TB gets monkey off his back | The Boneyard

TB gets monkey off his back

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'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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With his screen pass TD - congrats.

QBR 16.4
2 turnovers
Locks on receivers

Spring game will be telling to see if he is progressing and is future and if you can buy a TB or BS jersey that day will give an inkling to future as well - certainly can't depend on BD to let us know, for competitive reasons.


Is it 11:11 yet?
Aug 27, 2011
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I think it's pretty obvious to everyone (but one) that having Boyle on the bench until a bowl game wasn't possible was the right thing to do. The offense has regressed since he has been starting. I just hope these reps pay dividends next year.
Aug 26, 2011
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Since he has been starting? He started two games. Against the two best teams in the conference but I admit he has shown nothing. That said, Whitmer came in for one series and showed why it is pointless to go with SR., who isn't coming back next year. You weren't going to win with him so what is the point of trotting him out there to continue making the same back breaking T/Os at the most inopportune time anyway. Boyle has not shown much in 7, starts but Its hard to think of anyone who has been mishandled as bad as this kid from a coaching standpoint.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Boyle would have played much better if he were given a fair chance. I know this because palatine told us 3,452 times.

Exactly. Believe me, nobody wishes they get proven wrong as much as I do, but I would be shocked if Boyle is the starting QB for the entire 2015 season if his current form continues. My only hope is he has that "Cochran Game" against SMU and it all clicks...
Aug 28, 2011
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Maybe someone can tell me, but why does he keep sailing throws. Is it mechanical? Can it be fixed? He has a strong arm, but man, does he miss by a wide margin a lot.


Is it 11:11 yet?
Aug 27, 2011
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Since he has been starting? He started two games. Against the two best teams in the conference but I admit he has shown nothing. That said, Whitmer came in for one series and showed why it is pointless to go with SR., who isn't coming back next year. You weren't going to win with him so what is the point of trotting him out there to continue making the same back breaking T/Os at the most inopportune time anyway. Boyle has not shown much in 7, starts but Its hard to think of anyone who has been mishandled as bad as this kid from a coaching standpoint.

The offense showed progress against UCF and ECU. Slowed against Army. Then hit a wall when Boyle started the last two. Sheriffs needs to be very good or Boyle needs to significantly improve or next year is going to be tough again. OL looks decent, RBs and WRs look decent. TE needs work.....but the QB position hasn't gotten better. If we have the same QB play next year we are going to have the same results.

It really makes you appreciate the Lorenzen/Frazer game manager qbs.
Nov 29, 2012
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I have no idea what ya'll are talking about, we finally have a QB on the roster with an NFL arm!? Right? I mean let's just forget that he's 1/12 td's/ints. That's a D1 level QB if I've ever seen one!

Now that that's out of my system. How is it that since Dan O, we cannot seem to get any kind of good, not decent, but good Qb to play for our team? Look at the progression of Qb's we've had for the last what 10 years? Bones, Lorenzen, Frazer, McEntee, Box, Nebrich, Cochran, Boyle, etc. I'm positive there's a few I'm missing. It seems like UConn is where Qb dreams go to die. I have no idea if we have just been snakebit for the past decade, but I would love to get a Qb that learned how to actually throw the ball away if nothing was open. Or one that didn't have to retire because the offensive line played like the silly nannies. Every season I get excited thinking this might be the year we see good Qb play, maybe score more that 21 points a game on average, and every season I sit here in disbelief towards the end wondering how we can all see the obvious problems whether it be the line, the defense, the play calling, whatever, but the coaches, no matter who they are have no answer for any of it. How is it that since HCRE we cannot seem to put a competent team on the field?

Lastly, thinking back over this season, this would make one he!! of a comedy movie about a college football team. You could put a montage together that would make you cringe and then laugh at all of the absolute bonehead plays that have gone on. Maybe the movie will turn into a story of redemption next season, but unless things turn in a massive way, I doubt it.
Aug 28, 2011
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Now that that's out of my system. How is it that since Dan O, we cannot seem to get any kind of good, not decent, but good Qb to play for our team? Look at the progression of Qb's we've had for the last what 10 years? Bones, Lorenzen, Frazer, McEntee, Box, Nebrich, Cochran, Boyle, etc. I'm positive there's a few I'm missing. It seems like UConn is where Qb dreams go to die. I have no idea if we have just been snakebit for the past decade, but I would love to get a Qb that learned how to actually throw the ball away if nothing was open. Or one that didn't have to retire because the offensive line played like the silly nannies. Every season I get excited thinking this might be the year we see good Qb play, maybe score more that 21 points a game on average, and every season I sit here in disbelief towards the end wondering how we can all see the obvious problems whether it be the line, the defense, the play calling, whatever, but the coaches, no matter who they are have no answer for any of it. How is it that since HCRE we cannot seem to put a competent team on the field?

Lorenzan was a solid qb before he got injured and screwed up his mechanics. Endres was good too. But you are right, we haven't had much since Dan O.
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