Just watched the replay starting with a few minutes left in regulation. A few thoughts:
-- Both teams have lots of depth with size. Seems reasonable that they could use that as to have a strategy to bait Husky bigs into fouls trouble. If they can do that in the first half, they will be tough to beat even with KML and Tuck. Depth is the Huskies only major weakness so they will have to play smart
-- Both teams have major athleticism but I saw lots of examples of undisciplined play -- though exhaustion could have played a part in that.
-- I don't think ESPN did KM any favors by constantly getting reaction shots at almost every stoppage. Cameras went to MM too, but everyone knows how KM is going to react on a foul or non foul, you don't need to make a big part of the broadcast regardless of whether she wants that or not.
-- Glad to see what WBB can be when you have two good teams. Play wasn't always the best, but it was exciting. I thought the commentators were pretty good, nice break from the usual ESPN team.
-- Like the idea of the WBB and MBB games back to back. Would like to see that with the Huskies and Duke. Might not be good for people with ulcers, but it would
-- Can't wait for the player of the year debates at the end of the season. That will be a humdinger.