The Perfect Combination of Writer and Coach | The Boneyard

The Perfect Combination of Writer and Coach

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Aug 26, 2011
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TBH, maybe he's practicing to work in the MSM. Seems like he'd fit right in!


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Totally uncalled for but not surprising coming from someone who has taken more victory laps than that Bolt dude.

Anything to make you feel better about yourself.

Help me understand why pointing out that shilling for this program isn't pathetic?

Try and make a coherent argument rather than just attacking me.
Aug 28, 2011
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Totally uncalled for but not surprising coming from someone who has taken more victory laps than that Bolt dude.

Anything to make you feel better about yourself.
TBH, it seems like you attack @whaler11 to feel better about yourself.

@UConn07 called diehard fans who questioned Diaco's desire to win in his first year "dangerous" for the program. This guy has gone 2-10, 6-7, and 3-9. Who is killing the program? The fans or the coach??????
Aug 26, 2011
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Help me understand why pointing out that shilling for this program isn't pathetic?

Try and make a coherent argument rather than just attacking me.

Matt has brought more to this board than you can even imagine. If he said one or 2 things that offended you or your butt buddy Wings then respond to him at the point of attack.

No need for a private attack thread that gave no substance or context. Feel free to post what he wrote that was so offensive.

As for bring up a comment he made after the first year as why you agree with Whaler? Really....or did he say it this year?

By the way, the people who questioned whether Diaco wanted to win in his first year didn't have much of a clue what he was doing. The dumpster fire he inherited was so bad, it had to be broken down to ground zero. While he would love have to won every game, sacrifices had to be made in order to start over.

If you don't know why he did what he did in year one....nothing I can say. But I'm quite certain year one was the reason we went bowling in year 2. Year idea, except Diaco is a bad coach. No one could have known that after year 1, because it was not your typical year 1.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Matt has brought more to this board than you can even imagine. If he said one or 2 things that offended you or your butt buddy Wings then respond to him at the point of attack.

No need for a private attack thread that gave no substance or context. Feel free to post what he wrote that was so offensive.

As for bring up a comment he made after the first year as why you agree with Whaler? Really....or did he say it this year?

By the way, the people who questioned whether Diaco wanted to win in his first year didn't have much of a clue what he was doing. The dumpster fire he inherited was so bad, it had to be broken down to ground zero. While he would love have to won every game, sacrifices had to be made in order to start over.

If you don't know why he did what he did in year one....nothing I can say. But I'm quite certain year one was the reason we went bowling in year 2. Year idea, except Diaco is a bad coach. No one could have known that after year 1, because it was not your typical year 1.

More than I can imagine? I can read his posts - so I'm pretty sure I see what he brings.

Wing is my butt buddy? Ignoring that's a fairly offensive term - he agrees with me at times and disagrees at others.

I tagged @UConn07 so I don't see how it's a private attack. He is more than welcome to defend himself.

You can defend Diaco's first year if you like. The hard truth is the program is in worse shape tonight than when he took over.

If you cared to read the recently bumped posts from after year 1 - you'd see that pretty much everyone knew he couldn't coach. He didn't need to reinvent the sport - his first year was no different than the first year 20 FBS coaches have every year.

Edit: and I've told @UConn07 a dozen times why I have no respect for him. Goes back to Towson and he still hasn't admitted that he called out the attendance from home and edited his blog.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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I don't agree with Matt on a lot of things, but he's at least someone who's covering the team consistently in some way. He fills a void that's been around the program, gets pretty close access, player interviews and stuff...some of the stuff is cool to see! There is a lack of questioning BD obviously, but who cares? Not everyone needs to be or is meant to be hounding the program
Aug 29, 2015
Reaction Score
I don't agree with Matt on a lot of things, but he's at least someone who's covering the team consistently in some way. He fills a void that's been around the program, gets pretty close access, player interviews and stuff...some of the stuff is cool to see! There is a lack of questioning BD obviously, but who cares? Not everyone needs to be or is meant to be hounding the program

It's hard to take him seriously when he's literally just a mouthpiece for the program.
Aug 26, 2011
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More than I can imagine? I can read his posts - so I'm pretty sure I see what he brings.

Wing is my butt buddy? Ignoring that's a fairly offensive term - he agrees with me at times and disagrees at others.

I tagged @UConn07 so I don't see how it's a private attack. He is more than welcome to defend himself.

You can defend Diaco's first year if you like. The hard truth is the program is in worse shape tonight than when he took over.

If you cared to read the recently bumped posts from after year 1 - you'd see that pretty much everyone knew he couldn't coach. He didn't need to reinvent the sport - his first year was no different than the first year 20 FBS coaches have every year.

Edit: and I've told @UConn07 a dozen times why I have no respect for him. Goes back to Towson and he still hasn't admitted that he called out the attendance from home and edited his blog.

I'm not going to play along with your manic games that fulfill your need to be better than everyone. If you think 20 FBS coaches walked into what Diaco did on any given year, you are either being obtuse, or you have no idea what went on behind the scenes when PP was here.

By the way, congrats on staying to the very end of the Tulane game. Impressive.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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It's hard to take him seriously when he's literally just a mouthpiece for the program.

Right. I agree that when he opines on the program it's not something I usually agree with. That doesn't mean he has no value, though. For instance, I asked him about OT Ted Field tonight (a 2017 recruit). He said he would be interviewing Field this upcoming week--that's pretty cool and something we didn't really have in the past. Interviews with players, quotes from practice, that kinda stuff is cool
Aug 26, 2011
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It's hard to take him seriously when he's literally just a mouthpiece for the program.

So all the interviews with players or the many times he broke the latest commit is just...what? A mouthpiece for the program?
Aug 26, 2011
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At the stage of where our program is, if people want to bring up nonsense about a writer in a thread that is posted only for the OP to get atta boys, I guess it's going to be a long off season.

Have at it. Give Whaler his strokes. He appreciates it.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I'm not going to play along with your manic games that fulfill your need to be better than everyone. If you think 20 FBS coaches walked into what Diaco did on any given year, you are either being obtuse, or you have no idea what went on behind the scenes when PP was here.

By the way, congrats on staying to the very end of the Tulane game. Impressive.

Yes every year new coaches show up on campuses to take over bad programs.

Most don't actually have a half
dozen NFL players on the roster.

Most don't have the highest budget
in the G5.

Most don't have 20k season tickets sold.

Most don't have a facility like the Shenk.

So really why is his first year special?
Aug 28, 2011
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Diaco called regular season games the preseason. He's been terrible since the first game he coached. And if you think, that 3 years in, this isn't STILL a dumpster fire, then there's nothing I can say (either). All the nonsense about tearing it down, starting over, sacrifices, etc. That's all BS. What was built back up? What's been fixed? You establish a winning culture by winning games. You don't have to sacrifice x's and o's, wins and losses, in order to build a winning program.

Matt is Diaco's Baghdad Bob. He attacked the fans who didn't show absolute loyalty to Diaco. I did respond to him. I've tagged him several times since then. He doesn't respond. If you didn't see them, or don't remember them, don't think they didn't happen.

If we won 7-8 games this year, then you could make the argument that what he did worked. What's most concerning, is looking at the roster and the schedule, and coming to the realization, that unless Diaco pulls off a miracle, we are probably looking at 2-3 wins again next year.

You guys will still be talking about what a dumpster fire he inherited, while Matt will be telling us how pretty the dumpster fire is now, because it has yet another fresh coat of paint.
Last edited:


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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At the stage of where our program is, if people want to bring up nonsense about a writer in a thread that is posted only for the OP to get atta boys, I guess it's going to be a long off season.

Have at it. Give Whaler his strokes. He appreciates it.

Of all the things you've posted... you think I want atta boys?


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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I don't agree with Matt on a lot of things, but he's at least someone who's covering the team consistently in some way. He fills a void that's been around the program, gets pretty close access, player interviews and stuff...some of the stuff is cool to see! There is a lack of questioning BD obviously, but who cares? Not everyone needs to be or is meant to be hounding the program

Mike Anthony has been providing information that's just as good. If you're talking about Matt's speculative player evaluations, I found quite a few of his individual player comparisons from camp to not have much grounding in reality.
Aug 26, 2011
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Worst part, where are Diaco's Cochran and Lagow, and Joe Williams and Newsome and Noel Thomas?

Still waiting for 1 guy he recruited to look like an all league player. Just 1.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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So all the interviews with players or the many times he broke the latest commit is just...what? A mouthpiece for the program?

Matt's interviews with commits tend to come after they've been broken elsewhere.

Whaler is indeed enjoying much of the attention the team's implosion has garnered him. I just stopped caring about the inconsistency a long time ago. It's a goshdarn message board. If people are going to stir the pot, let them do it. I could do without the hyperbole and drama queen-esque tone on the whole, but on this particular topic, it's pretty justified. Matt is so embedded in the infrastructure of the program he can't comprehend the alarm we fans feel.
Aug 28, 2011
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At the stage of where our program is, if people want to bring up nonsense about a writer in a thread that is posted only for the OP to get atta boys, I guess it's going to be a long off season.

Have at it. Give Whaler his strokes. He appreciates it.

At the stage of where our program is, you still can't see that Matt's nonsense only echoes Diaco's?!

I'm convinced you're just taking out your frustrations on whaler because you believe he's an easy target.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Matt's interviews with commits tend to come after they've been broken elsewhere.

Whaler is indeed enjoying much of the attention the team's implosion has garnered him. I just stopped caring about the inconsistency a long time ago. It's a goshdarn message board. If people are going to stir the pot, let them do it. I could do without the hyperbole and drama queen-esque tone on the whole, but on this particular topic, it's pretty justified. Matt is so embedded in the infrastructure of the program he can't comprehend the alarm we fans feel.

There is no inconsistency. I want a functional football program that is worthy of support.

That some people can identify a fraud faster than others is just an artifact of having a terrible coach.

@UConn07 made the choice to put himself on the internet. When you do that and consistently post nonsense some people are going to call you out.

He chose to trade respect for his opinions for access. He'll look back in a few years and realize he was on the wrong side of that deal.

Perfect Hair

I saw Diaco drinking a Pina Colada at Trader Vics
Oct 24, 2014
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There is no inconsistency. I want a functional football program that is worthy of support.

That some people can identify a fraud faster than others is just an artifact of having a terrible coach.

@UConn07 made the choice to put himself on the internet. When you do that and consistently post nonsense some people are going to call you out.

He chose to trade respect for his opinions for access. He'll look back in a few years and realize he was on the wrong side of that deal.

In his Q&A he actually brags about attending every open practice and how advanced and productive the offense looked. LOL, when have you ever seen an offense NOT work well in practice. Must have really been impressed by how wide open the WRs were vs air, good lord.
Aug 28, 2011
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In his Q&A he actually brags about attending every open practice and how advanced and productive the offense looked. LOL, when have you ever seen an offense NOT work well in practice. Must have really been impressed by how wide open the WRs were vs air, good lord.
To be fair, Tulane (the 119th offense in the country) looked pretty advanced and productive against our defense too.
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