The Morning After | The Boneyard

The Morning After

Aug 21, 2011
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Some early Sunday Morning thoughts

1. That play calling looked familiar. Like early season familiar. And bad. Not having the coaches there obviously had a huge impact on the offensive creativity or lack thereof

2. If we all know UConn’s going to run an inside handoff on third and 2 I guarantee other teams do as well Lack of creativity on third and short is killing this team especially in the red zone

3. Not sure how Krajewski doesn’t see the defender on the second INT. Backbreaker

4. Nate Carter needs some rest. With two more games in two weeks (including a short week) this team all needs to take care of their bodies. Perhaps a day or two off this week. They looked tired yesterday.

5. Thought D line was supposed to be a strength this year Not yesterday If Umass’ first possession was a fight they would’ve called it. What was that?

6. Lucien got trucked. Hope he’s ok

7. As opposed to the Vandy and Wyoming losses I was pretty f ing pissed about this one. Have given so much as a fan over the last twenty years (time, $$, emotion) and didn’t see any fight at all. Maybe the fatigue. Maybe the Covid surprise but that was the biggest embarrassment in the last 10 years. Bigger than Holy Cross

So where does this team go now? Pack it in or
come out fightin? One of my friends has a great line ‘if we’re gonna go down, might as well go down swinging’. Hope these young pups take that advice.
Sep 18, 2011
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I do believe they are trying. Maybe play calling contributes, biggest problem is they are just not much better, if at all, than anyone they play. The margin for error is paper thin. They need to play their absolute best to stay in a game, never mind win.

Not to mention, all the publicity about being better than Umass and playing them away gave Umass a huge emotional lift.


Respect All, Fear None.
Sep 22, 2012
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The UConn football morning-after pill is a type of emergency disappointment control. Emergency disappointment control is used to prevent regret in people who have attended the game in person or watched a UConn football game on television.
The morning-after pill is intended for backup disappointment control only, not as a primary method. The best method is to avoid UConn football altogether in any form.
(Better days are ahead…we have to believe that.)

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Aug 24, 2011
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Here's my breakdown. We absolutely sucked yesterday and let ourselves get embarrassed by an atrocious football program. Not having Spanos and other personnel hurt, but the rest of the team was clueless against a garbage program.

So sick & tired of the excuses, bad luck, poor play, team giving up (and it showed yesterday). They're so used to losing it's like they just assumed the position yesterday. And at the end of the day we're 0-7. We're a national joke. It's been year after year of this now. I've done my part for years as a season ticket holder and am at my breaking point.

We'll be lucky to have even 1 win when this season is done, and that best chance is next week. Are we even the best team in Connecticut?

This next head coaching hire better be a good one - could make or break the fate of the program.

Sorry for being in full Forte mode this morning. I'm still stewing from yesterday. That was embarrassing. Cooler heads will prevail. On to next week's barnburner.
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Sep 4, 2011
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...........or either one of these might have been


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Jan 12, 2013
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What happened to the teams strength and conditioning? It seems like every team, including FCS opponents, are stronger than us and better conditioned.
WE have been sold a line of crap! Bigger, stronger, faster? Front seven is our strength? We have 11 offensive lineman who can play? This team is ready to compete? Considering our losses where against Holy Cross, Vandy and UMass, this IS in fact the worst UConn team to take the field. I don’t know why Randy Edsall was given the courtesy to retire. He is the biggest con artist (UConnArtist) in the history of college football. He was able to leverage 5 years of payment, talked his way out of playing last year, and earn incentives for taking a leak on game day. It’s sad when the only thread I enjoy on the yard is about who our next coach will be. Paul dug the hole, Bob delivered the corpse and Randy buried us! Incompetence at the highest level. How does the leadership at UConn F up three hires in a row! You know how, they don’t give a damn about this program. Major League scenario, drive the program into the ground until it dies. This next hire will be the tipping point. I’ll be interested if the University goes after a coach with the same zest as Basketball and Hockey.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
Reaction Score
Some early Sunday Morning thoughts

1. That play calling looked familiar. Like early season familiar. And bad. Not having the coaches there obviously had a huge impact on the offensive creativity or lack thereof

2. If we all know UConn’s going to run an inside handoff on third and 2 I guarantee other teams do as well Lack of creativity on third and short is killing this team especially in the red zone

3. Not sure how Krajewski doesn’t see the defender on the second INT. Backbreaker

4. Nate Carter needs some rest. With two more games in two weeks (including a short week) this team all needs to take care of their bodies. Perhaps a day or two off this week. They looked tired yesterday.

5. Thought D line was supposed to be a strength this year Not yesterday If Umass’ first possession was a fight they would’ve called it. What was that?

6. Lucien got trucked. Hope he’s ok

7. As opposed to the Vandy and Wyoming losses I was pretty f ing pissed about this one. Have given so much as a fan over the last twenty years (time, $$, emotion) and didn’t see any fight at all. Maybe the fatigue. Maybe the Covid surprise but that was the biggest embarrassment in the last 10 years. Bigger than Holy Cross

So where does this team go now? Pack it in or
come out fightin? One of my friends has a great line ‘if we’re gonna go down, might as well go down swinging’. Hope these young pups take that advice.
I'm with you, brotha.

Normally, I'm the "glass is 1/4 full" guy who finds a reason for us all to bounce back the next week.

Today, I've got nothing. Literally nothing. I think for me to feel some joy return, I'd need to see them beat not only Yale, but Middle Tennessee the week after. Maybe then, some optimism can return. If not? Well...


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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We fold halfway through the 2nd Quarter in every single game. We shoot ourselves in the foot, every single game. Our QB's can't throw, our WR/TE can't catch and we give up too many yards on every single play that our opponent doesn't botch.

Is there talent on this team? I think there is, but that's not shown to be worth a damn. Whatever it takes to win a football game no matter how bad the opponent, we don't have it and don't appear to have a clue as to where we might find it.

We've reach the point where there are no wrong answers. Whatever the next regime wants to try is fine by me (except the triple option, I ain't watching that).
Sep 11, 2011
Reaction Score
The UConn football morning-after pill is a type of emergency disappointment control. Emergency disappointment control is used to prevent regret in people who have attended the game in person or watched a UConn football game on television.
The morning-after pill is intended for backup disappointment control only, not as a primary method. The best method is to avoid UConn football altogether in any form.
(Better days are ahead…we have to believe that.)

View attachment 70251
Need to take a whole handful of these after a loss to UMass
Sep 17, 2011
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Holy Cross and Yale (if they lose) are worse losses. Neither has a full scholarship roster. They don’t have many kids with any FBS offers. UMass has kids that are P5 transfers. They have 85 scholarships. The UMass loss sucks because they dominated the second half but they are at least an FBS school. It sucked because there was an expectation of a win versus every other game Save Holy Cross. But As of now HC was worse because they dominated the entire game.
Dec 9, 2013
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One of the things that was so disheartening about the this game is that we played a team that could barely pass the ball. Their play calling was very predictable and we still couldn't stop them. Its wasn't just our defensive line that didn't play the run well. Both our linebackers and safeties had opportunity after opportunity to make plays and they came up empty.
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm with you, brotha.

Normally, I'm the "glass is 1/4 full" guy who finds a reason for us all to bounce back the next week.

Today, I've got nothing. Literally nothing. I think for me to feel some joy return, I'd need to see them beat not only Yale, but Middle Tennessee the week after. Maybe then, some optimism can return. If not? Well...

I try to be an optimist too (I'm not on your level Dan, but I try), but too many soul-crushing defeats eventually take their toll. Yesterday was as bad as it gets.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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It’s tough to find the silver lining. I guess if there’s one it’s this. We needed the Holy Cross loss to get rid of Randy. And we needed the UMass loss to drive every remaining UConn fan to such sufficient depths of despair such that if the school doesn’t open its wallet and pony up four a decent head coach and staff we’re all freaking done.

The next hire was always critical, but now it is blatantly obvious that the school needs to do something dramatic. No more Band-Aids or $1 million coaches. Show that you are serious about the program and hire a serious coach, and serious staff for a serious amount of money. Otherwise it’s over and the Rent becomes the nicest emergency depot/sometimes soccer field in the country.

Many of us I’ve been enthusiasm for fans supporting the program through its ups and downs, but every last ounce of loyalty, hope and enthusiasm has been wrong out of us. Now it is the school’s turn. Show us you are as sick of losing as we are. Show us you have at least a modicum of pride and love for the school. Because if you don’t, it’s unfair to keep asking us to.
Mar 4, 2020
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Some early Sunday Morning thoughts

1. That play calling looked familiar. Like early season familiar. And bad. Not having the coaches there obviously had a huge impact on the offensive creativity or lack thereof

2. If we all know UConn’s going to run an inside handoff on third and 2 I guarantee other teams do as well Lack of creativity on third and short is killing this team especially in the red zone

3. Not sure how Krajewski doesn’t see the defender on the second INT. Backbreaker

4. Nate Carter needs some rest. With two more games in two weeks (including a short week) this team all needs to take care of their bodies. Perhaps a day or two off this week. They looked tired yesterday.

5. Thought D line was supposed to be a strength this year Not yesterday If Umass’ first possession was a fight they would’ve called it. What was that?

6. Lucien got trucked. Hope he’s ok

7. As opposed to the Vandy and Wyoming losses I was pretty f ing pissed about this one. Have given so much as a fan over the last twenty years (time, $$, emotion) and didn’t see any fight at all. Maybe the fatigue. Maybe the Covid surprise but that was the biggest embarrassment in the last 10 years. Bigger than Holy Cross

So where does this team go now? Pack it in or
come out fightin? One of my friends has a great line ‘if we’re gonna go down, might as well go down swinging’. Hope these young pups take that advice.
We had no defense against Umass running Meriwether on those wide sweeps. That killed us. Same thing when they brought in Wise.
Nov 30, 2013
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Don't care about Optics anymore. Bring in Art Briles. He's cheap and will bring winning instantly.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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The game felt closer than the score.

Krajewski made two terrible plays in the 4th. The interception was beyond awful. He stared the receiver down, ran right at him, then threw a duck inside our own 10. Even with that screw up, and going down 20-10, we had a chance to come right back and cut it to 3, and Krajewski missed an open receiver in the end zone, who probably should have caught the pass even though it was high. I think we win the game if we get that TD.

UConn is a bad team and has lost 3 competitive games to 3 bad teams. At least we are in the game in the 4th, which is all that can reasonably be expected after the last few years of terrible coaching and program management.

I think the next 5 weeks are for determining who on UConn is a FBS caliber player, and who can be replaced out of the transfer portal. The bar is not that high, so any player that does not meet it probably doesn't want to play FBS football.

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