The Athletic on Edsall | Page 2 | The Boneyard

The Athletic on Edsall


Hoops since 86"
Dec 6, 2013
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It's also HIS FAULT they pay a coach less than Saban's assistants, but they let him frame it as support for his nonsense.
Randy is difficult to deal with i know past coaches , and current ones that don't like him..


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Randy is difficult to deal with i know past coaches , and current ones that don't like him..

All head football coaches are difficult to deal with and work for.

My point was that Benedict is crying poverty by pointing out how much Edsall makes relative to Alabama assistants but they can’t pay anyone else because of the deals that went south with Ollie and Diaco which have.... Benedict’s name on them.
Sep 1, 2011
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I don't like Benedict one bit and his comments reek of corporate snark. That said, anyone who is asked publicly about paying players is in a tough spot, especially when your athletic department is broke. I would settle for him paying coaches that he willingly extended.
I think Benedict is ok, not perfect, but certainly better than all those years we had between Benedict and Perkins. I also hope he stays around.
Aug 30, 2011
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Maybe before we crown him the king of coaching hires Edsall could win some games this go round?

You continue to prove my point. At one time you claimed to be an Edsall "apologista" or whatever the term was, now you don't like the hire. Like I said you will take any position as long as it apposes AD Dave. You are all over the map, which might qualify you to be President of the United States but makes you a lousy fan IMO.
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Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I don't like Benedict one bit and his comments reek of corporate snark. That said, anyone who is asked publicly about paying players is in a tough spot, especially when your athletic department is broke. I would settle for him paying coaches that he willingly extended.

All he had to say was positive things about Edsall. Could have even said the math is tougher outside the Big Ten and SEC but we are paying the kids the $2,800.

He went full: I would have paid to play at Southern Utah.

His employee who bailed him out of a jam by taking peanuts had a very positive piece written about him... and he completely contradicts him for no reason other to do it?

Edsall had to fix the Corey law himself. Edsall got sick of waiting on ticket prices and announced it himself. Benedict couldn’t stand to let this piece be written without a complete contradiction on Edsall’s stance?

And people accuse me of being a jerk for pointing it out? L-O-L.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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You continue to prove my point. At one time you claimed to be an Edsall "apologista" or whatever the term was, now you don't like the hire. Like I said you will take any position as long as it apposes AD Dave. You are all over the map, which might qualify you to be President of the United States but makes you a lousy fan IMO.

I was an Edsall apolgosta - there are thousands of posts - I don’t have to claim anything. It’s a fact. It doesn’t make Edsall ‘excellent’.

That I respect the job Edsall did here the first time doesn’t mean he doesn’t have to win during round 2.

The hire was uninspiring at the time and the jury is still out.

None of this is ‘all over the map’:

Benedict didn’t need to say the dumb crap he said and Benedict shouldn’t cry poverty because he set the money on fire.

I guess I’m a bad fan because I think leadership should be held accountable.

The Wilpons must love you.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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LOL, Edsall "better win some games this go around" but he doesn't make enough money? You are a piece of work.

Christ you are stupid.

I didn’t say he doesn’t make enough money dipstick.

I said that Benedict shouldn’t cry he can’t pay coaches because he wasted all the money and can’t figure out how to generate revenue.

Benedict might be a little more respectful in the national media towards Edsall since he couldn’t hire anyone remotely qualified for what he pays him.

You should put me back on ignore because just seeing my name makes you post nonsense.
Aug 30, 2011
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The hire was uninspiring at the time and the jury is still out.

THEN HE IS BEING PAID EXACTLY WHAT HE SHOULD BE PAID. Like I said you are all over the place. Stop on yourself.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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THEN HE IS BEING PAID EXACTLY WHAT HE SHOULD BE PAID. Like I said you are all over the place. Stop on yourself.

I hope you are enjoying the argument with yourself about what Edsall should be paid.

Maybe if you argue with yourself you’ll finally win one.

*fingers crossed*

psst it seems all over the place because you lack any and all reading comprehension.
Dec 18, 2017
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I was also struck by the implied rationale the author gave for our relatively low number of 2019 offers. Edsall has spoken against the practice of “non-committable” offers, so if we offer we really think you are a good fit for the program and we really want you. This also fits the “tough love player’s coach” narrative.
I agree with him. The marketplace is flooded with non commitable offers and extra stars are given to players because of them. So from the outside looking in if a kid has 20 plus offers you assume he’s good because other coaches have offered.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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All AD Dave has done in just two years on the job is bring excellent coaching back to Football and Basketball. How a supposed "Fan" can find fault in that is beyond my comprehension.

The UCONN stalker who started this thread has been on a personal fatwa against AD Dave since the Orlovsky "idiot" comment came out in December. That was his springboard for non-stop criticism of the AD. Notice how he constantly criticizes frothy athletic department spending while simultaneously criticizing the "low pay" of our football coaches. Obviously he will find fault in anything and everything. The AD will always be wrong. In this thread the AD is now being criticized for saying our athletes are being compensated enough. Given that the athletic department currently operates at a substantial net loss I think most would agree with the AD.

Keep on stalking J-A-C-K-A-S-S.

Dave hamstrung the department by extending Diaco and Ollie of his own volition. That and getting suckered into including those huge buyouts are objectively terrible moves. It's clear you have some personal connection to him that causes you to become highly emotional in defending him.
Dec 18, 2017
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He didn't screw up a guy who seemed to want to hire himself. He does have that going for him. Stain isn't wrong - he's on fire to get out of here.

I mean a program that is completely forgotten.... gets a big national outlet to write a puff piece and he completely contradicts the football coach who did him a favor coming for below market value.

Who does that?
I agree with you here
Aug 30, 2011
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Dave hamstrung the department by extending Diaco and Ollie of his own volition. That and getting suckered into including those huge buyouts are objectively terrible moves. It's clear you have some personal connection to him that causes you to become highly emotional in defending him.

Here's a quote from the Courant that might interest you:

"Asked Monday about the process that led to his signing a five-year, $9.5 million contract through the 2020 season, Uconn Football coach Bob Diaco said only, "The conversations started on Dec. 3."

That's when UCONN President Susan Herbst and then-athletic director Warde Manuel broached the topic."

Clearly Warde and Susan were extending Diaco long before anyone heard of Bennedict and I have a hunch that Ollie's extension wasn't drawn up on AD Dave's laptop either.

I have been posting in this forum since 2006 and I have no connection to anybody at UCONN, I'm just a UCONN sports fan, nothing more than that.
Aug 26, 2011
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I get the point about Benedict needing to keep his trap shut, but why get his perspective on it anyway?

Randy Edsall has proven time and again he is a self serving guy. When at Maryland he publicly stated the P5 should stop playing the G5. Now he says the G5 deserves a spot in the playoff. I won't even touch on his comments about the fans his first go round here, the same fans he's now asking to come back.

I respect what he did here, but read that article this morning and couldn't help to think about his hypocritical stances on things at times.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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Clearly Warde and Susan were extending Diaco long before anyone heard of Bennedict and I have a hunch that Ollie's extension wasn't drawn up on AD Dave's laptop either.

According to people in Warde's office, this is not true.
Aug 30, 2011
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According to people in Warde's office, this is not true.

You have a quote? or are you claiming to know someone in Warde's office.? Diaco's quote speaks volumes, I highly doubt he was lying.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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You have a quote? or are you claiming to know someone in Warde's office.? Diaco's quote speaks volumes, I highly doubt he was lying.

Tell me more about how honest of a guy you perceive Bob Diaco to be...
Aug 24, 2011
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Edsall was an excellent hire given where the program was and the resources available. Benedict made a sound business decision.

Whether he and Benedict get along is speculation. It probably doesn’t even matter all that much.
Aug 5, 2017
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Just conjecture on my part, but it seems Benedict owns a major part of the current financial dilemma UConn is in.

Whether or not either of the former coaches' extensions were initiated before he signed on, he had to approve and sign the final contracts and they were very generous in their buyout clauses for coaches not named Calhoun or Auriemma. In fact, I wonder what their buyout clauses provided.

Does anyone know if either Benedict or Herbst has faced a reporter's question about the contractual terms for the two departed coaches?
Dec 18, 2017
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Christ you are stupid.

I didn’t say he doesn’t make enough money dipstick.

I said that Benedict shouldn’t cry he can’t pay coaches because he wasted all the money and can’t figure out how to generate revenue.

Benedict might be a little more respectful in the national media towards Edsall since he couldn’t hire anyone remotely qualified for what he pays him.

You should put me back on ignore because just seeing my name makes you post nonsense.
Whoa! Someone made you repeat yourself several times. Didn’t think that was remotely possible.
I think most agree with your point which does make sense.
I will say that Edsall’s career record that you quoted could be given a little latitude as the Maryland situation was a bad decision on his part. I don’t think it was bad coaching as much as just a bad fit for his style and sense of accountability that he demands from players. He wasn’t there long enough to turnover that roster with his type of guys
Oct 2, 2013
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Tell me more about how honest of a guy you perceive Bob Diaco to be...
Now I don’t think any of us think he is not lying or rather incapable of lying. But when he lies it’s obvious, so obvious that the BS meter hits orbit. My point Bob Diaco’s Best lie came in high school while sitting in “shop”, reference - “The Brekfeasr Club” here, when he said the dog ate his homework - not from “The Brekfeast Club”


Resident TV nerd
Aug 26, 2011
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UConn coach Randy Edsall has something to say

I love that this athletic department can’t even get a good story about the coach written without the AD saying the exact opposite.

I love Benedict’s reasoning. I loved Southern Utah so you guys can all eat poop.

Between Corey, the ticket price stuff and this - is there any way these guys don’t hate each other?

Yes, because managers and subordinates never have this conversation every single day. Employee wants money. Manager says no. It’s really no more complicated.

You keep being you, though, whaler.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Yes, because managers and subordinates never have this conversation every single day. Employee wants money. Manager says no. It’s really no more complicated.

You keep being you, though, whaler.

You and your ilk are so unwilling to hold leadership accountable for what they do and say it’s a facinating view into the Stockholm Syndrome you suffer from.

Let me know when you find a national media puff story on a coach where the athletic director is in the story saying the exact opposite.

To liken it to an employee privately asking for a raise is hilarious - but when you are tasked with trying to defend ridiculous comments you may as well say anything I guess.

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