I'm still just hoping KLS will be able to recover from Geno's "heart" comment.
It's time to recover. Geno has stated publicly many times what he thinks of her now, and I'll bet he has communicated it to her clearly, although perhaps without saying it.
I think I want to expand upon this a bit to address Geno's relationship to this entire team.
It's taken a while, but I think Geno is both dumbfounded by and in awe of this team. He said publicly many times that he set up the schedule intentionally to essentially "break" them. And the easily implied intention is that he would then pick up the pieces and mold them into the players and the team he wanted them to be by the end of the season.
But except for perhaps Nurse, these guys were essentially under the radar. With the madness of last season, with what was perhaps his greatest team he used the others as he needed them.But he never needed to spend the time to find out all their true strengths and weaknesses and what makes them "tick". Nor was he able to coach them as if they were his first line players.
But surprise Geno, your chickens have come home to roost. These young players bought into your system. Did they ever. They came to UCONN because of it and you. And the strengths you saw in them when you recruited them were all there, just waiting to be needed, and in the meanwhile being quietly honed.
You, Geno, were content to absorb the few early season losses that everyone expected. Perhaps it even appealed to you in some way so that the "break up the Huskies" din would die down.
But these are your players. Yours. The culmination of 32 years of the best coaching in the history of women's basketball. And the one thing they didn't buy into was the concept of accepting being beaten in order to learn. Because this is UCONN and they are the women's basketball Huskies from the mold you created. Losing is simply not an option as long as they have the power to prevent it, no matter what it takes.
They have bonded in that intention to the extent that they are not really just a team any more but a unit. If one goes down or is limited the others simply take over the responsibilities. They don't say it. They probably don't think it. They just do it. Can they be beaten? Perhaps, time will tell, but if it happens it will only be because it is beyond their collective abilities to prevent it.
Live with it Geno, its the monster you created.