The lack of post game chatter is just sad | Page 2 | The Boneyard

The lack of post game chatter is just sad

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Please cancel the program all hope is lost
Apr 19, 2012
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You're saying it can get worse than 0-9, with an interim coach and a QB carousel?

Unless you mean a second consecutive season of this, I don't understand how it could get worse.
We will be back and we will be the team (like Duke) that everyone will talk about their is way too much to lose in the big picture for Uconn,the powers at be will do the right thing to right the ship,but its now of all times that ALL of us have to stick it out and support the cause hell how many years were the Sox counted out and now look at them granted its baseball but the fan base never quit,remember a quote from captain fantastic Mark Messier " you have to believe just believe"
Feb 4, 2012
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I just hope the next time we're consistently winning and going to bowls a bunch of yahoos in this group won't be clamoring to get a different coach so we can "go to the next level" and will appreciate what they have.


#TheCut #HuskyRevolution
Aug 22, 2013
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"Do not hire has-been coaches looking for one last payday"... 110% the PP/GDL tenure here. He's right about UConn re-thinking who they are and who they can get here as a HC. Can't wait til Dec. 8th boys!


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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I don't think any lunatic here who spent 3+ hours in front of a tablet or computer needs to hear the rah rah speeches about being committed and supporting the team.

If there is anyway to get an ESPN3 rating for next weeks game vs. Temple, I'd love to know. Would be fun to identify the unique hits to that game, Boneyarder by Boneyarder.


Did they burn down the ROTC Hangar?
Oct 13, 2012
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We are in a much better place leadership wise now than we were when Edsall left. Let's hope that gives us a much better Coach. Mr Lagow nailed it. This is a great opportunity for the next guy. If I was Warde I'd ask Kirk Ferentz and John Dorsey for their input on the coach's that apply. I'm sure they don't want to see UConn be a perennial doormat. May be some help, this is a huge hire. We can't go through 3 more years of this.

Oh God yes. Please Warde, have John Dorsey on speed dial. I am not optimistic he would take his advice over McHugh's.


Did they burn down the ROTC Hangar?
Oct 13, 2012
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I don't think any lunatic here who spent 3+ hours in front of a tablet or computer needs to hear the rah rah speeches about being committed and supporting the team.

If there is anyway to get an ESPN3 rating for next weeks game vs. Temple, I'd love to know. Would be fun to identify the unique hits to that game, Boneyarder by Boneyarder.

Thank You. And I am getting tired of watching games on my phone.
Temple is on ESPN3. It comes in like sh$t and you cannot tether to your TV.
When half your games aren't on real TV and most home games are on at night it is an issue, at least for me. There will be nobody at the Memphis game if it is at 7 pm
Feb 4, 2012
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Thank You. And I am getting tired of watching games on my phone.
Temple is on ESPN3. It comes in like sh$t and you cannot tether to your TV.
When half your games aren't on real TV and most home games are on at night it is an issue, at least for me. There will be nobody at the Memphis game if it is at 7 pm

I'm starting to fear there's going to be no one at the Memphis game period.
May 23, 2013
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Spot ' on with his thoughts and opinions. That's why I get frustrated with people in our fanbase who advocate for hiring Rob Ambrose (failed OC here), Joe Moorhead (another failed OC here), or Lane Kiffin (failed everywhere) types to be our next head coach. I want UCONN to go after the top available candidates and increase their Assistant coaches salary pool. If we offer something between $2-$3M/yr and can pay our Assistants fair P5 market value, then we will likely be able to find a great candidate who can rebuild our program to the levels that Edsall left it at and beyond. So many people are quick to point out the negatives of our job opening, but there are positives (hard to see this year, I realize). Sell those positives, pay the right guy, and change the perception that surrounds this program.
Whats even worse is our local media don't seem to care or hold out any positive hopes for the state of CFB in the NE or greater NYC area?Looking at the state of CFB in NJ/NY/Conn with RU/SU/UConn and PSU (though they seem to be in the recovery process due to solid fanbase)and recently at BC I'm starting to become suspicious of a larger conspiracy by powerful media groups afraid we might tip the applecart (by succeeding) to other media moguls?With everything that's gone on at RU since CR according to certain large media interests you'd think we were (at RU) as bad as some southern schools who don't get scrutinized by the same interests for what seems to me like out of control ADs who seem to draft players rather than recruit them and god knows what else$$$?It's worse here for now as at least RU has a life raft from outside the NE!!I don't remember the last time there was so little positive buzz in NE CFB?But one thing I'm pretty sure of is no way does UConn and the big,populous,wealthy fanbase get left behind in the CR endgame conspiracy or not!! As long as we the people don't buy into the negative media spin we'll be OK with the right hire here.Geez,I hope I'm not rambling guys?Its just that this whole CFB season in the whole NE is one big nightmare!
Sep 3, 2011
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I don't blame anyone as it was a tough enough game to watch (on a tablet nonetheless) but I came here to see people's thoughts and there's basically no new topics, no discussion and no buzz whatsoever.

It's truly stunning how in 3 years, I truly believed we were on our way to becoming a year in, year out Big East BCS contender, to getting blown out by SMU on ESPN in the AAC.

This isn't anything new or different than what's been going on, but yesterday/today seems like it was everyone's breaking point.

A new coach will bring some hope, but P/GDL have done so much damage to this program, it's going to be difficult to be bowl eligible anytime soon.

Just sad.

I agree. Very discouraging, but this is entirely on UConn. First mistake: taking the quick and conservative avenue in hiring a coach when Randy left (funny, fans were more concerned with Edsall not saying bye-bye to a group of young MEN than focusing on the opportunity that presented itself). Paul Pasqualoni was a terrible hire for so many reasons, yet there he was.

Second mistake, not firing PP after the first year of fiascos (Vandy and one or two other games). The third mistake (and definitely the biggest) was not firing PP after the second year (it was obvious except to only the most naïve that this man wasn't gonna get it done).

Now it will be a "start-from-scratch" process. At some point, UConn will upset somebody and we will all be delighted with "a terrific win". Next it will be pulling off a second upset. After that, it will be putting together enough wins to become bowl eligible - and then winning that bowl. Finally, it will involve people taking about UConn the same way they talked about Louisville last season and Cincy a few seasons before that. This could be an incredibly long process or - with the right hire - a lot quicker rebuild than we could have ever imagined.
Aug 13, 2013
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Well...winning in football brings local media.

With 9 loss UConn meeting 9 loss Temple this weekend...there will not be a lot of media hoopla.

The talk, in the northeast, has already turned to basketball.

Until Syracuse, Rutgers, and UConn start winning...Boston College, by itself, even as an 8 game winner, doesn't create a northeastern football buzz.

I'm not sure if a buzz can be created in that area until Penn State is back in the Big Ten hunt.
May 23, 2013
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Well...winning in football brings local media.

With 9 loss UConn meeting 9 loss Temple this weekend...there will not be a lot of media hoopla.

The talk, in the northeast, has already turned to basketball.

Until Syracuse, Rutgers, and UConn start winning...Boston College, by itself, even as an 8 game winner, doesn't create a northeastern football buzz.

I'm not sure if a buzz can be created in that area until Penn State is back in the Big Ten hunt.
What do you think of this new BY format?I'm not sure I care for it?Bad enough even BC is not creating any buzz up here either?PSU or bust?I barely consider them NE?I'm talking major media markets...not Pennsabama here! Philly is NE not Mt Nittany to most eastcoasters!
Aug 13, 2013
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If you are talking NE major markets....A league leading Penn State playing a contending Rutgers could be a big damn deal.

It won't happen anytime soon....but a game between two Big Ten leaders from the east might be huge.
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