the mojo is off, really off | The Boneyard

the mojo is off, really off

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Aug 24, 2011
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its like a huge storm hit at the wrong time

there are many things that are a part of this and i dont like it. as a community i am calling for a all out asult on the boneyards mojo. i'm talking about more quality carl posts. the dj to come back. more bl vs the board threads. and so on. and so on. and so on. lets get back to the great board we are.

everyone get a 6 pack of the rock this week and enjoy them, wings also. lets act like this is a big weekend vs a big time team becuase we need this weekend to go right. we need to win and win big, clean and look like we are back on the right track and that starts here with peoples attitudes taken to the parking lot. not happy about coaching? who isn't at this point. but were not getting a change any time soon so strap on what ever it is you strap on and get to work. at times like these its the diehards and more than casual fans that pull a fanbase thru tough times.

i dont give a about notre dame or rutgers and a mean it. i care about uconn. thats what i chose to invest my time and interest into and thats what u do also. lets ignore everything else and get back to our ways as a great community. just becuase we aren't having a dream season doesn't mean we go into hiding. pound the blogs and newspapers. comment sections and mailbags. there is nothing worse than reading other sites with no questions or comments about uconn meanwhile south harmoun institute of florida is getting chat about another crappy year. part of this fanbase building and growing is flexing our strenght media wise thru the good and bad times. its lacking right now and it sucks. get your act together.

will u rise about the fluff blue cup nation? if so, i'll see your effort and will continue mine. i want aa on espn to throw up over the amount of random uconn questions on her weekly blog. i want all newspaper articles by our horde locally to be filled with comments forcing the writers to give us more. i want to see us troll if we have to to keep our name fresh in others minds. i dont find it funny when rutgers or bc ppl come around and chat, they may be trolls or just dicks but they get it. its about having vs not having a pressence as a fanbase. all of a sudden we have gone quiet and i hate it. flood everything holy and give a dam.

i want to bite the head off a snake right now. i can't pack a big enough lip right now. i'm just looking for blood. if u have a twitter or a fb or something else get on it and pump the our of anything and everything uconn. show support to our players and let them know we are not sleeping or going to tolerate a quiet year. were going to go down fighting and thats the attitude we should all take. if u have given up, then i suggest you join something called the super adventure club.
Aug 27, 2011
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Wake up people! Were still 0-0 in the big east and in two weeks have an opportunity to knock buttgers off their high horse. Still plenty to play for this season!
Aug 26, 2011
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2-2, 0-4 or 4-0 I will be in my seat when the band comes on the field and will be there till the players sing the alma mater. And in between I will come damn close to losing my voice as usual! The tough times test the mettle of a man, we're about to see just how many true fans we have! See you Saturday!
Aug 26, 2011
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Well said HFD!!

Are the "fans" who said they were going to boycott really who this fanbase is composed of?? I seriously doubt it. Most of have wanted this opportunity to participate in upper level football for a long time. Just because we aren't having a smooth go of it -- so what! If the school and the state listened to the haters or the Debbie Downers we wouldn't even be participating. We need to do better as a program, as a staff, as players and as a fanbase to get to the next level. But how does berating the staff or critisizing the players or threatening to boycott the games help our situation? The kids who are playing right now need and deserve our utmost support. We can impact home games and I believe we have done that since the RENT opened. I love the games and UCONN and will support this team as much as I can. Whether this coaching staff is doing a great job, a good job, or a poor job -- the players deserve support! Let's do what we can do to help them win and turn this season in the right direction. Go Huskies!!!
Aug 27, 2011
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Where is this boycott nonsense coming from? I saw it in Dez's chat yesterday and wondered where the hell this came from. If anyone does boycott, don't come back.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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I haven't missed a home game in over a decade and I'm not going to start now. And I will be cheering and having a good time. But I won't be kidding myself that this is the coaching staff to move us forward.
Sep 17, 2011
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We can't win last weeks game, it's over, now go out and support this team they are counting on YOU. We have a great home field advantage that will grow in time. You only get 6 chances at the Rent a year, I'm pissed I have to miss this one but it is what it is. Other folks are coming with my tx and maybe they will want to go to every game. Hope to be home in time to see it on the Tube. We knew we needed more offense to win in conference and we saw signs of it last week. Let's Go Huskies!
Aug 26, 2011
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You might be right about that or wrong. But let's give the paid staff time to do their job. The AD and the coaches are paid to get it right. Frequent changes don't usually help. See Pitt for example. But if we continue going in the wrong direction and this staff can't get it right, I'll support a change too. But not mid- season or after 2 years. There would have to be a real failure on a lot of fronts for that to happen or a scandal where staff was doing inappropriate things. If Manuel can't see measureable improvement in the roster toward meeting the goals the coach has laid out, he's not going to give him a lot of additional time but I would be shocked if he didn't at least get three years to show that the program was improving and thriving in the system the coach was implementing and that recruiting was making an impact toward achieving those goals. I admit I am very impatient for this to happen but I also don't want to go through the coaching carousel scenario some teams have. I'd love to have success with the current staff because I don't think that success would come at the price of losing the head coach. That wouldn't be the case if we had gotten a hot-shot assistant from a big time school like some wanted. We might have already lost a coach like that and we would be having another discussion. All of this discussion is irrelevant to the point of the thread however -- we have to support this team right now!! Show them the love! The players are our boys and they need us to stand tall and cheer them on!!
Sep 16, 2011
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Pack those kids in the car and get them to the game...after your kids' football, hockey or soccer game on saturday morning, ask your kids' teammates or friends if they want to come to the game Saturday. Screw it, bring the wife and girlfriend too, you could probably find a ticket on the ground for 10 bucks. Screw the fairs, go to them on Sunday. We need to pack the Rent, even with Buffalo, new fans get excited with touchdowns and nice weather...make it happen!
Aug 29, 2011
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We can't have games not on TV anymore, too many of you haven't seen the game, and/or don't really know what to watch. The coaching staff is not the problem right now - the film doesn't lie.

I think we've got the potential to be a much better team than 2-2, than .500, but the players got to go out on the field and get it done.

It seems that the sentiment has been around here, that players are just kids and shouldn't really be critcized.....well yes.....bullsh(*t criticism should be avoided.

BUt when it's warranted? It's warranted.

Randy Edsall would have said that our defense drank the poison last week, and people around here would have accused him of throwing his players under the bus.

It's football, it's learning how to keep on an even keel, and be able to bring your very best to the field, to every thing you do in life, every day, no matter what else is going on to distract you - good and bad.

You can't play your best with distractions. Coach P uses this principle to stress the importance of academics. If you're not right in the class room, no way you can focus on football. So get it right in the class room first.

Anyway - Dan - I'll watch a history channel re-run about something having to do wih Nazi U-boats in the gulf of mexico and off the coast of North Carolina tonight on the history or military channel, and come up with something.

We'll get that poison out of the system and get the mojo back, and all those so-called fans, that would rather sit home, than support our team, do us all a favor - and stay at home, shut up, and don't come back.

We're 2-2, and need to win this saturday to finish September with a winning record, and get into conference play, and take the next shot at winning consecutive games, and avoid drinking poison, so we can get on a roll, and play like we need to every week, without distractions.


Block C Bozo
Aug 30, 2011
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HFD said: ´but were not getting a change any time soon so strap on what ever it is you strap on and get to work.´



Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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One possible ray hope.....

Two seasons ago we lost a paitr of non conference games, by larger margins, to lesser opponents than who we lost to this season and we went on to win a stronger BE than what we will face this season.


Aug 24, 2011
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HFD said: ´but were not getting a change any time soon so strap on what ever it is you strap on and get to work.´


lol hope u guys enjoyed my rant. what u guys don't know is i did something last night that has at least for 1 day put uconn in the media among fans on social networks and forum sites. i will do w/e it takes to make sure uconn is in the minds of anyone and everyone to keep this rise for our state going. ;)


Aug 26, 2011
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lol hope u guys enjoyed my rant. what u guys don't know is i did something last night that has at least for 1 day put uconn in the media among fans on social networks and forum sites. i will do w/e it takes to make sure uconn is in the minds of anyone and everyone to keep this rise for our state going. ;)
Oooh... do tell!


Aug 24, 2011
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Oooh... do tell!

i will not give up my ways to the board right now. more will be coming so just enjoy the uconn talk as it comes around.


Aug 26, 2011
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i will not give up my ways to the board right now. more will be coming so just enjoy the uconn talk as it comes around.
The mojo is mysterious... I like yer style.


2 golf tournaments...
Jun 9, 2012
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okay Dan, went to the mother ship this afternoon, and got a #48 jersey for the game... and a new UConn football coffee mug. I am ordering new custom flags for the tailgate tomorrow, for the next home game.

The former cup was a hold-over from the former regime, and it's mojo had worn out. I canned it just before the trip to MD.

So, have new cup, shiny new football jersey to tailgate in, and a tailgate to plan for this weekend

Bring it....


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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i will not give up my ways to the board right now. more will be coming so just enjoy the uconn talk as it comes around.

I'm just going to come up with a wish-list and pretend that you did one of the following things:

1) You negotiated a 20 million per team contract with a major network.
2) You finally got rid of Observer.
3) You used capital letters.
4) John Swofford is missing and you "don't know anything pertaining to his whereabouts..."

Man, this list could go on forever! Good strategy to keep us in the dark, my friend! :D
Aug 27, 2011
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So can I have your rolling rock with your buffalo wings?
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