Great job, impressed with the work compiling all the results and looking forward to the voting.
These were lists of people's favorite movies, maybe "the greatest movie, in my opinion".
Shawshank is illustrative, it is definitely one of my favorites, but its not great like the Godfather is or Jaws or Apocalypse Now. It is all subjective of course, for example because I like them so much I think Unforgiven and Rocky are great movies, but true cinema-files likely disagree. And I 'm not saying this should be a classics standoff where Casablanca must compete with Citizen Kane.
It might have been accidental, but I think it great that the movies aren't categorized and broken up into dramas, comedies etc.. This makes the choices tougher and more interesting my toughest:
Die Hard vs Cool Hand Luke - I can't pick
Caddyshack vs. Good Will - two favorites in different ways, leaning Caddy
Schindler vs Back to Future - bad draw for Marty McFly
Silence of Lambs vs Anchorman - Silence should win but if there were a comedy region Anchorman is sweet 16
Gladiator vs Something About Mary - the latter was so enjoyably funny at time but doesn't hold up
Jaws vs Usual Suspects - should be no-brainer but Usual has very loyal fans
Big Lebowski vs Shining - loyal fans will likely crush possible greatest horror movie ever
Raiders vs Full Metal - can't pick, first half of full metal is so good