The Buffalo Game | The Boneyard

The Buffalo Game

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Aug 26, 2011
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The depth chart is out:

Offensive Changes: Jimmy Bennett is now the starting left tackle, with Tyler Bullock as the backup. Bullock had previously been listed as a center. Kevin Friend is the new left guard, with Steve Greene backing him up. Gary Bardzak has been moved back to center.

Defensive Changes: Jesse Joseph is now an "OR" with Teddy Jennings at one defensive end spot.

Special Teams Changes: none.

My Take
QB: I would start Micharl Nebrich this week. McEntee hasn't had much success and while I thought he played better than the numbers indicated against Vandy, I thought he played worse than the numbers indicated against ISU. He really struggled when the pocked got pushed back and threw off-balance often, which isn't a good idea for anybody, let alone a quarterback with sub-par arm strength. Nebrich seems to be unafraid of stepping up in the pocket and even when he's missing receivers on deep balls, he's overthrowing them where there is no risk of an interception. There will be growing pains and Nebrich will probably be sacked a bunch, but I believe it is in UConn's best interest for the future and for this year to go into the game planning on using Nebrich for most of the game. Of course, that can be adjusted if Nebrich struggles substantially.

RB: DJ Shoemate is a fumbler. That is a fact. However, UConn has to find somebody to share carries with McCombs. McCombs probably cannot handle the work load physically for the entire year, and further, I don't think he's good enough to be consistently effective against better defenses. He can be effective in a tandem, though. Who will his partner(s) be? Stay tuned. Somebody pointed out last week that Shoemate is an excellent blocker and that the tight ends blocked poorly last week, so maybe Shoemate can be used in a blocking role.

FB: We're spoiled. These guys aren't as good as the fullbacks we've had in the past, at least at this point.

OL: Several changes have been made, the most intersting of which is Friend getting moved inside to left guard. We are now very thin at the offensive tackle position. Let's hope Jimmy Bennett stays healthy. The offensive line must play better than it has thus far.

WR: No one thinks these wide receivers are very good. A lot of people seem to think they're really bad, but it's tough to be a good receiver when the ball is being thrown off target. I think they're not as bad as people think, but it will take improved quarterback play to find out either way. Also, keep an eye on how Isaiah Moore follows up last week's performance.

TE: We have got to find these guys more, especially Ryan Griffin. He should be leading the team in receptions. Others have pointed out that the blocking needs to be much better from these guys.

DT: Very good so far.

DE: Very good so far. Can't wait to see what Joseph will do, but I also hope he's not rushing himself back. I'd hate to see him re-injure himself.

LB: These guys have been impressive so far this year. Sio Moore has been exceptional both in rushing the quarterback and in pass coverage. Jory Johnson and Yawin Smallwood have both played well. I have no idea how the backups have been doing and we are thin here.

CB: I expect both Blidi and Gratz to get beat deep a few times because they're now playing a much more aggressive style, as they are bumping the receivers at the line as opposed to giving them a fancy cushion. Also, I'm not sold on our safety play, especially in pass coverage- more on that below. Both corners are physical and big. Blidi is already very good, but has the potential to becom a shut-down corner.

S: These guys make me worry. I trust neither in pass coverage. Junior (still) takes questionable routes but is pretty good in run support, while Agbor's run support is so-so. Byron Jones has looked excellent thus far, staying with receivers in pass coverage and making a spectacular shoestring tackle last game in run support. He should be seeing increased snaps soon, and I wouldn't be surprised to see him take over for Agbor, maybe even this week.

Special Teams: Nick Williams is still a very good kick returner. The problem thus far has been the lack of blocking, and no returner will look good without that. On punt returns, Williams needs to make better decisions, but I am not opposed to him handling punt returns, nor am I opposed to seeing Taylor Mack handle them. Teggart needs to be more consistent. Wagner needs to be better. Christen gets excellent length on kickoffs early, then tends to lose steam as the game goes on. He has excellent leg strength; now he just needs to improve the stamina in his legs.
Aug 26, 2011
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The one thing that has stood out to me thus far from an individual perspective is just how ridiculously good Sio Moore has been.

IMO this is simply not talked about enough.

Fordham: 7 Tackles, .5 TFL, 2 PBU
Vandy: 6 Tackles, 3.5(!) Sacks/TFL, including StripSack that led to Smallwood TD.
Iowa State: 3 Tackles, 1 PBU(i believe for an interception).

Those tackles are very low this year due to his usage. The defensive staff has determined that Sio is so good in coverage/ball skills that they have consistently locked him up 1-1 against slot RECEIVERS this year. And to my knowledge he is yet to give up a play in the passing game. Love this kids effort, athleticism, and Swag. he is a true playmaker.
Aug 26, 2011
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Maybe we could get Buffalo to join the Big East. (I'm trying to sneak in a conference realignment post without getting it moved to the new board. (shhhhhhh!) ;)
Sep 2, 2011
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well-played Sportsart,

to put it mildly, this week's game is a MUST-win

agree w/ pick6's post above, it is time to give Nebrich the keys and hope he doesn't crash the car

there is simply no point in sticking w/ Johnny Mc, i like the kid & all, but he's had his chance and it's time to go w/ a kid who's got more natural ability than J Mc ever dreamed of

lets go P, time 2 right the ship!!!!!!


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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To rewind my mental tape to immediately after the Iowa State game, I remember thinking that were in two games against BCS teams that we had a shot at winning, but failed to, and that getting to 7 wins and a bowl game was looking iffy, but possible. The question is, where do we get 6 more wins? They have to include the next two games plus the 3 game homestand (Cuse, Ville, Rutgers) and one other conference game, possibly home vs. USF or the season finale at Cincinatti (assuming @ Pitt and @ WVU are the longest reaches).

Now combine that with our QB situation. Through the first three games, it's apparent the staff doesn't trust any one guy to be THE QB. IT also seems they are limiting the game experience of the two freshmen, of course to the fans' dismay. I think Nebrich will wind up being the #1 guy at some point. The question is - is he ready to win right now? I have no reason not to think so - Buffalo would be as good a time as any to get him started.

But we should acknowledge there is a major risk to put the true freshman out there for his first full game, and if you gamble and you lose (say, the kid throws 3 picks and we lose by 2 points), you have just kissed the bowl game goodbye. This is why I think if Nebrich becomes the eventual starter, it won't be until later in the season, either when we are out of the bowl picture, or if McEntee regresses, or ideally, if the team as a whole is improving and Nebrich just shows he's the better QB after getting a little more experience. I think he'll get gradually more snaps per game, depending on how JMac is doing. But I don't think he's going to start quite yet.
Sep 11, 2011
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Maybe we could get Buffalo to join the Big East. (I'm trying to sneak in a conference realignment post without getting it moved to the new board. (shhhhhhh!) ;)
Better yet - Let's announce we have applied for membership in the MAC but only on the condition that Buffalo gets kicked out. That would spice up the story line for saturday's game.
Aug 28, 2011
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i wouldn't mind seeing us take a policy of fair catching every punt to be honest. by the time Williams gets the ball there's 3 guys ready to hit him, so why risk getting him killed and fumbling the ball?

QB wise i hope we give Nebrich a shot at starting. the only way to settle this is to give him a shot and see how he does.


Probably returning some video tapes...
Aug 25, 2011
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I think this game goes a lot like the Buffalo game last year when Frazer started and Endres took over at the half. We probably get up relatively big in the first half. Maybe 17-3. JMac throws a pick and fumbles on consecutive drives and suddenly we're looking at 17-13 at the half. Nebrich comes out and starts the second half and we win big.

Hopefully he doesn't fail his third drug test a week and a half later and get kicked off the team.
Aug 29, 2011
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Hard to call any game a must win in week 4, but this really is one. Cannot lose to Buffalo. If we do, we may be looking at 1-11 and a new coach come December 6. As far as getting bowl eligible, I don't see us beating West Virginia or USF. But neither Pitt nor anyone else in the league looks unbeatable right now. Of course, we need a quarterback to beat any of them. Great defense, and ours could become one, usually doesn't do it unless you have at least an offense that can take advantage of its opportunities. We haven't got that yet.
Aug 27, 2011
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This is a no win game. If we beat them which we should it will prove nothing other than we can beat another second rate team. If we lose by some God awful calamity, it will be the end of the world. I dont like this weak at all.
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