MysticalI rhyme my haikus. Gonna have to think what testicles rhyme's with.
MysticalI rhyme my haikus. Gonna have to think what testicles rhyme's with.
I think it's been mathematically proven that if you do actually have 1000 monkeys typing away for 1000 years you will not end up with anything resembling Shakespeare.The fact you think 99.9% is awful says all we need to know about the kind of fan you are.
I may need another noose.
Well, if we count your posts we only need 999 more monkeys to test that theory out.I think it's been mathematically proven that if you do actually have 1000 monkeys typing away for 1000 years you will not end up with anything resembling Shakespeare.
Makers' screed was on the level of War and Peace or Les Miserables. This group is barely capable of a haiku.
And to think I was actually going to buy in with you this year. See the new avatar?
Spectacle. Which is what we’re about to bring to the wild West.I rhyme my haikus. Gonna have to think what testicles rhyme's with.
I rhyme my haikusI rhyme my haikus. Gonna have to think what testicles rhyme's with.
^^^^^^this.I’ve been pumping this all year. We are the champs until someone rips it from our cold, dead hands. So act like it. They will play like it. Yea we have deficiencies but so does everyone else.
I’m sick and tired of hearing how good of a conference the SEC is. We have an opportunity to show the world how corrupt ESPN and their media boosting is in the first weekend alone. Get it done.
The only regret I have about seeding is that we don’t have an SEC team lined up in the Sweet 16. When we meet St John’s again we’ll laugh when the SEC turns the conversations to spring football. Let’s fight.
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Once again, I stand before you ready to lead us to a 7th championship and a historic, almost unheard of threepeat. This one is big and nothing this good ever comes easy.
Hurley turned down the Lakers. Karaban returned. Since cutting down the nets last year, they have fully embraced the opportunity in front of them.
“This is where we’re at. Everyone has signed on,” he told his players then. “The season that we’re going to embark on is going to be rare, in terms of what we can accomplish to literally join those UCLA teams from a historical [standpoint].”
Hurley passed out bracelets with “Dynasty” on them. He showed the team hype videos of the Bulls threepeat season. And he read a book on winning written by John Wooden. And that’s where it clicked for me. That is where the Mojo will come from.
To achieve what only the great John Wooden has achieved, we must embrace and channel the Wizard of Westwood. Only he will show us the way. I mean, surely a basketball wizard knows a thing or two about Mojo, right? Westwood lived by his infamous Pyramid of Success highlighting characteristics like poise, competitive greatness, loyalty, enthusiasm and CONFIDENCE.
And while we will certainly need all of that, we may even need a little more. And with that? I give you “The Dan Hurley Mojo Pyramid of Success”. The foundational blocks that contain all that we need.
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For this one? There is nothing cute. This one is going to take every ounce of Boneyard Mojo we got. Whatever you’ve done from this pyramid in the past? Do it all. With passion and force. Conjure the spirits of titles past and of the great John Wooden. I’ve seen it work before with magical runs from Kemba and Shabazz where we all sat here doubting our chances. But Deepster! We don’t have the defense! We don’t have a first team Big East player on our roster! Mahaney stinks! Reed should start!
It begins and ends with you. I can only show you the path. And, deep in my heart, I truly believe we can do this. We have always loved going out West. We have always loved being an underdog. And we have the best coaching staff in the nation. Momentum is a powerful drug and the last thing the other 67 teams want to see is a back to back defending champ get hot.
As for the hangings? My posse is rounding up the two scoundrels as we speak and the gallows are begging for their necks.
The Judge has spoken.
The way I see it, if Deep and I are on the same wavelength, something very good must be brewing (or we are approaching the apocalypse), but either way, we are good.
We don't need to fear anyone, they need to fear us. I wish there were a way top comvince the cowards on this board of how wrong they are, but those of us with testiculos will need to go through this, and we can take the candy asses along for the ride.
I have a message for any school that gets in our way:
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just ticklesI rhyme my haikus. Gonna have to think what testicles rhyme's with.
I’ve been pumping this all year.
What we now need is for the cowards who have been lamenting our draw from before it was announced to buy in to the unavoidable reality that we do not back down to anyone.
A psycho-emotional breakdown would present far more of a risk than a coronary, but I've been operating with that awareness throughout the season.I will note that there are currently 10,123 members. Fewer than 0.3% participate in the Haiku thread. If we got that to even 5%, Hans would have a coronary trying to keep up.
IciclesI rhyme my haikus
Going to have to think what
testicles rhymes with