The 50 Greatest Female Athletes of the Past 20 Years | The Boneyard

The 50 Greatest Female Athletes of the Past 20 Years

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Nov 1, 2014
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How many do you think you can name before you look at the list? They include women from around the world, but are mostly from the U.S. They make up most summer and winter sports. Nine are B-Ballers; only two from UConn. However, the biggest blunder here is that Maya is not on the list. Hence, there will likely be a lot of credibility questions. But's kinda fun to see how many names you can muster. Some are still active, some are retired. Have fun.

Prior to the late 1700’s, women did not participate in sports very often, if ever. Elizabeth Wilkinson, a female British boxer, stepped into the ring to become the first woman to box. That was just one of many first’s for women in sports over the following 300 years.

From Helen Hicks, the first professional female golfer, to May Sutton Bundy, the first professional female tennis player, women have come a long way since the late 1800’s and are now some of the most popular athletes in all of sports. But it wasn’t until the turn of the century that female athletes began to gain notoriety thanks to a little thing called sex appeal. And not to sound sexist but thanks to sex appeal, popularity began to grow for female sports and athletes.

In honor of the success of many of today’s most popular female athletes, here is a list of the Best of the Best female athletes over the past 20 years.

[LINK] to the article, pics, and list.


RIP, Alex
Aug 26, 2011
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I would definitely have Maya on the list. She's decorated at the college and pro level, not to mention at the Olympic/FIBA Worlds level. I like and respect Maria Sharapova, but I wouldn't say she is to tennis what Maya has been to women's basketball.

I do like where Diana is on this list, however. :)

And I do like how many beautiful women make the cut; that's good watchin'!!!

I don't love the list top to bottom, but it is a good read. Nice overview of so many of the influential women in sports over the past couple of decades.
Aug 26, 2011
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Skylar Diggins and Natalie Gulbis make the list but Maya doesn't.



How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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Well that was a waste of quite a few minutes!
Not sure what we are dealing with in compiling this listed but popularity and looks seems to trump actual sporting accomplishment in the compilation - love this statement In 2009, Skylar Diggins was named Indiana’s Miss Basketball, likely the biggest award given to a female high school basketball star, You think maybe one of the NPOY awards for HS women's basketball might be a little bigger, or say the awards given out in the biggest hot bed states - like TX or California even? How many NCs at any level does she have? You could come up with a dozen more accomplished women's basketball players over the last 20 years. Not meaning to pick on Skylar per se, but with this kind of selection and writing ...
Apr 10, 2015
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How many do you think you can name before you look at the list? They include women from around the world, but are mostly from the U.S. They make up most summer and winter sports. Nine are B-Ballers; only two from UConn. However, the biggest blunder here is that Maya is not on the list. Hence, there will likely be a lot of credibility questions. But's kinda fun to see how many names you can muster. Some are still active, some are retired. Have fun.

Prior to the late 1700’s, women did not participate in sports very often, if ever. Elizabeth Wilkinson, a female British boxer, stepped into the ring to become the first woman to box. That was just one of many first’s for women in sports over the following 300 years.

From Helen Hicks, the first professional female golfer, to May Sutton Bundy, the first professional female tennis player, women have come a long way since the late 1800’s and are now some of the most popular athletes in all of sports. But it wasn’t until the turn of the century that female athletes began to gain notoriety thanks to a little thing called sex appeal. And not to sound sexist but thanks to sex appeal, popularity began to grow for female sports and athletes.

In honor of the success of many of today’s most popular female athletes, here is a list of the Best of the Best female athletes over the past 20 years.

[LINK] to the article, pics, and list.

I don't think this right!! It just isn't FAIR!! How is it possible?? Why is it that all the women on this list, for the most part, are beautiful. It appears that these women have EVERYTHING going for them. But it would appear that who ever made up this list has a bias leaning towards Women's Basketball!!
Apr 10, 2015
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Well that was a waste of quite a few minutes!
Not sure what we are dealing with in compiling this listed but popularity and looks seems to trump actual sporting accomplishment in the compilation - love this statement In 2009, Skylar Diggins was named Indiana’s Miss Basketball, likely the biggest award given to a female high school basketball star, You think maybe one of the NPOY awards for HS women's basketball might be a little bigger, or say the awards given out in the biggest hot bed states - like TX or California even? How many NCs at any level does she have? You could come up with a dozen more accomplished women's basketball players over the last 20 years. Not meaning to pick on Skylar per se, but with this kind of selection and writing ...
Skylar Diggins isn't my most favored person or ball player--for me she is a bit too self centered a more Me kind of player. BUT--as much as I disliked her at ND to be honest she was a better to great player for ND. It is true she never took her team to an NC even when it was loaded with top talent to assist her but you have to admit she had over 100,000 followers on Twitter or that she has parlayed her status to a nice income--DT carried a group of near average players to an NC. Stewie without the fanfare brought 3 teams to the NC shouldn't she have been on that list?? And Maya has a tiny bit of help and got a NC, Olympic Championship, a Chinese championship, High school championship, BE championship--but probably fewer than 100,000 followers on Twitter.


Proud Connecticut WBB Fan
Aug 26, 2011
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As Java suggested this list has no credibility. Skyler Diggins (No WCBB NCs, no Olympics, and one good year in the pros out of two) but no Maya? Based on actual accomplishments, I'd list Tiffany Hayes before Skyler. Tina Charles? Penny Taylor?, Lauren Jackson?, Beckey Hammon? Katie Douglas? Katie Smith? Siemone Augustus? Kara Lawson? Not saying any of these are "50 Greatest" stature but ALL would be better choices in basketball than Diggins. A triumph of style over substance, popularity over accomplishment.


Proud Connecticut WBB Fan
Aug 26, 2011
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Sharapova being at 5 is ridiculous. Venus has more grand slams and overall titles than her and is about 15 spots lower.

Steffi Graf played in the last 25 years, I believe. My gut feeling is that she was more dominant than Sherapova. Could be wrong.
Edit: 22 Grand Slam Wins to Sherapova's 5 (Steffi had 7 in the last 25 years)
Last edited:


How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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Gunaxin is a Men’s Online Magazine that we created in 2008 to bring our unique brand of offbeat content to the internet daily. Gunaxin is full of Stuff for Guys, and our content is organized into seven primary categories : Sports, Humor,Media, Motors, Gadgets, Grub, and Travel.
OK - that explains this list. Compiled by lager louts for lager louts ... that explains the MMA women on the list. :)


Good Guy for a Dookie
Aug 29, 2011
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Huge omission...Simone Biles, gymnastics

Two- time World All-Around Champion (2013 and 2014), two-time World Floor Champion (2013 and 2014), the 2014 World Beam Champion, and a member of the gold-medal-winning US team at the 2014 Worlds. First African-American woman to be all-around champion at Worlds.

2013 and 2014 Worlds - Six gold medals, two silver medals, one bronze medal.

Wally East

Posting via the Speed Force
Nov 27, 2012
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Along with the other reasons already mentioned as to why this list is dumb, not having anyone from track and field/road running is dumb. No Paula Radcliffe? No Catherine the Great? Dumb and dumb.


Grand Canyon Knight
Aug 26, 2011
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Well, that was interesting.

I couldn't come up with a logical basis for the inclusions and placements, if you can fetch up an Australian Field Hockey player I think you could fetch up an Australian WBB'er.

Sans Diggins, I can't quibble with the WBB players being at least candidates; my favorite softball player of all time, Cat Osterman was on the list and while I don't watch MMA I have seen some features on Ronda Rousey and think she is deserving.


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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I like Annika at the top, though she hasn't played in 7 years or so. I think Serena is a good selection, as are Diana and Mia Hamm. The beach VB golden girls are top 10 material as well. I'm glad to see Sue get recognition. She is often overlooked, but is a pure winner.

If Skylar deserves to be on the list--I don't think so--it would be based on Twitter followers and being popular. Yeah, she was a great college player and had one outstanding WNBA season, but there are 10-20 WNBA players who are more deserving. Lauren Jackson is one.

I think it would be easy to put Maya in the top 10. She has won 15 championships in 20 tries since high school. Not even Dee or Sue can say that.

I agree about the shortage of track and field athletes. Catherine the Great earned that moniker, and Paula Radcliffe was head and shoulders better than everyone for a few years.
May 28, 2014
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Diggins on the list of the 50 greatest in the last 20 is comedy at a level Dangerfield could only dream of.
Mar 24, 2015
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I mean, Diggins makes a list of the Greatest 50 Female Athletes of the Last 5 Years. But that's probably as far as it goes.

On a non-basketball note, the idea that Allison Schmidt makes the list (at all) and Katie Ledecky doesn't is pretty ludicrous as well. Schmidt had one good Olympics and has done virtually nothing since, while Ledecky also had a stellar 2012 Olympics and has gone on to win everything she has competed in since (2013 Worlds, 2014 PanPacs) and holds like 5 WRs.
Oct 24, 2013
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Look at the photos folks- this is a man's "fantasy women's athlete" list for a men's magazine- if it weren't digital, it would be sitting by the grocery check out next to stories about celebrity divorce! The women are all pretty and the photos flattering, some deserved the recognition for their achievement in sport- but others, not so- ahem, Diggins, for example. Pretty, yes, and on the social scene but no where near the bb achievements of many other WNBA women. 'nuf said.


Stay Classy!
Oct 7, 2011
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Steffi Graf played in the last 25 years, I believe. My gut feeling is that she was more dominant than Sherapova. Could be wrong.
Edit: 22 Grand Slam Wins to Sherapova's 5 (Steffi had 7 in the last 25 years)

IMO Graf is the best player in women's tennis history and should be ahead of any other women's player, especially Sharapova.
Aug 26, 2011
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Ridiculous list ... no credibility for so many reasons.

Agree - assuming motorsports is a "sport" (and I do), how could Danica be listed and either Erica Enders-Stevens or Ashley (or Courtney)Force NOT be listed. All three women have actually competed at the highest level, WON races and Erica has WON a National Championship (plus, they're ALL easy on the eyes)! While I like Danica, she's a consistent back marker.
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