The 1,000-Post-Or-Less Thread | The Boneyard

The 1,000-Post-Or-Less Thread

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predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Are you relatively new to the Boneyard? Or perhaps more of a lurker than a poster? Do you avoid most threads because of the same old idiots jumping in on the thread, like UConnDan97?

Well, have I got the thread for you!

This is a thread to chat about all things UConn football. Recruiting, coaching, history, future, or whatever. But just one caveat: You cannot post if you have more than 1,000 posts on the Boneyard. That's right. A post maximum. I'm only violating it to get the thread started, after which point, I will bow out and simply click "like" on comments that I...well, you get it. I encourage posters of all post counts to click "like" on a comment that they enjoyed, but please, refrain from posting if you have more than 1,000 posts. Alright. Let's see where this thread goes...


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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I'm a bit of a chatterbox already, but for those looking for the man behind the sarcasm...

Former lurker who registered and began posting in order to keep up to date on all things UCONN athletics after moving out of the area. Probably more of a basketball guy, but my family had FB season tickets for several years, and I have fond memories of seeing Danny O. Had every game on my dorm room TV this past season and got mercilessly teased by my roommates (it happens, no?).

Very peeved with Diaco's many flub-ups, but cautiously optimistic.
Aug 26, 2011
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Well. I've had a lot of free time today with the snow storm, so I guess I should make at least one (quasi) substantive post.

I'm currently in my last year of graduate school at UConn, however with the exception of one season where I was abroad, I have been fortunate enough to have had season tix since I was nine years old. In light of that ... and because the brainchild behind 97 making this thread was to create an eclectic mix of UConn footballness (for lack of a better word) ... here are the top 7* things, in no organized order, that I have experienced as a UConn football fan, and the things that keep me coming back for more:

1 - Fiesta Bowl: I had graduated the spring before this happened. As I didn't have one of those things that people might call "an idea of what I wanted to do with the rest of my life" I had plenty of free time. For me, being a CT kid who had completely grown up on UConn football, (and being someone who wouldn't realize that in the future he would have the opportunity to follow the men's team to Texas a couple times) this was the best trip I've ever taken. I was with my family, classmates, friends. And UConn was doing something no one ever thought was possible.

2 - Third down stops: When the Rent gets jacked up on third or fourth down in a close game on defense, with the "Welcome to the Jungle," and the car keys shaking, and the banging on the benches, and the whole building reverberating ... Guys, that's the feeling that keeps us coming back. That's it. There's nothing like it. (Caveat - I take back this whole bulletin point for the 2014 season because whatever fricking noises the PA put on made me want to straight up leave)

3 - The french fries at Memorial Stadium: Christ almighty. Those things still haunt my dreams. Made on the spot. Served in a giant dog bowl. I would pay the $835 dollars it takes to buy an order at the concession stand these days, if I could just get those fries.

4 - Tailgating at the Rent: I've been to several away games and bowls now... There is just nothing like being in a giant parking lot with 40,000 (ok 15,000 this year) of your closest friends and throwing a rager. Just thinking about it has me jacked up for September. We live in Connecticut. This is the most excitement any one entertainment event could give us even if we had no intention whatsoever of watching the game. Not to mention that nobody has a setup like ours. Although I do say this... as part of a community building thing, I really do think there should be extended hours for people coming in RVs or Students who want to have a camp-out or something. Let's get the culture ingrained.

5 - The last years at Memorial Stadium: A lot of good times up there. It was before my family had any idea about how to tailgate (most games were subway sandwiches or hot dogs). The football was at a lower level, but it was fun because in the years that I was old enough to remember ... we were pretty much always in transition. Onward and upward. I still have my YO2K9 shirt with the schedule on the back. That last game was surreal. Everyone on the field with the players and coaches... It was like the whole UConn football family was graduating.

6 - The dominant running game: I guess even 10-15 years ago is a different era, but watching the torch pass from one dominant back to the next (Caully, Brockington, Brown, Dixon, Todman) was always a favorite of mine. I know the game has changed, and I hope we can finally start catching up, but outside of the Dan O years, that has just never felt like our identity to me.

7 - Wins. Nothing feels better. Nothing. For all intents and purposes, there is no valid reason grown men and women should subject themselves to some of the elements that we sit through as fans during CT football games. But after a win....I dare you to tell me when you've felt better.

* Given that I am more of a lurker by nature, I wasn't sure if I would want to quit before I got to 10. Turns out I was right to trust my gut instinct.


2 golf tournaments...
Jun 9, 2012
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I lurk and snark... I enjoy reading to see who the people behind the comments are.

I do get frustrated by those that live on negative energy, but I don't block any but the worst (and the catfish). The adage from my dad still applies to this place, "opinions are like @sssholes... everyones got 'em, and they all stink".

And that Dan97 guy oh man...
Oct 6, 2013
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Thanks UCONN Dan97 for posting this thread.

The BY used to be a great place. It was a place to come and get news about my favorite team and feel an excitement from people who have the same POSITIVE PASSION as myself. I don't know the BY killers personally. At this point, I don't care. The final straw was the negativity towards walk ons and the negativity surrounding some of the recent recruits. Forty five years ago, I was one of those kids that was given an opportunity to try out and wear American flag blue-an incredible life changing event for me.

For those handful of negative posters, get a life. I don't know what you (handful) do for a day job, but given the amount of time spent here by you (handful) tearing down, if you were employed in one of my Companies, I would terminate you without hesitation. I know free speech allows you to post.......-you went too far.....

Confident Carl, loved your Positive posts. Same with you Mr. Mets2323 as you had Very good Positive insightful posts here thru the years, especially with your thoughts on Casey. And all the best to all the Positive BY'ers with less than a 1,000 posts.

For now:
1) I keep tuning in to see who our next Offensive Co. is going to be-hope it is sooner rather than for the comments after selection of the o.c. I won't read a thing, especially if posted by w11.
2)Getting my grills cleaned and ready for the home opener.
3)Hope we land some junior college transfers that can contribute to our depth.
4) This is a long journey back from the depths we fell. We were down to 61 scholarships and the loss of Casey. Better days are coming.
5)Love the recruiting class. If size is any indication, man alive when these Husky pups grow into those paws, we are back..........
Aug 27, 2011
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History Major is NOT really a history major. But I go way back on UCONN HUSKIES and also way back to the very early editions of the Boneyard. I always looked forward to posts by SuzyQ, Zymurg, GOUCONN21 and of course "odds and ends" by Fishy. Especially liked Fishy's post about the ham (or turkey) ot what ever that flew across the table during Thanksgiving dinner. More recently I look forward to those posters who see the glass half full.
Aug 27, 2011
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Thanks UCONN Dan97 for posting this thread.

The BY used to be a great place. It was a place to come and get news about my favorite team and feel an excitement from people who have the same POSITIVE PASSION as myself. I don't know the BY killers personally. At this point, I don't care. The final straw was the negativity towards walk ons and the negativity surrounding some of the recent recruits. Forty five years ago, I was one of those kids that was given an opportunity to try out and wear American flag blue-an incredible life changing event for me.

For those handful of negative posters, get a life. I don't know what you (handful) do for a day job, but given the amount of time spent here by you (handful) tearing down, if you were employed in one of my Companies, I would terminate you without hesitation. I know free speech allows you to post..-you went too far.....

Confident Carl, loved your Positive posts. Same with you Mr. Mets2323 as you had Very good Positive insightful posts here thru the years, especially with your thoughts on Casey. And all the best to all the Positive BY'ers with less than a 1,000 posts.

For now:
1) I keep tuning in to see who our next Offensive Co. is going to be-hope it is sooner rather than for the comments after selection of the o.c. I won't read a thing, especially if posted by w11.
2)Getting my grills cleaned and ready for the home opener.
3)Hope we land some junior college transfers that can contribute to our depth.
4) This is a long journey back from the depths we fell. We were down to 61 scholarships and the loss of Casey. Better days are coming.
5)Love the recruiting class. If size is any indication, man alive when these Husky pups grow into those paws, we are back.....

Just like to take this time to point out what a class act you guys are.


Is it 11:11 yet?
Aug 27, 2011
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I have to post on this thread quickly before I post on any other threads....I am dangerously close to the "frequent poster"

I actually love the idea of this. In a corporate setting you learn that you really don't have the best opinion without having everyone's opinion. You learn to not let the extroverts dominate the conversation. Extroverts don't have the best opinion, they have the loudest opinion. Everyone's opinion is valid, and you can't judge a fanbase just by the people who post the most.

Here is my take on the state of the program. I am hopeful that Diaco's strategy of tearing the team down in order to build it up even stronger is a good strategy. Like others, I have been baffled by his comments and some of his actions. But....the core fundamentals that he is preaching....good character oriented philosophy...seems like a good foundation for success. I don't think we really know his offensive and defensive strategies yet because he was so hampered by the depleted roster last year.

I remain optimistic that BD and WM understand the urgent need for this program to show significant progress this year. That is why the change at OC. I like the sound of this recruiting class, and I still believe that BD is the right guy to turn the program around and be the guy to help position UConn as a desirable candidate for a P5 conference.
Jul 8, 2013
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I'll chime in.
I still think the Boneyard is a great place. Yeah, there are a number of posters I don't enjoy, and one I've ignored (yup, only one!),but for the most part I have enjoyed my years here. Spent far more time lurking than posting, but that's because much of what I have to say gets said by others and I don't always need to hear myself speak. The negativity this past season (and current offseason) gets real old real fast, but it has been a rough few years to be a Husky football fan! I give most posters some leeway on their negativity. There was a week or two this season when I gave myself a personal ban from the Boneyard because I just didn't need all the drama following a loss, but I always come back.

Like it or not, the Boneyard is family and my "home" for all things Husky.
Jan 12, 2013
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This place is for debate, so fans can post what they love and hate about the program. People should be able to post what they want and others should have the ability to agree or disagree.


Did they burn down the ROTC Hangar?
Oct 13, 2012
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Colt House won't be hiring Whaler or Zoo Or Jimmy any time soon. Or myself, though I am kinda old to start a new career. I guess those long Walks from Towers to Arjona and Von Dermehden (sp?) for class
makes you cut-throat.


Connecticut UConn Husky
Aug 26, 2011
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The Boneyard at it's best is the great UConn Husky search engine & good source of humor/information.

I have long since learned to avoid the Boneyard for the 24-36 hours after any loss. I hate losing, but hate the bashing & whining that goes on here much more. This a happens often in cyberspace, but I wish it would happen less here.

I have not systematically ignored any poster because it is easy enough to move on to the next post after a quick skim.

I am a glass half-full fan. As frustrating as the Conference Shuffle & the last few football season's have been, I can not imagine not heading to every UConn football & hoop game possible. I do not understand the 'fans' that constantly threaten to go on strike. Step-up and support UConn - there is no other option. There will be no stopping us once we are back in a proper conference.
Jan 3, 2014
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First off, I'd like to say I hate all BY members with 1k+ posts and dare them to reply in this thread :)

Second, this place is great. #1 place I go to for all UCONN fb information. The threads on recruiting, hiring staff, conference alignment, future scheduling, etc is just amazing. Every fan forum will have opposing opinions on who should be starting QB and whether they like the coaching staff, but this place is great for the amount of info that is researched and posted. THANKS A LOT TO ALL!!!!

Lastly, I'm waiting for someone in the know to post a thread on the new cheerleader recruits. What kind of talent are we bringing in. Is Diaco going after 3 and 4 star talent? Where are the fertile recruiting areas (sure as heck aint Connecticut) and do they have Hudl highlight film to review?
Sep 23, 2011
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First off, I'd like to say I hate all BY members with 1k+ posts and dare them to reply in this thread :)

Second, this place is great. #1 place I go to for all UCONN fb information. The threads on recruiting, hiring staff, conference alignment, future scheduling, etc is just amazing. Every fan forum will have opposing opinions on who should be starting QB and whether they like the coaching staff, but this place is great for the amount of info that is researched and posted. THANKS A LOT TO ALL!!!!

Lastly, I'm waiting for someone in the know to post a thread on the new cheerleader recruits. What kind of talent are we bringing in. Is Diaco going after 3 and 4 star talent? Where are the fertile recruiting areas (sure as heck aint Connecticut) and do they have Hudl highlight film to review?

You probably saw this of a number of cheerleader sites:
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