Yeah, if you're going to have a vote after the game, and the majority of Yarder's give it to another player, you should probably give it to that other player..
This Testiculo award thing has evolved, fairly quickly. So, some clarification may be in order.
1. The award is not now, nor has it ever been, throughout its long and storied history (2 weeks) awarded to the most popular player, most improved, highest scorer, most impactful, most valuable, or even the player who had the best overall game. It is (supposedly) awarded to the player who, in the opinion of the person who makes gives the award (that's me, so far) had the biggest male bag. It could be awarded to anyone, for nearly anything, throughout the course of the game, that demonstrated that he is the most deserving.
2. It was not I who posted the poll. (But I did roll with it.) I, usually (once again, here, stressing the 2 week history), only solicit nominations.
3. It should probably be well understood, by now, that this is The Boneyard. We check the democratic process at the door, as we enter (along with a long list of other "rights", such as free speech).
If you can start your own lame award. As this lame award currently demonstrates, it ain't that difficult.....