The master of coaches has changed, I've been noticing for a while that he realizes that he is many generations in back of his young players and he is such a master that he has become a different coach. His players 'get him'...the sight of him in old school basketball gear was funny and he is consistent in his comments that this generation of kids is very different. There may be a few exceptions, but the kids seem to love him. He hasn't lost his basketball brilliance and is doing a great job trying to relate to his clipboard to Autumn & telling her to coach the team, the ease the players have in coming into the office relaxed, kids making fun of him like the slime thing much more. His players make fun of him in a respectful way like imitating his hair fixing, facial touching, and glasses fumbling. He has adapted and good for him. He is the wizard of Storrs! I think us BY'ers also get it.