high. And as always, nice of you help celebrate the Husky accomplishments.

And this is what I get for admiring your work and what it has wrought....:p
Actually, was ROFLMAO. Thanks for including me in "the gang."


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Hey, you don't think guys want to be seen with bags like that? C'mon, Daddy, like Mick J some of us are confident enough in our manhood to wear just about anything.

Personally I would never be confident enough. More power to ya Dobbs.



Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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Personally I would never be confident enough. More power to ya Dobbs.
Ah, yeah, that was my get-up for the PTSA and Little League Board meetings, and in my town I was considered Mr. Boringly Provincial. But if you got it, flaunt it baby!

And t-gal almost made it to the border of Mexico before the BY spy unit got her. She's the one who put out those "Huskies #10 National Championship in 2014" limited edition of tees shortly after UConn won #8. I'd snap'em up if you can find any for under $1000 on eBay because they are becoming hot collectors items for the lucrative WCBB paraphernalia market just like the "Duke Dynasty" and the "Don't Take Offense, We're Rutgers" shirts from a few years back and the "Baylor Beats Y'all to a Pulp in 2013" bumper stickers.


Who wouldn't want to be me?
Aug 26, 2011
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I made the list!

Thought I never declared war on Tennessee (where did you get 2009?) I have often partooken in guerrilla warfare...potshots here and there. Loved knocking Summitt.

I guess perhaps I never really declared war and if I did it should have been 1995.

Nice post dobbs.


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
I made the list!

Thought I never declared war on Tennessee (where did you get 2009?) I have often partooken in guerrilla warfare...potshots here and there. Loved knocking Summitt.

I guess perhaps I never really declared war and if I did it should have been 1995.

Nice post dobbs.
Battle fatigue can do those kinds of things to the memory. It took a lot to push you over the edge after Pat started dribbling out her innuendos and ridiculous list of transgressions, but by 2009 you finally snapped, declared war, and made a brilliant thrust down Rte. 75 to capture the Summitt, though you abandoned it almost immediately when you saw that it was uninhabitable for any sentient creature above the level of a newt. There was speculation on the BY at the time that you had resorted to using comical weapons down there by distributing a pamphlet, "How many Volunteers does it take to screw up a 1st round game?" but nothing was ever proven. You are credited with laying waste to any UTenn hopes of a Final Four berth in the following years after you invoked the powerful "Orangegopoopius" curse.

The memories may be buried pretty deep at this point.


Embracing the New Look!!!
Apr 12, 2013
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Lady Husky fanatics? ... Lady? ... and uncapitalized, as well. Hmmmmm. I think you may need to go to Husky Fan Summer Camp before you're fully admitted to the Boneyard. Ya gotta know your Husky foundation myths cold so you can repeat them flawlessly in your sleep.
This is a tough crowd- but you guys have no idea what u r dealing with - with me! I'll pay my dues! What are the dates of Lady Husky Summer Camp/s? Are there more than one camp offered? I'll give up my annual Atlantic Salmon Fishing if that's what it takes to get accepted in this "club"!


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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This is a tough crowd- but you guys have no idea what u r dealing with - with me! I'll pay my dues! What are the dates of Lady Husky Summer Camp/s? Are there more than one camp offered? I'll give up my annual Atlantic Salmon Fishing if that's what it takes to get accepted in this "club"!
May be some life in you yet. Rules of conduct:

1. Never refer to Husky women as "Lady this or that" unless you want to refer to "Lady Gaga Huskies fans." Using the L word otherwise smacks of an SEC type fan trying to do something nefarious on the BY.

2. It's considered polite to always capitalize the H in Husky when referring to UConn players, which is generally the only way it is used on the BY. Otherwise you may be alluding to weight issues, which is a no-no.

3. You should have no problem with this one, but never spell Geno with an I. There is no I in team and no I in Geno.


How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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Lady Husky fanatics? ... Lady? ... and uncapitalized, as well. Hmmmmm. I think you may need to go to Husky Fan Summer Camp before you're fully admitted to the Boneyard. Ya gotta know your Husky foundation myths cold so you can repeat them flawlessly in your sleep.
I don't think we are allow the use of the B word on the forum though it is a perfectly accurate description of half of the dog population - it would have been totally inappropriate and cause for banishment had it been capitalized, but the poster being a breeder who has already lost two fortunes trying to develop a true native Connecticut sled dog can be allowed leeway as she also refers to the male canines as gentlemen and not the other banded B word. Reformed breeders need 12 step plans, too.

UcMiami - he's the guy in charge of developing plans for UConn's proposed undersea campus for maritime studies down in one of Florida's most popular downtown locations.
As for your research into my origins - thankfully you missed the less than stellar chapter in my career, selling lots in a new housing development about 10 miles due east of Miami Beach. Not something I am overly proud of, though it did provide the capital for this latest venture! (Really just a repurposing of my previous development.) And yes I have a special discount for BYers who would like to get in on the 'ground' floor of what will be a truly wonderful investment opportunity!

(NB - if you ever go to the far end of Key Biscayne and look out to the south you will see a number of structures on stilts - Stiltsville - the remnants of a semi legal community built in the middle of Biscayne Bay - part tax dodge, partly skirting liquor and gambling laws, and pretty unique.)


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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(NB - if you ever go to the far end of Key Biscayne and look out to the south you will see a number of structures on stilts - Stiltsville - the remnants of a semi legal community built in the middle of Biscayne Bay - part tax dodge, partly skirting liquor and gambling laws, and pretty unique.)
Actually, what your are describing isn't Stiltsville but the campus of the University of South Southeast Florida, which is scheduled to join the AAC in 2016. They actually have very good basketball teams since all their players are over 10 feet tall, though their odd long- pant uniforms have evoked some comments from opponents.


Embracing the New Look!!!
Apr 12, 2013
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May be some life in you yet. Rules of conduct:

1. Never refer to Husky women as "Lady this or that" unless you want to refer to "Lady Gaga Huskies fans." Using the L word otherwise smacks of an SEC type fan trying to do something nefarious on the BY.
Pls keep these tid bits coming! Did you see a post from me with "Gino"- I hope I didn't do that! This DobbsR....
2. It's considered polite to always capitalize the H in Husky when referring to UConn players, which is generally the only way it is used on the BY. Otherwise you may be alluding to weight issues, which is a no-no.

3. You should have no problem with this one, but never spell Geno with an I. There is no I in team and no I in Geno.


Feb 19, 2013
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Okay, there's a few more late entries that still needed some fact-checking as of yesterday to insure the integrity of the information, but here's a few more for the list from the posters who unwisely begged for anonymity.

arty155 - has a 155 IQ and used to call himself smarty155 but dropped the first two letters after getting continuously pounded by jealous BY posters who average about 125 points less.

Plumber Luigi - heads Geno's crack spy team that breaks into the DC hotel headquarters to steal vital game info before the Huskies' big games with Watergate University every year.

JaYnYcE - Jay, formerly an NY civil engineer, had the "civil" part removed after engineering a scatologically oriented edifice to greet the ND bus when it arrived at the arena for the semifinal game in New Orleans.

Geno-ista - he's the guy at the games who keeps screaming "Geno is ta!", which has been interpreted variously as either the UConn coach is made of chemical element 73, tantalum, or that he is a very good teaching assistant. I'm still divided on this one.

huskyrob1 - actually it was 2 misinformed Husky fans that he swindled into buying $300 tickets for last year's "Stanford game at Gampel."

UConnChapette - despite her claims to refinement, she's actually the loud-mouthed heckler at Gampel who's always questioning the hygiene habits of the opponent's coach, players, and even the poor mascot.

bruinbball - he's that annoying Wooden worshiper who yells out at the games, "You still haven't got to 10 yet, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah."

Drumguy - does the sound effects for the Energizer Bunny on those annoying commercials that don't feature either Ketia Swanier or Moriah Jefferson.

huskyniner - was heard to confess recently that he'd be quite satisfied if UConn stayed at 8 NCs.

Milford Husky - actually is a miniature poodle who lives across the border in West Haven.

DishNSwish - runs a Swiss fondue restaurant that is known for way overdoing it on the kirsch and leaving the customers in a little slurry state when they leave.

speedoo - is the only one to successfully serve as a model for both men's and women's Speedoo wear, though many have tried to knock him off his spot at the top of the field.

pppggg, ctbbfn - are the chief adversaries to vowelguy on the BY, but since they just learned his true identity here, they're all confused.

RockyMTblue2 - suffers from serious depression after a wasted youth listening to nothing but John Denver music.

Waquoit - is the chief swatter of black flies at a beach on Cape Cod.

DogMania - was responsible for the rabid epidemic down in Knoxville earlier this year that made 10,000 Volunteer fans shed their orange jump suits and wear blue overalls.

Bestiarius - he runs the asylum for the most irredeemable members of the Summitt who are too far gone even for solitary confinement.

blueandwhitekid- I have reliable information that this guy goes around painted up all blue and white but does not have one drop of Scottish blood in him.

dannykuconn - apparently, those 20+ orange things hanging around Danny's head are natural and are the result of a genetic disorder inherited through his mother's Naismith side of the family.

and .....

CamrnCrz1974 - actually was declared legally sane back in 1976, though he is another one who has a deep antipathy for vowelguy.
Pure genius, make one for me?


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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Dedicated UConn fan notwithstanding his life long weight issues?
Well, yeah, Huskyforlife, as CL82 has alluded, your expanding issues with the love handles have caused your other Husky friends to grow a little concerned, though they still have some big love for you. But when I saw this picture of you and little Huskyfan playing some touch football yesterday in the snow, I noticed that you also seem to be changing your form a bit and looking more like a Baylor fan or maybe one that is starting to root for D3 school Bowdoin or listening to icebear too much. I don't really know what the issue is, but you gotta get help. And yes, your butt is too big.


And as for CL82, this is a much more sinister case. He's the guy who was responsible for putting chlorine (CL) into the water supply for Death Valley Junction a few years ago. The problem was he got mixed up on the chemical number for chlorine (it's 17) and used substance number 82 instead. Unfortunately, that's lead (PB), hence the name of the town, but we are all very forgiving here on the BY because we know everybody makes mistakes, even our high supreme deity Geno, who got mixed up on something once back in maybe 1987.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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Dobbs you received the wrong information. That photo IS me consoling one of our Huskies after the triple overtime loss in South Bend.
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